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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. When did you work there.Me 80s until 1993
  2. He wasn't that good at telling jokes,but he had good comic timing.In his prime he was quick.Very funny as I said a great alrounder.Although he went through a few marriages a big family man.My thoughts are with them.Keep dancing in heaven Bruce
  3. That's sad for me a good whiskey is one of life's pleasures. I feel the same way however with Gin.When I first worked for Nat West for a time I drunk Gin.Not done do since.Stick with my Whiskey. Now Grace what's your favourite wine. Ian
  4. We will be up in two weeks time.SK.is to high to get under Potter, I do miss doing so and hope to get a day boat this time.
  5. I to like Highland park,some of our friends lived in Oben and We have been to the Distillery,which is almost on the sea front.Also like Irish.Early this year we went to Norfolks St George's. A blend but very nice.I like my whiskey no water or ice. Ian
  6. Just seen the BBC programme looking back on his life.A great entertainer,dancer and comic.Many out standing moments .One was when he was with Norman Wisdom,Wall pampering.So funny.My favourites were the Gen game and strictly.Sadly missed RIP Sir Brucies.I am sure he now showing the Angels how to dance.
  7. It depends on what time you pick up the boat and the tides.You don't want to fight the tides,best to go with the tides.Do you intend to stop at Yarmouth?Some great spots on the Ant well worth a visit. Have a good time. Ian
  8. Don't want her to get big headed,but Marina Works out the tides.Mostly gets it right.For a few years now I have kept a log,making entries of times dates crew members,weather,fuel pump out.Costs etc.I find it useful and interesting .
  9. Christmas or not,what's the food . like at the Hotel.Been a few years since we had a meal there.Does any one what it's like now? Ps Christmas is coming the goose is getting fat,so please put a penny in the old man's hat.
  10. Sorry if I go slightly off subject.For many years I was on The IMB at Belmarsh prison.You would not believe how many times papers and tv got the facts wrong.The point I am making is poor reporting is not a new thing,it's been around for years. Ian
  11. from another Kingfisher.My boat is called Sweetkingfisher. Back to moorings,people being people.Some will moor where ever they want.There is plenty of information available.Yards have a info booklet with moorings spots marked all boats have the broadcaster on board.As I said some will take no notice.Oh look there's a nice place to moor.If I thought boats moored in the wrong place,I may well tell them they can't moor there
  12. Strictly starts the end of the month,and I love it.Each year I apply for tickets already have a knock back for the pre show which is the only one that is pre recorded.Back to Mo and Bolt.Mo is going to do road running,I am sure Usain will do other things.Well done to the 4 by 100 team on winning Gold.
  13. Two greats of sport bowed out tonight.Sir Mo Farah and Usain Bolt.It did not end the way they and us wanted.However they both entertained us.What great sportsman they Are I wish them the very best for the future.Sometimes a sports man or woman comes along from another country and is taken in like one of our own.Mr Bolt is one such man.He and Mo truely greats sportsman.I hoped see them,but could not get tickets.Perhaps now they have some spare time they can do strictly,
  14. Good advice from all those above,waterproofs and sun tan lotion (it is England).never mind the tea and coffee,just the rum and whiskey .
  15. I thought we were talking about moorings. Don't mention football after today thou
  16. The girls are pretty,and when you go South remember you wont fall off the edge of the world.
  17. Griff has summed it up well.If you do need a pump out there are plenty of places that Will do so.Theres no need to worry.As Griff has said you may well go a week without a pump out.Just go with the flow,pardon the pun. Ian
  18. from me let's hear a bit about you.Do you have a boat,hire or just interested in the broads. Ian
  19. I have mixed views on this one,I understand your views on noise.These diesels are noisey but when we go to Oulton we jump on the train to Lowerstoft,always pleased to travel on one of the old diesels.Our last house was about 30 yards from the track,always busy. Yet it was strange at Christmas no trains.that house and this is on the flight path of London city Airport
  20. to the forum.I would suggest you go with the tides keep you speed down you should be okay.Most yards work out on average how much you will use.Why not phone the yard they can let you know the best way forward.what ever have a good trip.let us have some pics Ian
  21. Our first boat Shetland 4+2 21 foot.Big horn small boat
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