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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Agree with Alan go for pizza.Here's a tip why not cook an extra portion and frezze one,then when you are on the boat/home you have a quick meal.Almost a ready meal heat some baked beans,add ground or fresh chilli a spash of worster sauce.I like it when the beans go a bit mashy.then add a good strong cheese cook until its melted. Alan what's the problem with your oven? I am/dads
  2. Saw a item on look east yesterday,re planning all for change of use.I do hope it stays as a pub,I know its not easy,but it was always a good stopping off point,before crossing bw. Fingers crossed hoping it stays a pub Ian
  3. We don't have a white rose on the back of the boat,what we do have is our number a a smiley faces sticker.Our boat is ex hire and she had a dash six.Last year Alan had the boat for a few day and was stopped by the ba,informing him the boat did not have numbers in the front and to take the six off the back.Therefore we were looking for a kingfisher to replace the six,we settled for smiley faces,Saddly could not keep the dash. Ian
  4. Good fun yes,next time you go to brought markets,try the chocolate,when I used to do event catering he used to do our chocs.Not cheap but very good. Ian
  5. from me also Best wishes Ian
  6. Today we went to a garden centre near Sevenoaks.The reason was to buy more slate for the bottom of the garden.Our garden is not very big,but I am sure by now we must have shares in a Walsh quarry!There was also a food and produce market all from Kent.It is always good to support locals,we try to do so on the Broads as well.One of the stands had Cobnuts,I have to admit I have never tried them before.The guy said when young they are fairly milky after a time the nutty flavour kicks in. Try this (make at home,cook on the boat).Apple,sultanas and nut tart Make sweet pastry 100g unsalted butter 50g icing sugar,sifted 50g caster sugar 250g plain flour one large egg lightly beaten Using a wooden spoon mix together the butter and sugar,once they are light and fluffy add the flour and egg,taking care not to overwork the pastry,cover and place in the fridge for about half an hour. Using about 3/4 cooking apples and add 1 eating apple or pear,peel dice and cook with a little butter,when it starts to soften add a good hand full of sultanas,soft brown sugar and about a level dessert spoon of ground coriander.Once mixture is cooked,take off the heat.Chop or blend some cobnuts,or walnut,pecan etc whatever you like.Lighty roast adding to you mixture.Roll out and line your tin fill and cover with a lid,egg wash and lighty dust with caster sugar.Cook for about half an hours.Serve with custard or icecream. If you wish replace the pastry with a crumble mix.Both of which are good.This time of year there are plenty of free food available blackberries are everywhere. Best wishes Ian
  7. Likewise very sorry to hear the news of this crash.Looking at the pictures on the news it seems to me that he misjudged the height he had left before pulling the plane up.However it is very upsetting for everyone,my thoughts go out to the family and friends to all. Ian
  8. hi Steve as my friends said welcome to the forum,i am sure you will all have a great time.We will be up next saturday leaving from our base at Brundall,not sure how long you will be on the river?Anyway best wishes Ian
  9. Thanks Jonathan for the info,I will drop a few hints to father Christmas! I am also flying in a Tiger moth. Iain✈☺
  10. Yes Mark they do offer waterproofs,however I didn't wear one you get a slight spay nothing much,and of course nlife jackets.I am sure you will have fun
  11. Hi I did one two years ago in a jag with a pro driver,I don't drive(only boats).I have been lucky,have flown in a DC3,Rapid and Taxied in a Lancaster.A few more on the wish list.Rear seat of the Red Arrows(unlikely) fly inverted over the Grand Cannon,and Gliding. As Roy said these things stay with you forever. Ian
  12. Don't know when you are next up,but Woodfordes do the ale trail Ian
  13. Welcome Bobscott,glad you all enjoyed your hols.I am sure there will be more tips.Only one thing wrong with your weight up where was the Woodfordes beer?.Adhams is okay I surpose. Ian
  14. Hi John obys is good for us so to is the dates,not sure enough space at coldham hall or London.Again both good for us.Once again like the dates and suggestions. Ian
  15. That's the same one I did brilliant Ian
  16. Never done jet boating,but it was fast, coming back the skipper twisked and turned great fun.Yes please. Ian
  17. As far as I know,they kept it Ian
  18. It's always sad to see boats in distress, as others have said there are many boats around the broads. Ian
  19. The Micky reappeared the cat gone bananas (pops)our older cat just wants fish! Ian
  20. I feel better now I thought I had problems with my foot,and with back problems, but not as bad as you guys.Try the rib on the Thames,its kill or cure Ian
  21. Good to see so many well presented wooden boats as Marina said sorry not there,hope all have a good time. Ian
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