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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. It coats me about 1700 pounds.to moor tolls just over 300 insurance 150.Then other running costs 500 +.Thats on a good year.Over winter to take boat out other bits and bobs anther 500.As I said before we enjoy doing so and the boat is our second home.We are lucky the odd weekend elsewhere the start of the month spent in Berlin. We both work hard and while we can we will do the same thing.
  2. What's the New Inn Rockland like now?I used to like it very much.The last time we went there last year.The chef left.I was not impressed with the food.
  3. Since a little boy I have loved tomatoes. We lived with my grand parents. My Grandfather always grow Tom's and yet he never would eat them.I always went and had the odd Tom.Tomatoes and mushrooms could make me a veggie. Bacon would stop me.Tomatoes have so many uses.I am not a bad gardener.Sadly won't win medals at Chelsea football.or flower show.I have 3 Tom plants not bad amount of fruit,but would welcome advice on training the plants. Ian
  4. Even though we are close sadly never seen it open,hopefully we will see it open one day.Grace on a good day you may see a Sweetkingfisher!
  5. We need to check out what the beers like,it's only fair
  6. Yes in many ways it don't make.We like many used to hire,at first two weeks in the summer,Then a week at Easter and the odd dat boat.That cost a few bob.Then I stopped smoking,Alan wanted a GPS,so we went to the boat show and got our first boat.Would I give it up no.Not while I can afford it.Always look forward to be on the boat.Recently I have had a few Flying lessons. Don't like I can afford a plane.
  7. Welcome Paul.There as others have said lots of good places down south.We are moored at Brundall,Just across form us is Coldham Hall very good food at drink,many beers from woodfordes and wines from Surlingham. Norwich has everything,Oulton broad catch the train 10 minutes to Lowerstoft. Then a visit to Beccles. Best wishes Ian
  8. Where has the Chef from The Lavender house gone any news?
  9. Charlie do you know what a tea towel is?
  10. Carole Try the Tamarind fine Indian dining at Blofield. 01603716633.Very good. Ian
  11. Most boats will be worse off if they hit it.Its a Pedro which is metal.Still I would not moor there.
  12. Indeed he has done a great job on firefly.
  13. Thanks for sharing that Peter looks interesting.
  14. Welcome from me to,yes a great first post.Its true boats and the broads gets in your blood.Your correct we are not a bad bunch.most of us don't bite.Only a few.Hope you have a good trip.We are up the first two weeks in September. Ian
  15. Chris we are lucky owning a boat we spend much of our spare time on the river.During the winter we still check on the boat and tour around Norfolk and Suffolk. I agree the North Norfolk coast is well worth visiting. Ian
  16. I have just watched Normal for Norfolk,recorded on my planner. It goes out on Monday on bbc2.This is the second series. If you have not seen it try to do so.It centres on Desmond at Wiveton hall close to Clay.He has farm land Gardens hoilday cottages and a cafe.He has a hard job keeping his head above water.He is delightfully potty,they have there own water supply,which starts to run low.Desmond know of another source. He and his gardeners check out a well.He the tests the water,by drinking it.Then he gets one of the men to so the same.Must be as potty as him.Above all he maybe slightly potty,but he ,his family get on with it Ian
  17. Have been in the Wherry a few times.The last time a few years back.Went for .a drink in the afternoon and booked.Marina can't have to much fat so we booked and requested new potatoes instead of roast potatoes, and a few other things.Thats not a problem.We turned up no new potatoes or other items we had pre ordered in the afternoon.Okay we did get a discount.Was not impressed on the times we were there before.I am not a fan of caverys ,But being in the business I expect good service, needless to say I won't be back
  18. Marina mum was from Berlin.When I first went out with Marina,her mum had a bottle of Jagermeister in the cupboard.It was like cough medicine. Then a few years ago someone had the idea of adding red ball.The rest is history. Is a shot of red eye,a poke in the eye? Ian
  19. Try the Waverny.We went there at Easter,staff were helpful and good pub food.Peter I am sure will give you more info. Ian
  20. from me sorry can't help with fishing.I am sure other members can help.Hope you enjoy your trip. Ian
  21. The only problem I have come across,was about 5 or 6 years ago we were moored at a pub.There was a singles group meeting there.Oddly middle aged.One man one woman both had to much to drink they thought it was fun to jump uninvited onto some ones boat.I told them in no uncertain terms that was not in,adding that don't even try doing that on my boat.What are you going to do about it he said.First I will speak to the land Lord or the Police.They were asked to go.
  22. Must admit never so far had a problem with pubs and unruly customers.Perhaps we have been lucky.
  23. Welcome done to the England women winning the cricket world cup.Great result.Chris Frome winning his forth Tour da France.Sadly the weather just now is not to good.
  24. Let's use time travel and go back and put emoticons in simple
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