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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. from me living also in Kent,boat in Brundall. Best wishes Ian
  2. It's my tablet it makes up its own words Ian
  3. It for me is plain and simple there is a large yellow sign,that clearly points out no hire books past this point. Ian
  4. The boat we saw were all middle aged men and women,so it takes all sorts of yo yo's. Ian
  5. I think there are a few around this weekend,this afternoon we were heading down the cut on our way back to Brundall.There was a large hire boat trying to turn around,going past the marker posts.As we got close I sounded the horn,and toad them to stay inside the past incase you get stack.They replied we are not novices,we know what we are doing.Perhaps its something in the water. Ian
  6. I have been luckly to see her 3 or 4 times,the last of which was last year at Farnborough. So sad that see will not display again.May she have a long and happy retirement. Ian
  7. Welcome to the forum,all the advice from the above is good,I would just add take a selection of cloths and being a good English summer take waterproofs. As my friends said take lightweight bags,when unpacked return your bags to the car.Easy for me to say we tend to cook on board for one day and eat out the following day.(I am a chef)there are many good pubs along the way,many with mooring,if you can call into the New Inn Horning and say hello to The.Tip book tables at pubs in advance and mooring.Wild moorings are good,but check how deep the water is,and keep an eye out for tide and current. Most of all enjoy yourself. Happy boating Ian
  8. to the forum from a boy from the south moored on the southern broads Brundall.It don't matter where we come from we all one thing in common,our love of the broads and the water. Ian
  9. Sport for many years I have supported Chelsea,not always the case.When I was at school we went to Yorkshire on a trip,around the time of the fa cup,Chelsea v Leeds,because of my voice, they took the Mick.That made me a Chelsea fan,much to the dismay of my uncle(big Charlton fan).Saddly my died when I was 18 months old.He was from County Durham. All my life I have been a Tennis fan,my mum and me would watch tennis all day. Cricket and rugby,My friend got me interested bybthe following,come to the pub,England are playing,me no don't like that.A few pints later,I got interested, and now are hooked. Boating is often associated with the upper classes. None of which are cheap, but they are in range of most of us.Just go for it Ian
  10. Last year I want to the Farnbough airshow.As always great,at one point I went to see the American force found display/stand.I was talking to one of the pilots,something I try to do one I can.The arrows were in the middle of there display, I said they are pretty good,he repleyed not bad!What a understatement. Some years ago we were on the cut heading for Reedham.About half way across when the arrows appeared in formation, we were the only boat in view,I waved,the two wing men dipped in wings. For sure that made not my day but year. For me I think it's great airshows across the country,as often as possible is a good thing. Ian
  11. Yes for piece's of eight,piece's of eight X peg leg Ian
  12. Hi everyone,following a visit to the Hospital,X-rays etc I don't have to wear my cast anymore,but allowed to bring home and wear if I require it.All in all glad its better.I thought breaks and fractures were more common in winter,well yesterday the clinic was packed. X peg leg ian
  13. Hi everyone,following a visit to the Hospital,X-rays etc I don't have to wear my cast anymore,but allowed to bring home and wear if I require it.All in all glad its better.I thought breaks and fractures were more common in winter,well yesterday the clinic was packed. X peg leg ian
  14. Hi Alan I see it was not rough disappointed,hope you both are enjoying yourselves. See you Saturday. Dads/Ian
  15. You can take the train to Lowestoft there are many shops of course,being the seaside.Some good bakers.It does not cost much and only takes about 5 mins. If you get the chance give it a go. Ian
  16. Hi Iain you are right one sunny day does not make a summer,but it is a good start come on Thursday. Go for it boys Ian
  17. Are you talking about high tide at Oulton or breydon,that's the point Ian
  18. Perhaps England have turned the corner.We played well against the Kiwis,they have out played the Aussies in this match,still along way to go,but things are looking on for the balls. Due to work i have not been able to see much cricket or tennis,Did watch Andy yesterday.He played well but Federer found some extra gears,sadly Jammie got beat in the doubles. Ian
  19. Hi Alan,which way are you going best to hit Brydon on low slack,then timed to have the tide pushing you up to Stokesby. ian
  20. Good one I should have said hooked,still i am sure there are some good German,French,New world and indeed English wines in the pubs. Ian
  21. Hi Andy welcome to the forum,I am sure you will enjoy your trip.A tip you better book your next trip now because like many of us,you will be hocked. Ian
  22. Welcome Alan,like most of us we all get hocked.Me first came here in the sixties.Been to many places since,but the broads are a magnet.When we are on the boat,it all seems right,we know a lot of people and they know us. Happy boating peg leg Ian
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