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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Wishing one and all a very merry Christmas and a happy boating new year.From Ian, Marina and Sweetkingfisher.
  2. Pleased these dogs will not be put down.Hope they get a full pension. I think it is a disgrace,that men women and indeed animals are treated once they leave the force's. They put there lives on the line and should be treated with respect .
  3. That' correct hire boats are not allowed to be on the move after dark.
  4. I think the idea is to extend free moorings from 24 to 48 hours over the winter.Dont think it could work in the season.Will be interesting to see how it works out.
  5. It's funny no one's mentioned Gin and T.
  6. Hard luck boys played really well.It was close
  7. Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you get
  8. Don' think my taste in music changes,but yes we tend to drink more tea. Often having a cooked breakfast. Since owning a boat it' great apart from the pocket. As already said.Often Marina will go up Friday mornings,I will go from work at Liverpool street. Once on the train,into broads mood .As for owning a boatm,go for it Grace. Ian
  9. It' beginning to look like Christmas with every card I write.
  10. Good luck to England in the rugby league world cup final,against Australia.Lets hope for a win and helps our boys playing in the Ashes to.I would support my country in sport even it was hop scotch world finals.Gook luck boys. Ian
  11. Today is the first day of Advert,Marina and I got chocolate. Only 24 days to go.Santa knows who's been good and who' been bad.He's got my list.
  12. Sorry it has to be at least 80f for me to wear shorts.
  13. My guess they will keep them for hire for a few years then sell them on.
  14. Have had both.At cove Brundall,we have fixed it's okay for us.
  15. CC (our other cat)are you happy now you had your FISH?
  16. My cat poppy (pops).She has a good life,tomorrow like most Sundays she's got fish and she can sleep by the fire. Ian
  17. Not been to the White Horse. It' a great pub always look forward to going there.Dont forget the community shop across from the pub.Great little shop.
  18. Sadly our book is having a rest for the winter.Have a good time,Don't know what it's like there very cold but sunny in Kent Ian
  19. Back to hospital this morning.First to the dentist. Last Saturday my crown came out.Guilty party wine gum.So this morning of to the dentist. All most there realised I left the crown at home,So got a cab to go home pick up the crown then onto the dentist. Just my luck even with Sat nav he didn't have a clue. Then hospital. The Doctor has discharged me.Given me a open appointment if I suffer pain to go back to him. There is a slim chance in future I will need a op.So mixed day glad it' getting better.
  20. Not guilty to maggots,I don' fish only cook them.Dont know where that came from.At present I am working evens.Have seen a few,but Marina has had to put up with the most which is not nice for her.I did not notice any last night or this morning. Fingers cross they won't come back. Ian
  21. The RNLI only get money from the public.No government or lottery funding.Just through the public.All in all it cost about a million pounds a day to keep going.So the public are wounderfull in there support.
  22. There are a number of independent lifeboat groups,That also do a great job and deserve support to.
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