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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Don't forget to leave out mince pies and carrots,for the big man and his friend's. Have a great Christmas.
  2. Thanks Grace,Yes I am on the mend.I did also do a first Aid at work course.So I know all there is to know about fractures.
  3. The start of the year,The boat was out of the water until almost Easter.Seemed forever.So pleased when we got back on the water.July 2,Marina and I was married 40 years,Which we spent in Berlin.Mum in-laws home town.Great to revisit we hope to go back next summer.July Marina had a op on her wrist.September two weeks on the boat,Sadly the weather was not great.27 September I fell over,after just finishing a health and safety course. I did not make that up.Breaking two bones,one in each arm,as if that was bad enough will have a op on my hernia next year. My wish for next year is a very tall order.Lets hope there is more peace in the world.Those that hate,should look to those that put there own lives at risk to help others.So many have done so this year.Men and women.In Mancester,London and sadly in many other countries. In uniform and members of the public.They are true heroes and deserve respect. To all my friends on the Net I wish you all a great Christmas and a happy 2017.
  4. Sometimes the tv flashes up,what programme we are watching.Yet we have not toached anything. As I said we are all doomed.
  5. Sorry to put a damper on things,it is after all the first day of winter.Okay it will get lighter but still a long way until the sun cream comes out.
  6. Before we got married,I was living at home.We had a white budge.He could only speak one word.S@@@.A word he often used.Often taking to the mirror. He would get carried away,the mirror would swing around hitting him on the head;causing him to swear for Britain.One night I was watching a horror film.Just when you knew something was going to happen,He fell off.I jumped he jumped and he said S@@@ S@@@ S@@@.I gave him another word that was not S@@@.Its funny how he always got it in the right context.
  7. Off subject,but when the kids were little.One day Alan said F@@@ it I Said to Nicola his sister what did he say.He said F@@@ it.I could not really tell her off.Just said that's not a very nice word.Dont know where they learnt that.Must be there Mother.
  8. Great little film.Shows how things have and have not changed,but a shame Great Yarmouth is not so great at present.
  9. His Lordship picked James and Sarah to be his partners.Thats a first for the show.
  10. Mo Farrah,has won sports personality of the year.Very worthy winner a credit to his sport and country.Well done Sir Mo.
  11. Also a Blonde living near by to us who tried to take him to court.
  12. Being a bit of a liability in business has never got in the way of many in business. I just think his Lordship could turn him into a a success.
  13. Part one Joe and Kata have won Strictly.Great to See someone without any dance training.Well done to them.I have picked the last 4 winners.
  14. This weekend three finals.Tonight strictly. I hope Joe wins think he has done very well.Sunday evening,sports personality,got to be Lewis Hamilton,then the Apprentice. Most of which were fairly dim,however think it will be James.
  15. The Service is taking place at present,at St Paul' s Remembering those sadly lost in that dark and sad sad night which also affected so many others. Lets hope something like this does not happen again.My thoughts go out to all those at Grenfell Tower.
  16. Hope you get well soon.Look after yourself. Ian
  17. I may be wrong,but think most yards can go it alone,many do so already.
  18. Surely the shortist day is the 21 December not tommow?
  19. Lots of snow in Belvedere Kent now,but don' think it will settle.We hope to get our tree today.
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