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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Hi SwanR Glad you had a good time on your hols,yes it is sad about the yard.Welcome to the forum.So where else did you go on your travels. Best wishes Ian
  2. Clive Surely as a private boat they should know what Brydon is like. Ian
  3. It don't get any better then that. Ian
  4. I see the second boat is private,they should know better.
  5. Iain are you taking about Hammy or summer,it will get warm up there I am sure Ian
  6. Hi Alan was you playing Handles water music? Boom boom Ian
  7. It all starts now,its sunny warm.Wimbledon starts today,good luck to all the Brits. Cricket soon we did well against the Kiwis,now the big one Ashes,come on boys.Let's not forget the girls in the football,doing very well getting to the semi's in the world cup.Now go for it against Japan.So it time for Pimms o'clock or beer or wine o'clock. Ian
  8. I do feel sorry for Paul,Alfacraft have had a bad run.from the posts above it seems clear that it was not a case of knowledge or judgement,but beer.I would go further then stopping there deposit,I would fine them for lost of earnings and cost of getting them aflot.Perhaps that will make poeple take more care. ian
  9. We often are on the boat in November and sometimes in December,most pubs are open,but may go to winter openings,I would advice to phone ahead to check timings.Marina said the ys at Oulton will take moorings,but showers are unavailable,also the same at Norwich ys.Not sure about WRC. It is however worth the trip on the river,we hope to be on the river dependent on weather late November. Ian
  10. Hope you had a walk up the hill,potter is good but after a time not much to do. Ian
  11. Coltishall is a great place,it will take you between one to one and half hour to get there depending our guick you want to go.The pubs are great there.IF feel fit,have a walk up the road,don't forget on the way back stop at the new inn at Horning,say hello to Husband the guys. Enjoy your trip Ian
  12. Alan don't forget we have already be north this year,Horning boat show and will do so end of August. Dads/Ian
  13. I think you lot are sad,and need to get out more,as Gracie said its JUNE,NOT DECEMBER.Long before then we have more Cricket,tennis,Strickly,and much more. Ian
  14. Points not limits silly tablet
  15. Just a few limits,there are enough water points along the way,yes it is a bit wilder,the raise and full is more sobthen the north but with a little planning,its not a problem. For a number of years I have heard of story's of people be advised not to go south,almost as if its a flat earth,fulling off the edge. As I have said before I love all of the broads,both and south have good and bad points,but that is what the broads are all about. Enjoy all of the water Ian
  16. Thats correct however what the south has to offer is more.Its wilder,calm slower,the river seems to be wider. What I would like to see is perhaps more moorings,a few shops close to the river.Get the Nelson up and running at Reedham,a few more events on the river. You could strangely argue that the south is bigger:i.e. Norwich,Beccles,lowestoft.All of which are perhaps larger then areas in the northern rivers.someone said it is up to business in the south to promote the south,i fully agree,and they need to do so now,if they want anyone talk up the southern broads,i would be only to happy to help. The broads North and South are a great place lets promote the whole Broads. Ian
  17. I phoned Woodfordes this afternoon.The reason was because I have not received my Ale trail book.I was told that this year they are sending out the book,but will be available from pubs,you can down load there app. Ian
  18. What concerns me is what will happen to Swancrafts moorings?As someone who has used hire boats in Brundall and since having boats,it is a concern that another company disappears. Lets hope this will have a happy ending. Ian
  19. Hi Terry and Denise,welcome As I said many times before,we are a mixed bunch,all of which loving the broads. Most pubs will allow dogs outside.I think the Yare at Brundall will allow dogs inside,ask Michael the Landlord. Just a aside,before we got our boat,we would take two hols a year.A week at Easter and two weeks in September.then we would get a day boat as and when. One year we got a day boat from Wroxham to Coltishall,we took our old dog,sadly gone,stopping at the raising sun.After lunch we went back to the the boat,and had some fruit or something.Tass our dog was laying down a Swan came up to the boat,looking for food.Tass jumped up.and I thought the swan was going to die of a heat attack. Ian
  20. Sorry would love to be there be can't will pop in when We can.My dad was in the RAF and died of a heart attack aged 36,have always felt part of the armed forces,but clearly not,will help when I can.Best wishes to you. ian
  21. Hi Robert welcome to the forum have a good time I am sure like the rest of us you will soon be hooked,as Alan said take your time.Where you are there is lots to see and do. As we are in the middle of summer,haha.Be parpared,if you intend to cook on board get a selection of food,however there are lots of good pubs along the way.Maps are a help,you will get the broadcaster on the board which is also helpful. Have a good time Ian
  22. I may be wrong be if you use the many hose pipes along the river,boil it will be fine.However as you only have a 5 litre can I would replace with fresh on each trip. Question do you not have an internal tank.We do and last weekend filled it about twice,our water goes through a filter.We use for tea coffee washing and washing up. Hope that helps Ian
  23. Update on our burglary,picked up my replacement wedding ring,very pleased but strange,after so many years not wearing one(stopped wearing my first one many years ago).This was due to rush under the ring. Marina also got replacement ear ring a bracelet and a watch. Once again very grateful to the Police for there help. Ian
  24. We had Salmon for dinner tonight,years gone by it was only for a treat now it is affordable.Give my two ideas a try. Seared salmon with noodles and stir fry veg.Almost a one pot dish. Prep:slice one pepper,thinly sliced carrot,one red onion,about the same amount of savoy cabbage,one clove of garlic,about an inch of peeled fresh ginger,cut into thin strips,one seeded sliced fresh chilli. Easy cook noodles soak in boiling water. sauces Light soy,plum sauce,hosin .You can also buy ready to use sauce. Get you fry pan very hoy add a little light oil,i.e. veg corn or oil seed rape.Fry salmon skin side first turning over for the other side lightly season with groung black pepper,and sea salt,cook in the oven for about 5 mins.A tip if you don't have a oven,once seared take out put a sliced onion in the pan salmon on top add a little water cover and reduce the heat until cooked. Quick fry the veg,adding sauces.check seasoning,combine with the noodles,and enjoy. Or try a simple meal. Asparagus and jerseys Royals are nearing the end.So use them before they go. Sear the salmon in the same way,Finnish with fresh lemon. Serve with buttered minted spuds and asparagus,perhaps add a salad nice warm fresh bread and a cold glass of white wine . Okay cooking is my living but with a little prep both dishes don't take long. I will perhaps next do curries Enjoy Ian
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