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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Boats and bridges is a spectator sport. Lots of people on the bridge at Wroxham .Waiting for something to happen.
  2. Will wait and see,that site has been empty for a number of years now.
  3. What are they going to put in the old broads hotel site?
  4. There has been talk about this for a number of years now.It will be interesting to see how it develops.
  5. I have flown in a DC3 and DC9 if that helps
  6. Have a good one Grace with the odd one or two's of vino. Best wishes Ian
  7. I remember when I was a child we went to Spain by car,When we saw other GB cars we waved.Since then been across to France many times by car.Fellow Fan don't wave anymore Ian
  8. Yes as you said most people do also
  9. Just watched it took me back.Had a few holidays in the mid sixties as a child.Cant remember the dates as such.Must have been around the same time.Always remember seeing the coasters.The next time I went in 1974 with my mother from Loddon ,on a boat I think was called Capril.Never been able to find out any information about the yard. Ian
  10. NBN members also get a discount there
  11. Little ships appear on the show,The other day they were on a place in the country. Great boats ,if I wasn't a boat owner would give them a go.
  12. I did the tour today.Really good it was also.Very impressed our tour guide gave us lots of info and insights.If you like cricket and have not done the tour.Please do so.Strictly gets everywhere in the museum is a jacket worn by Mark Ramprakash, when he won strictly season four.Some pics
  13. I remember years back we went to Scotland ,think it was a Friday or Saturday. The rain was lashing down.Stright in your face.The boys and girls on there way to the pub/club.No coats just handbags,even the girls Ian
  14. It's my guess because Halloween falls midweek they are having it today. Ian
  15. Was that the one with the small ships and Thurne mill?
  16. We are lucky we have owned houses for nearly four years.Some years back thanks to a well known bank that I used to work for who mucked up my pension,then gave me a large pay off.I paid off the mortgage,which was a large chunk of our money. Are we rich no but certainly better off now.When we were younger money was at Back to the menu.Nostalgia is not what it used to be. Ian
  17. Lots of posts on Facebook.Saying 29 October C4.
  18. James has described it much better then I.Our boat is hydraulic. The boat works fine we keep a check on the hydraulic fluid and we have the boat serviced every year.All in all no real problems.
  19. Talking about supermarkets,When we are up and stocking up in Morrison's,Tesco,Roy's etc the London in me comes out in me.Always behind someone with 3 speeds one forward 2 backwards.almost impossible to get past them.Then as others have pointed out.They can't find there money,credit/debit cards OH please you oney have four items.Then they take 20 minutes putting said items away after recounting the day with the checkout person.Please I want to get on the boat.Still they do say good day Ian Ps perhaps I need to go on a anger management course. Perhaps not the last time I broke a few bones.
  20. Thanks to Marina on Friday I am doing the tour of Lords,can't wait.For many years I have been a great fan of the game.I still.have not got to a match,perhaps next year.Now for the rules two teams decide with the toss of a coin who goes in.the team that lost go out,they try to get the team that is in out.When they do they go in and the team that was in try to get the team that was out,but now in out.Then they do it all again.Of course because we invented it we stop for lunch and tea. I am sure Iain would approve Ian
  21. In the past we have at times got close at Brundall. Earlier this year the water was low we had just enough water to move.A few years back in the summer going to Beecles the river was more like a stream. PS hope you got in in the end Ian
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