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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Liveaboard or not during the winter most thing grind to a halt.Its not easy for anyone.Liveaboards have a hard time.I think it's a pity BA can't be more helpful.
  2. The weekend on SK,weather could have been better,in the mine the rain kept off when we were moving along. It seems temps by the end of the week will increase.Lets hope so I for one want some sun and warmth .
  3. Them birds would Nick anything
  4. I have done the Lancaster,four Merlins go off wow. Ps Griff please tell why Kelly Brook on BA? Ian
  5. Freedom do and NBN get a discount.
  6. We Got to the Ferry house about 3 o'cock. Light rain along the way.Moored then lots of rain the rest of the day.Sadly we will be making our way back to cove this morning. Still been a good first trip of the season.
  7. We us brooms close to us .David at Cove can do fuel and gas.Steve (07946663053) at Beccles not sundays does fuel and pump.NYA has fuel you need to sign up and pay a fee then you get a discount on fuel.
  8. We are at Loddon bit chilly overnight. Dinner last night at the White horse Chedgrave. New menu very good. In about an hour will make our way to the ferry house Surlingham. Booked in for dinner and overnight. What ever you are doing have a good one Ian.
  9. Hi you are moored next to us at Cove,we picked up the boat yesterday.We are at Loddon today about 6 or 7 boats here.Two of which Silverline. Best wishes Ian,boat Sweetkingfisher.
  10. Glad your getting there John all the best Ian.
  11. Just one question would you be happy to drive a boat when 50 plus people are in the water.I wouldn't am I a kill joy no.To mix swimmers and boats in such a confined space is I would suggest wrong. I think this has been forced on us.Perhaps all concerned should have been consulted much earlier. Do we have some rights to the water no.We do share the water with many.I for one am happy to do so,but this idea I feel is poorly thought out.
  12. I agree Griff have only ever come across one or two people in the water. It's okay for me I have 365 days to go boating if I want,I will not be anywhere near there.Sorry but I think it's in the wrong place and time.
  13. Just out of interest HMP Wakefield has a mullberry bush and the Prisoners would go around the bush.Not many people know that.
  14. To gain speed on Take off,sometimes like the Flintstones everyone would have to run along the runway, just like Fred.
  15. Funny.Remember Dan Air.Cheap airline they had outside loos.
  16. Many of us seem to have the same concern,myself included. Just for a minute. You put a large group of swimmers in the river,add inexperienced boaters who have never come across a large group of people in the water.It could go very wrong. I have seen near misses with boats and sailing boats. You only have to watch change over days to see what can happen.Do you stop boating for the event?Think that would be a mistake in high season.
  17. Never quite played at Chelsea,but my team did.Many moons ago I worked at the Berekley Hotel one year we won three cups I was in the reserves.One cup was played at the Bridge.There was a few Chelsea players there and I got to have a chat with them.
  18. What's your bucket list? Here's mine: To learn how to fly To fly inverted over the Grand Cannon To fly in the rear seat of any of the following: Red 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,Or 9. To visit Victoria falls To visit Angel falls To go back to Italy * To score the winning goal for Chelsea in the FA cup or champions league. (this may not happen). *Been once would love to go again. Learn Spainish or Italian. Not a very big list but hope to do some of them.I have been lucky done a fair bit of travel. Done a bit of flying and own a boat on the broads.Now what's yours? Ian
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