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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Good job Sweet kingfisher is out of water.I am sure she is having a little laugh at others Ian
  2. I like many here have visited the broads many times.I first came up in the sixties.There is plenty to satisfy me.If you want wall to wall sun discos etc.You may not get that.I often say to people that have never been,but would like to .Book a day boat.Then if you enjoy it then book longer
  3. Alan if you did not see.I replyed to three people. Telling them the bad news.They were greatful I did so Ian
  4. Try a Web site called Street life.If you go onto there home page.Then type in your post code it will bring up your local area.Anything from lost cats to what's on a your can ask if anyone has the details of a good plumber.We use it all the time.Plumbers builders etc.You we get an email of what's happening every day.Give it a try Ian
  5. I think I did say before there are some hire company NBN members.Perhaps they can help.
  6. I know many of you don't like or go.on Facebook. I do ,everyone that does will give there date of birth. Today would have been Iain s birthday. So a post comes up automatically asking others to wish happy birthday. Sadly many did not know that he had passed away Afew of us that did informed others of the bad news. Alan a great idea.I am sure Iain would say why me. Ian
  7. The last time we stopped at the cafe at Acle the lady I seem to remember said she was considering selling,and that was almost four years ago.
  8. Thanks norfolk nog. I am a bit long in the tooth now,but for a small fee or a few beers I can offer advice I wish them and indeed all the pubs on the broads a goodyear.I don't like to see any pubs lost.Lets hope B arms,the Lion etc get owners that bring them back to life. Hopefully Ian
  9. With regard to the cafe I think Marina and I would call in sadly Marina does not have dairy only low fat.I on the other hand will have cake and chocs. Ian
  10. Are you sure about RSPB.Owning all but the BA free moorings. I thought about buying the BA moorings when they came up for sale a few years back.I thought the rest belonged to the pub. Ian
  11. I hope we always call in there when we are at Reedham.The. The last time we call into the Nelson,they had not long opened and had not started doing food. Ian
  12. Hopefully someone can now take on the pub,with two enterprises it may just work.Once again good luck
  13. Thanks John I will give them a call
  14. Welcome from me .I am sure you will keep us informed. Good luck hope it goes well Ian
  15. Peter how can we give?Is there a sight to send money. Not part of the RNLI are they. Ian
  16. Don't upset Marina after all she is a receptionist.
  17. As I said only fishing I do is cook it.Just go to the fish shop.
  18. We did get a little bit of snow .This evening pops(poppy)sat by the fire.
  19. For sure many boats are larger now, but we did have a boat from whispering reeds and it was not easy getting under the bridge.if memory serves me right,going back to the yard two well built blokes to reduce our height.That was 10 years ago.
  20. Sorry I am confused Are you calling Alan.Yet you are quoting me.I can't disagree re the bridge height.It does appear however that each year for whatever reason fewer boats get under the bridge. IAN
  21. I know we are changing tack,but here are Cople of mine.A few years back we were moored at Herbert woods. A boat came in only one person in sight.He jumped off rope in hand boat still moving,trying to tie up.No one at the helm.Boat still moving then all of a sudden two or three heads appear.You give holiday makers the size of a bus and the cost of a house.Interesting things happen. Like Alan a life time in catering probably seen itall.Yesterday cooking Fish and chips.Two smart (not catering mangers),asked if I could make the fish bigger.A few probs there.IDid not buy the fish just cooked it and left my magic wand at home.We regard to fishing I just cook them.Perhaps a stick of dynamite then you have Fish for the week
  22. I think you have talked yourself into some jobs keep on the good side of Stew. You don't want any blue lights.Ian/Dads
  23. Dear old Potter(Bridge)sorry to say not been under for many years due to boat size.What I would like to see is the bridge in fact dismantled and rebuilt,or a bridge built over the top.Over the years the bridge is reducing in height. Ian
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