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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. from me also yes it's easy to get hooked.We hired for many years,owned boats now for almost 8 years.Look in broadcaster for info.You will get a copy on the boat.Have a good trip.We will be up also at Easter but staying South Ian
  2. Thanks for letting us know,Also welcome to the forum, nice to have you on board. Best wishes Ian
  3. I Am not religious. However I respect people who are.Which ever religion they are.I firmly believe those that commit crimes in the name of there believe are just using that as an excuse. Those that have a faith would never commit such crimes
  4. Try cove at Brundall. Very good yard nice people to
  5. People of this land in the main are strong there sense of good comes through. As I said many people without thought for themselves helped others .The cowards who commit such crimes will never win.The sooner they understand that the better
  6. Yes I agree,also many members of public ran to help those injured. Which shows how the vast majority who think of others and not themselves. We need to think of that.Those that want to hurt others going about there life should take note.Lets hope that something like this does not happen again
  7. Having lived and worked all my life in London,sadly days like this happen and as others have said it was just a matter of time .My thoughts go to those caught up in this madness.Also the Police and emergency services,members of the public in helping those hurt The cowards that commit such crimes will gain there reward in hell.
  8. Saw one of these being towed to the YS at Oulton summer before last.I thought it was going to fall apart.Perhaps the 45k is how much they will give to take it off there hands!
  9. Stuart Rick may want to sign you up at the Lion!
  10. Hi welcome from me also.Yes as said let's here a bit about you.Do you own a boat etc. Best wishes ian
  11. Welcome to the forum . For sure you will enjoy it just take each day at a time As Alan said any questions we can help. Ian
  12. Most of the beer at the white horse is brewed there.Which is very good.unlike beer served in some pubs.
  13. The sooner they sort out these bridges the better.Surely by Easter?
  14. I don't mind music,but not in my face.In other words not all the time just now and again. Most of the time the most enjoyable is a good pint food and company. When the weather is good watching the world go by.Perhaps I am getting old
  15. People have strong feelings on BA.As far as I am concerned they have been helpful to us .You have had a good track record which helps.That part of the river,needs moorings and a good pub.You should fit the bill. I have said many times and will continue to do so.I want as a Chef and a customer the best possible. It don't have to posh,but good honest food and service. I know you and the team can deliver .
  16. Agree with Alan she went past the yard heading towards NYA or other yards.Still often on TV or films when showing London one minute there one side of London then the other end.Always makes me smile.
  17. Hi Rick I like the idea of a pizza oven,As a chef myself they are also good for other things to.For sure at first it may be a little up hill, but as you can guess many people here will visit.Lots of comment on Facebook also.Can I suggest one little thing on behalf of my wife Marina.Please if poss put sorbet on the menu. Best of luck Ian
  18. For me I have only traveled in poor light not patch dark.I understand fully about spots,but would use if I thought there was a danger at any time Peter you and Griff have clearly more experience then me.However Marina does not like travelling at night
  19. I tend to agree with marshman.I also think where possible use a bright light. More then once have seen hirers swich on all the cabin lights believing that would help
  20. Welcome Voiiolet and Lake sailor. Can we hear a little bit about you both Ian
  21. Yes indeed sad news a great racer on two and four wheels.
  22. I am so pleased Rick.I hope all goes well.Being based in Brundall we don't often get north, we always enjoy The White Horse will call in to the Lion as well.Its also great that a pub has been saved and not turned into flats. ian
  23. On Facebook talk is that the pub has been sold.No details,does anyone have any info? Ian
  24. That's true Grace sometimes we make em walk the plank Ian
  25. There's always a lot of talk about Ludham Bridge. A few points the height marker is as of last year wrong. Sweet kingfisher is also 8.6.We have always got under.Check as others have said River levels. Tip phone the BA chaps at Great Yarmouth they will let you know heights and timings. Have a great time Ian
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