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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Just arrived at the boat show,Will post more later
  2. The low life that robbed us a few years back,kindly left a screwdriver on our daughters bed.Also tryed to sell stuff to undercover Police. He went down for 5 years.Hope he likes porridge!Griff hope they get him
  3. Sorry I was not referring to Brooms.I understand they and others have to test,sometimes at speed.As I said they and other boat builders are important to the area.
  4. I fully agree regarding broads based boat builders.Long may they continue and is an important part of the East coast.Regarding speeding in general,this is still a problem .Some think it is funny,let's hope once caught they won't see the funny side then
  5. Tell you what I am going to the boat show. I could ask them.
  6. There are clearly a number of issues here,they along with other groups are allowed to exceed the speed limit.This is controlled. I don't have a problem with this.Having moored at Brundall for nearly nine years it's something that does not worry me.In fact been thrown around more on Breydon. The issue of showing a boat flat out on the broads is perhaps giving the wrong impression. At sea fine. Now if I luckly enough to own a new Brooms,mine would be a whiskey not gin palace
  7. Welcome from me also,don' forget to give us a update on your adventures. Ian
  8. Welcome Mark sounds like a interesting life you have.Bacon buttons are important also. Ian Ps think have done the mid life bit,although one thing left would like to learn to fly.
  9. Sad to hear,I hope no one was hurt
  10. I agree with Grace (it would be a mistake not to ). Ian
  11. Like it or not they are allowed to go over the speed limit as too are water ski boats.Must say all the years at Brundall never seen there boats going that fast.
  12. Went to Farnborough a few years back,I hope to go this year.For a number of years I worked for a event company. One year got in for free.And yes I love aircraft. Would love to learn to fly. Ian
  13. Yes I am a Chelsea fan,but also a big fan of England,Football,Rugby Cricket you name it.If we were playing world cup of hop scotch I would be rooting for the team.
  14. Thanks to Marina I did a tour this morning of Wembley. On the way going through London bridge station.It was completed on Monday,after three years.They have done a good job.Where possible they retained parts of the arches.Wembley,went to the old ground this was the first time in the New one.What a great stadium.We lined up in the tunnel as there were a few Germans it was England v Germany.I was picked to lead out England.So I can say I have lead out England at Wembley. A great day.If you like football and have not been give it a visit.Some pics. Ian
  15. Yes the only thing I am good at is cooking.We use people who we trust to help maintain the boat.It works for us.For sure as others have said its not cheap, but the rewards are many.The adventure starts as soon as we travel to Norfolk.We can go as often as we can.The main reason I could afford a boat was once I have gave up the cigs.One of the best things I did.
  16. My bout anti fouled last year,A bit dearer about 500 pounds for our 29 footer.service costs about the same.Its well worth getting the boat serviced every year.
  17. CC likes to wake me up in the morning. Still I get my own back by doing the same to her in the afternoon.
  18. You may have seen a eight week old pup,named Ronnie.dumped at Battersea.He was brought on line.For sure he will find a nice home ,but why do not give it more thought.Most of our pets have come from Battersea or the RSPCA. Tess who sadly not with us came from Battersea. She loved life and was a big part of our family. Poppy our black cat from the RSPCA.17 years old and going strong.She loves her fish big time.CC which we got from a kitten from a family in Suffork.She can talk for Britain. We love them all.We would love to have another dog,but that will wait until we retire. People must think hard before getting pets ,pets having feeling to. Ian
  19. As I said I am on Facebook and Twitter. They both are very useful. You just use to your advantage. For example I often tweet southeasten. The other week my train was cold (outside temp 3.c)they quickly returned my tweet.The down side is when it's misused.I think the provider's need to work more with the Police,Governments etc to bring those that break the law to book.I to limit the people that are my friends. Ian Ps your all my friends here
  20. I am on Facebook and Twitter. Will dip in and out of both.They have there use.Also on most of the Broads groups again just to see what's going on.However the Net is the only one I use the most.
  21. It is sad and as Boycee said,sad for those that work there.It is Norwich and Mustard is Norwich.It will be interesting to see what happens to the site.
  22. Welcome from me what kind of boat,how long is a piece of string?It depends on how much you want to spend how many cabins new or old etc. As Alan said get on a few mailing lists such as NYA,NBS etc.Visit boat yards ie Herbert Woods.Pay a visit to the London boat show.One thing for sure you get a good feeling when you find the right boat. Ian
  23. Chelsea14Ian


    Getting a bit of a blow on the way to London.Stay safe people.
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