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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Great look forward to visiting
  2. Saw on Facebook the other day they were building a new bar,and relaying new flooring.
  3. As marina said enjoy your trip and have a good time.May see you next Saturday Ian
  4. Is it me or what.I can get emoticons on the main part all others just come up as question marks.This seemed to happen a few week ago. Any help/advice welcome Ian
  5. Does that mean you are taking meta Wembley Grace.I will buy you some bubbles WHEN we win. Blue is the colour Ian
  6. Grace I would like to like,but it won't go down well at the bridge
  7. I hope they survive. I don't like seeing any club go out of the sport.
  8. Paul we have done the bus trip,hop on and off.Call into the cafe at the prison. Very good breakfast and good views over the city
  9. Olive oil from.the chemist in small bottles.spaghetti harvest the best April fools joke ever by no less then Richard Dimblebee.The first UK Mc d in Woolwich. Marina And I went there in the 70s.So hip.However look at us as a nation now over weight and not very fit.
  10. If you go to the Brundall boat show next month,you can ask them
  11. The reason for rims.Outside for the waiter inside for the chef
  12. I kmow boating coasts alot of money,but surely you can afford more them one mug!
  13. Hi and welcome from me.Please tell us a bit about you. Ian
  14. I do like the food there.Even as a chef I am not a fan of wood.As Peter said ask for a plate.
  15. I had two holidays on the broads in the Sixties when I waste school, and had a go then I was so happy to be driving a boat.Then the next time was 1974 with my mum.When we got married Marina was worried about boating, because she can't swim.When Alan first starting boating we spent a day with him and Dave.Then the bug cut in, hols day boats then eight years ago little Kingfisher,now Sweet kingfisher.No money but lots of good times on the river Ian
  16. Its okay providing you use croutons to stop the soup falling out of the holes
  17. The last time I went to the New Inn,Rockland I was disappointed. A new chef and the standard was not as good.That was September. Hope it has improved since then.We do like mooring there
  18. We can carrying out a task yet the other half tells us it's better to do it that way and drink tea and coffee at the same way
  19. Sadly back home from the boat.A tidy up in the garden rubbish to the dump.Still back to the boat in 2 weeks time.
  20. Where are you starting?I agree with Alan.If you go to London try the White horse,Just into Chadgrave.By the ba moorings,Or the Swan.At Oulton Waverney.It does depend on how long and where you start.Beings based at Brundall can recommend anyone to visit please do
  21. Yes I agree even after many years.If I need help I will ask.Thats what boating is about.The same with waving.Some don't.By an large people in large towns and city's often don't talk to others.
  22. Yesterday I was cleaning the boat,a Brooms(hire)boat appeared realising the moorings were full he turned around.well he attempted to with enough room to swing a bus he made hard work of it.I offered advice,They looked at me as if I was mars.A few minutes later they managed to get out.Also some Broom hirers don't wave.Far to posh.
  23. We saw the police boat on the main river heading no doubt there
  24. I don't think it was that one in the photo.We went past this morning there was one moored near the photo. However it looked in poor shape.Steal sad to see.
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