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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. The meds are not for colds,but to use if I develop problems with my breathing. I must keep them to hand,I have also got a advice sheet if and when to use them.After getting pneumonia I had a one off pneumonia jab.Eash year a flu jab.Its okay at present and I knew sooner or later I would get a cold.All in all to go two plus years without a cold is not bad going.
  2. When I came out of hospital and saw my doctor they gave me a rescue pack.Which is antibiotics and steroids,which I can take if it becomes a problem. At the moment it's just a cold.What I have learnt is to read if I am really not well.
  3. I to like many miss Iain.He loved his sport and the broads.I agree think he would be pleased his team got promoted,and having a wee dram.
  4. About two days ago a cold came on,My first real cold since I had pneumonia over two years ago.A little worrying because it can and does affect my breathing.Hope it goes by next weekend,because we are going away.
  5. Marina don't understand Paul! Sometimes she's a little bit Essex
  6. But Maurice next your say walking to the pub helps!
  7. In the main it's a very good but not cheap bug.I first had two holidays on the broads as a child,first forward to 2002 or 3.Alan hosted us for the day on a boat.From there we stared to Hire,in the end week at Easter 2 weeks in the summer day hire etc.Then buying ourfirst boat in 2009.We now intend to move to Norfolk in a few years time.What would be good is a house with a moorings. As we know the broads act as a magnet and others have said there's no cure.Just take often and enjoy the bug.
  8. Not sure about myself I am about 12/13 stone and six foot.I would like to do more exercise,running is out of the question. Having COPD rules that out.I would like to do swimming the problem being finding a slot.These days pools are used by clubs,schools etc.That for sure is good,but it makes it difficult to just go for a swim when you want.Hands up I do like chocolate and being a Chef.My diet could be setter.If I was a school report.It would be trys hard but could do better.
  9. Sorry can't help way to old for a lad
  10. It's my guess the hire companies would have a licence in the same way as hotels do.Therefore they are covered,if you to have a licence you will be covered.Why not Google,Mr Google knows everything
  11. You can get plates made, ours were done by Brian Ward and as members you get a discount
  12. Welcome from me to,four days is not to long.Pubs the white horse in Neatishead,great pub for beer and food,many beers brewed there.The new inn Horning.Great food,The village has a very good deli little shops etc.Events not sure check on line.Night life Norwich(you would have to travel by train)Great Yarmouth. Fishing can't help there.I dont fish.
  13. Nostalgia not what it used to be.
  14. Perhaps Harry can take her for a Birthday spin
  15. Saw three Apache Helicopters this morning flying overhead in Bexleyheath. My guess they were taking part in a fly past In London due to the fact today is the Queens Birthday. Pic attached all be it 3 dots in the sky.Zoom in for a better view
  16. The sun is out,it's warm and it's almost the weekend.So post your sunny pics.Heres some of mine from last year. Then have one of these.Have a great weekend everyone Ian ?
  17. Not a fan of fast food,pubs we go when we can New Inn Horning,both white horses,ferry house Surlingham,waters edge. Just to mention a few.I hear some do fast food as well.
  18. Sorry won't be able to be there.My best wishes to all helping out.
  19. Don't have a problem paying my fair share a different matter if they were to increase just because I have my own boat.What I would sugest those that want to pay over the odds Go ahead I am sure BA would be happy
  20. Sorry but I would not want to pay more tolls,just because theres more boats on the river.
  21. I take it you dont have a boat then.
  22. At home I like to recycle,on the broads it' s not that easy there's very few recycing bins those that are around are often full to overflowing.Its all to easy for the I don't care few to leave rubbish where they want.I think the local councils and BA should sit down and work out a plan to sort out waste collections.
  23. Before they were to charge me and others more.I think they need to review what and where they spend our money .Then put in a costed plan of any increases.
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