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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Sorry but there's only one Concorde
  2. The last BA Concorde in service is now going on Display in Bristol. I have been over the prototype at Duxsford .If I get a chance would like to see the one at Bristol. Inside it is very small.Sadly I never got a chance to fly on her,what a plane when you think the design was sixties.I did see the last flight from work,5 or 6 can't remember went over what a sight.Sadly I think we missed a trick Think the Americans put a block on it and would have been great if they came up with further developments. Suppose it came down to money.All that is left of Concorde,is her call sign.Speed bird 1.That is now used by BA planes flying from London city Airport to New York. Ian .
  3. The other week we were at Oulton Nd Beccles it was blowing a good un,50-60 mph.That was interesting.
  4. I like watching it,yet I don't like watching it.Most of them are nuts.I would not let them run a bath,Let alone a business. That I think is the reason for the show.I have mentioned this before. The first series one of the tasks was the group split in two.One making and selling pasta,the other group pizza.They were told to provide enough for 300 hundred people. The group making pizza did so in my old kitchen (event catering).We did events from 50 to 1000 plus people. They ordered 300 pound in weight of for 300 pizzas .The cheh pointef out that's 1 pound per pizza. They could not get there head round that.When they went back to the board room,Sugar ripped them apart.
  5. Your right there's always one that spin the same line "everything I toach turns to gold" "I am a money making machine "etc.You know they have as much chance winning as I have of me getting a world record in the long jump.It makes good tv.Some of last year's group appeared on other programmes.
  6. Last night a new series of the Apprentice started.Just finished Astronauts do you have what it takes.Lets mixes them up.Send a group of so called business leaders into space and let them set up a brace there.The group last night had a problem making and marketing burgers.I surpose more room would have to be make up and hair gel. I think the Apprentices could learn from Watching the Astronauts how to problem solve,work as a group etc.many of those trying to get there hands on 250k,are far from be allowed to manage themselves let alone run a business. Ian
  7. Peter I would stand for that,I would sit down
  8. In all honesty it's something I have never used or likely to in future. As Peter said it is a commercial operation,so I feel they should pay for it themselves .
  9. Parking is ferry marine,the foot ferry is the pub.
  10. Don't know much about it I thought it was run by the pub.
  11. As I understand they tryed all sorts of mint and found mint from Brundall to meet there needs.
  12. I hope they stay in Norwich. Mustard is Norwich and Norwich is mustard.As for mint always like the smell when we arrive by boat.All the mint used comes from Brundall by the way.
  13. Doug,Just seen on BBC breakfast. No flights leaving the UK,but plans to bring people home at or close to due time on other carriers. As for Ryanair,for sure they have problems but I don't think they will.go bust
  14. I got Marina to take the photo I posted on Facebook poking my tongue out, aimed at our niece Barbara. Who thought it was funny to take the mick.I will get my own back.
  15. It does not have to be a big chain to work. Look at the Lion at Thurne. It's been turned around and now is a great pub.
  16. That Grace would be more painful then it is now.Plus I would not be welcome down the bridge
  17. Not sure big chains don't go for the broads. In fact can't think of any on the water.There are many in Norwich for example. Due mainly down to being in the city
  18. Heres a pic of me with two slings. The Doctor suggested I swap from one to the other. The pain killers are starting to work.Next up unrelated flu jab Wednesday. Slings are the right colour Ian
  19. It can and should stay as a pub,can't see any other thing working.It just needs to be well managed and money spent on it
  20. I agree with Alan it has the potential for the season,but some thought has to be done out of season.I really do hope someone makes a go of it.Theres not secret I am not a fan.Have been there just a few times,different land lords.Never impressed. It can be turned round.For sure it will take a few bob.If someone takes it on now. It can be done ready for spring.
  21. Let's hope someone takes it on that will give it the care and love that it deserves.
  22. Just watched strictly. I think already there clear water between the dancers.Debbie Aston and Alexander were way out in front. There's some that will improve and some that have a long way to go. Ian
  23. Went to my local hospital this morning. The pain killers don't seem to be working. So have been given more pain killers. Will soon rattle,and a better sling (in fact two).Seems like a carry on movie. Plus he is trying to get me an earlier appointment for the fracture clinic.
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