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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. From the photo it looks like a sight seeing boats(lots of windows).Still it is sad to see,hope it ends well Ian
  2. Hi Alan mummy did say it was rough at Cantly. Dads
  3. Yes very good drinkable,but not first class.still worth a try. Ian
  4. Just a few points,all hire boats give advice what bridges they can not pass through.I am sure this is backed up with the folder giving info on all hire boats.Also people are and should be responsible for there actions. Last year at Wroxham,some yoyo thought he could get through thuebridge it was clear there was not enough space.My tip if you don't think you can't get under don't try. Ian.
  5. Agree Iain attached to a spit Ian
  6. He will/should know a man who does thou Ian
  7. Don't try asking Colin at silver line Ian
  8. I do like my tv,however rarely have it on the boat,it does make me smile watching people trying to get the tv to work.Some people seem to have the box on when on the move,why. ian
  9. Thats nice taking the mick out a old and poorly old boy Peg leg Ian
  10. I went to the fracture clinic today,more X-rays ,I have a Aircast boot and a stick for about the next three weeks.i still don't know how I did it fractured bone not toe in my foot. Good job we are not going to the new Inn (Horning)Gus would think I am long John Silver. Peg leg Ian
  11. Welcome jas, even though you won't have any money you will have fun,as others have said you can and will get help,tips and advise from the mixed bunch. Happy boating ian
  12. Do they want any extra pocket money,We have lots of jobs for them on our boat. Back regarding kids and boat,I was on the broads at a young age and loveed it.When ALan and Nicola were kids we did not get on the broads,instead we followed the sun,ALan enjoyed the sun,not so Nicola,what ever was mainly her response, so its not just boats,that's kids for you. Ian
  13. Iain that's a hard task,still you never know Ian
  14. Update on the scumbag ,the Police told me today he's gone down for 4 years and 2 months. Marina and I had a trip to Bluewater the other week to buy some jewellery,thanks to the insurance.Hopefully will pick up my replacement wedding ring tomorrow.I hope to have engraved the date of our wedding and our initials. Very pleased with the way the Police treated us well done to them Ian
  15. Come on chaps ,I still think it was just poor judgement,and I will be surprised if it happens again. Ian
  16. So whats the story any more info,opening times etc. ian
  17. I know where you are coming from,I think it was a very bad mistake to bring lou in,pure and simple,I am fairly sure he will win again this year.No doubt the air was very blue behind closed doors,don't think and hope it will not happen again. I just can't wait for the next match this friday come on England. Ian
  18. Very well done to Norwich FC,Now they are back with the big boys.Perhaps i may be able to see them play the blues next season. Also well done England a great match at Loads,because I was off work since last tuesday(broken toe).I watched most of the match.First day last thursday england were 30 for three wickets.I thought here we go again.How wroung,a right old see saw.Stokes getting the fastest 100.Cook getting 150+Both teams played really well.If the rest of the summer is like this,it will be great entertainment. Ian
  19. This reminds of a time when our friends visited us from Iains land.at that time I used to smoke,weekend he would walk to the local shops with me to get my cigs and a newspaper.He would say good morning to passer bys.Nearly everyone would ignore him.Ian why don't people say hello?Its sad to say in London have you say hello,good morning etc,they think you want something,rather then being friendly. In much the same way many first time boaters often don't wave. Ian
  20. Hi Alan Welcome to the forum,Where are you from,do you have a boat on the broads? Ian
  21. This is on now on ITV,Warwick and his family are on the Isle of White.Its Cowis week and he is on a sailing boat with a gold medalist,she got him to go up the mast to get a rope down,unsure if he had to do that or if they thought it was fun to send him up there.Me I don't know one end of a sail to another,for me boats need a engine. Ian
  22. Iain I know what you mean, however you can book a moorings Ian
  23. We have used peachments a few times,always very helpful.Glad they sorted you out Ian
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