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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. We used to have a Shetland 4+2 we never stern on.Ihave seen outboard cages,which protect the outboard. Ian
  2. We won't be able to make it,hopefully the boat goes in for a service the week before and Marina is due for a op on her hand on the 17 July.have a good weekend all Ian
  3. In the past we phoned if we wanted to book a moorings or just turned up.Whats the case now? Ian
  4. About 5 years ago coming back from the ARC one went past us,sadly not seen one since
  5. I think Iain would have enjoyed this little game.We both shared a love of cricket. Like many I am sorry I never meet him.Sure he is watching somewhere. Ian
  6. Sorry thought it came up for everyone,it's seems it comes up when England play cricket,perhaps tomorrow
  7. Keep going Grace.Marina started with lots of ducks now she got ten.I don't like cricket no I love it.Years ago My mate during the summer said let's go and watch cricket at the pub.I will have a drink not interested in the cricket.Wrong got hooked,did the same with Rugby.Did not work with Amercan football.
  8. We always worry when we get close to swans,ducks etc and make sure they clear the boat.I hope no one did this on purpose,perhaps the bird was already poorly as Neil said.Very sad none the less Ian.
  9. It should come up when you go into Google. There's a little red tryangle click then the patch should come up and a yellow dot press and play Ian
  10. to the madness that is the Forum.This it what we do when not on the river Ian
  11. If like me you like cricket,try this when you call up Google there's a little man comes up.Click a you can play cricket.My best score 23.They do this when England play cricket.Today the Women play India. Tomorrow the men South Africa in the T20.Good like to them both.Watching the Lions v The All Blacks it's close.Tommow F1 happy days Ian
  12. There's no point in any of these attacks,it will never solve the problem,we all need to come together and work for peace,Whatever youcolour or faith we are,only then will it happen.I never thought it will would have happened in northern Ireland,but it is much better now then before.Marina and I went a few years back to Londonderry/Derry.Thanks to Marina winning a competition at the boat show.If you have not been there please go.We had a great time the people are very welcoming. Let's hope this madness ends soon.
  13. Don't know what you mean I went shopping this morning,turned out nice again
  14. from me also to the madness that is the Forum,enjoy your boating
  15. There are a number of pubs that provide reserved moorings. The new inn at Horning you to be on the safe side reserve there.
  16. Maybe I was confused must be about 3 years since we moored there
  17. Let's hope the book is thrown at them,There is no excuse acting in a dangerous way.Have a few drinks have fun but be careful to others and yourself
  18. At this time we need to come together,put aside religion,beliefs etc.People deserve to go about there daily life who ever they are safely.
  19. Yet again a attack on people going about there daily life.At present there is sadly one person dead and eight injured. People detained the diver of the car until the Police arrived.Please make this stop.My thoughts go to all those caught up in this madness.
  20. It's called the river kitchen phone number 01603 926560 moorings 01603 783 051 (Wroxham boat hire)
  21. Should have said days above applies to Brinks
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