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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. The oil level will help it to raise,Yes by all means use dripping in work I have to use oil because of the veggies Ian
  2. It is busy yes some boats leave it late to moor last night perhaps 6 to 8 boats tried to get in here (Thurne)with no luck.
  3. We come up all year round up to about nov/Dec then hotels over the winter.Each month is dfferant and well worth coming. Some yards do let out boats over the winter. Ian
  4. Perhaps one reason up north the other day the ba boat was on South Walsham broad for about 2 hours it seemed not to be doing much.Thursday at Ranworth again for about an hour.
  5. Years ago when I was in the hotels,A German chef liked eating Yorkshire puds with strawberries and cream,even though they were made with beef fat.
  6. Yorkshire puds.One cup of plain flour,one cup of eggs,one cup o milk.Mix together,set aside for at least half an hour.Lots of oil,about half way up a tin get hot then fill in tin almost to top.In the oven check after half an hour.
  7. So pleased that someone has taken on a business and made a go of it.Good luck to them.
  8. My point does it matter perhaps not.However when we got our first boat.Little Kingfisher.One of the first things I did was to get an SSR and have done so also with Sweetkingfisher.
  9. I cant see the point of hire craft flying the Red Ensign. If you hire a boat and want to fly a flag fly your county or town flag.
  10. Yes that would have been put on by NYA.Not hire slight deference charter.Some Wherries will also fly the Red Ensign. Some of which a chartered
  11. The union flag becomes the Union Jack,once it's on a Royal Navy Ship.The Red Ensign is on private boats .
  12. Over the last few days we have seen boats hired and private,flying the Union flag.One boat(hired)flying the Red Ensign.
  13. Grace there's no monsters down south we eat them all and if you head south you fall off the end of the world.
  14. If I use the New Inn for example,we have booked for 1500pm and will arrive at that time,so the moorings is free until then.I agree with John have seen a boat moored outside a pub eating and drinking there own stuff.That is unfair to others.
  15. I think it is so sad about Berney arms Like Peter saw on fb about moooring fees and the cafe .I think the only way is for the free hold to be sold and a fresh start. Let's hope that happens soon.
  16. I agree if that happen to me I would moor regardless.As for pub moorings it is fair to ask you to eat there of you reserve a moorings.We are booked there tonight and are on our way now.
  17. I am sure Alan (jaws orca)can give you a price).
  18. The hood thing about boats,In the main it's a great leveler.I can talk and share news with someone who's got a million +boat in the same one who's up on the broads for there first trip. What I do feel is funny is some people that hire for example Broadsman boats and some will look down on you.Strange that they forget that
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