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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Jay on strictly wow what a great dance the first 10 this year.The standard after only 3 weeks great.Keeeep daaancing Ian
  2. Pops eating peas off my plate. Oh well that's my one a day
  3. We went there for the first time last year managed to Moor at the bottom, not sure about the front, suggest you phone and or go down, if no spaces you will be slowly be able to turn give me a p for more info.Welcome to the forum by the way Ian
  4. Hi Ron everyone has said it,just to add Oulton is a good spot,I would prebook even now,you can also get the train into Lowestoft,Coldham hall Surlingham,also the ferry house.Both of which very good pubs for food and drink.Go into Norwich,but perhaps not Friday or Saturday nights. Ian
  5. Hi Chris from me,I will give you a call,I am interested to doing some courses.I am about five years from retirement,and thinking about doing some sort of day charter.I have done VHF. Ian
  6. Funny enough when I was a boy my Grandfather would take me for Saturday afternoon. We would go by bus from Eltham, go across on the ferry then wonder along the docks when ships docked there then back to Woolwich he would buy fish for my mum and grandmother chips for me.I always enjoyed my trips with my grandfather. Perhaps where my love of the water started Ian
  7. I will let everyone know how much we raised over the weekend when I can . Indeed the RNLI needs about 35 Million pounds a year.So every penny helps. Ian
  8. Hi all just back from the ferry, we did well today most people gave us money not sure how much, yesterday we raised about 800 pound. Even though we are land locked at our branch we always do well.One of our members is part of the crew at Gravesend.The photo is all be it a sailing boat race seen from the ferry. Ian .
  9. Hi everyone I am helping to collect for the RNLI today on the Woolwich Ferry. So if you are using the ferry today and I understand most of you wont please put a few bob in the bucket we take notes as well. Ian
  10. Welcome to the forum from me also.Where do you hope to start your trip and when? I am sure you will enjoy the broads. Ian
  11. To go across on high tide you are asking for problem ie bridge hights fighting the tide etc, I agree with Alan. Ian
  12. These people need to wake up and get a life Ian
  13. You are right Grace, most people get it right it's just a few that don't. Ian
  14. Thanks for filling the gaps in this very sad story.
  15. Hi everyone The weather was kind for us we arrived at Duxford after a briefing over to the plane, once we took off the pilot turned to the right he told me to hold the stick to see how the plane responds he then said you have control we headed towards a tower, which is 800 foot high, increasing our hight to clear the tower, he then got me to turn to the left then right, we then made our way back to the airfield, very strange feeling but great.Now the wish list to fly inverted over the Grand Cannon and to fly with the Red Arrows.I can only wish, all in all a great day Ian
  16. Boating is never going to be a cheap hobby., I think Alan got it about right our boat is 29 foot, mooring 423 pound every 3 mouths, tolls 299 a year insurance 180 so on and so on.What you need to consider is it the right thing for me.If so go for it you will find the money.Just remember every so often you go down to the river and throw a Cople of hundred pounds into the water. Ian
  17. I saw this story on Facebook, not many details.Emergency services were called just after 10.00 am,to the Norfolk broads Yacht club.Very sad news my thoughts go to family and friends. Ian
  18. Thanks to Alan and Nicola,I hope to be flying in a Tiger Moth from Duxford.As long as the weather is good.If it goes to plan I will post some Pics. Ian
  19. Hi Steve and Deb,I hope all turns out well for you both,keep us informed as I am sure you will. best wishes Ian
  20. We got ours at Brian Wards Brundall, not cheap but can be used on 24th Ian
  21. Hi John yes you are correct it is indeed Looses and very good it is.There used to be a shop in Castle mall,sadly they closed early in the year.They were good,but not as good as Looses.Also there is a good cookware shop in Beccles. Ian
  22. trapper from me also,I agree the pub needs someone who cares and make it welcoming again. Best wishes Ian
  23. Hi Eric not sure but when Marina gets home,I am sure she will know.For those that don't know I am a chef and this shop is aimed at the home and the trade,and is very good,prices are okay to,as for restaurants,there are all sorts in Norwich. Just a little story,when we ordered our first boat,Shetland 4+2,from the boat show we had a few meetings with James the owner.The spec was a two ring hop above a fridge.I wanted a oven and the fridge outside and a seat on top.James asked me why I wanted a oven.I said we tend to eat one day on the boat and one in pubs etc.At that time I worked at Abbey road Studios,He was more interested in the people I had meet,then my oven.He did however get the oven,fridge etc. Ps the corkscrew is important for Grace! Ian
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