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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. If its the one I am thinking of about 4 or five years ago.Brooms have I think got a small shop further back.Must say never used it thou
  2. Part of the problem is the geography.As far as I can see there is no space to put a shop close to the water.Do the yards want to invest in shops?maybe not they perhaps put there money in there core business.
  3. We have had boats for nearly nine years now,and all but three or four months have been based at Brundall. At Eastwoods,which is now NBS and now cove.Both of which great moorings. We also get on with other yards and spend lots in wards.For us it' good and handy to be based.The Yare is our local,I am not a great fan of the food it's okay but the same menus since I can remember. That said its still our local.Okay it' not the same as many northen places.There are shops in the village,Okay not close to the water and it would be nice if there were more visitor moorings.
  4. What smells do you like,remind you of something,makes you smile etc.For me coming into Norwich going past Coleman's and the smell of mint.Long gone now on the way to London bridge station going past the Jacobs factory and the smell of biscuits. Even now after many years in the trade the smell of Danish pastries and coffee in the morning.
  5. Well done Ireland,sadly England were not good enough.
  6. We are hoping to be on the boat for a few days at Easter,fingers crossed.I won' return to work. or three weeks,then still nothing heavy for eight odd weeks after that. I see where you are with the name.You could add OH my Hernia.
  7. Great film,not a life jacket in sight and many going for a dip in the broad.Liked the shopping list,don' think many would want most of it now.
  8. They wanted me to do also and to see how I walked.Had my op about 10.30 and left about six.
  9. Been home about 15 minutes,all gone well in some pain but not to bad.Think Marina will post a pic of me in hospital. Those of a nervous disability you may want to look away.
  10. Being a chef I have been told to take two to three week off and not to lift anything heavier then a kettle for 8 to ten weeks.That will be interesting.
  11. Sorry should say HMS not ham silly phone.
  12. This weekend marks her 80 birthday,there are a number of events on the Ship to celebrate her birthday. Meet the veterans learn how to do your name in Morse, flags etc.Learn her history. I would like to go but think won't be able following my op.The event is free,but you still need to pay to go onto the ship
  13. Thanks Paul, Marina said Graham has been on the boat she wants to know if the covers are back on.Hopefully we will be on the boat for Easter. For sure if I was a stunt man I would be on a few more bob.
  14. I had a phone call today,and I am going in to have my op tomorrow .I have mixed feelings about it ,for sure I am nervous until it's over,but will be happy once it's done.Not had a op the closest I got was when I had the snip.I said to the Doctor will it hurt.He said only if I get my fingers in the way
  15. If you do go South.lots of places Oulton jump on a train to Lowerstoft. Beccles great place almost like time stood steal.Norwich plenty of good shops bars and restaurants
  16. Welcome to the forum.Is it your first time on the broads?If so I would suggest you stick to the northern broads for the first time.Neatishead is lovely. Be sure to visit the Whitehorse in the village,food and beer first class.You can look at the houses pin the way.Many of which run into the millions.Most if the broads are very pretty. Do tell us about your trip with some pics. Best wishes Ian
  17. A true great man who left his mark on science and the world.He could also take the micky out of himself.Why he was never Knighted is a mystery to me.RIP Sir.
  18. Stu what can u not do.Me I cook and drive boats that's about it!
  19. If you miss game, Morrison's are selling Dragon's Eggs.Lets hope they are like the ones in Game.Start off small and grow really big.
  20. Indeed I grow up watching him,always made me smile.RIP Sir Ken.
  21. Seems like a good idea,Will be interesting to see the outcome
  22. And you won't .fall off the end of the Earth.
  23. I agree avoid Friday's and Saturdays,lots of great places,Loddon.Try the white horse the BA free moorings nice loos and showers.The ferry house Surlingham. Pre book your moorings and table great pub and food.Coldham hall Surlingham do the same pre book moorings and table.Stay at the YS Oulton broad,you can get the train to Lowerstoft only takes ten minutes. Enyoy the southern broads,but don't tell everyone.
  24. England what happened.Well done France and well done Ireland on winning the Six Nations.We need to pick up the pieces and get a good result against Ireland.
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