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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Thats one I want to do,will drop hint for my Birthday.Love flying don't however want to do a Hot air balloon. Ian
  2. There was an item on BBC breakfast the other day,about Post box collectors. Or more to the point,they photo and record where they are and what kind of box they are. Just before Christmas,I received a card from an old colleague of mine,we used to work in the community.His wife had died and he was in poor health.I wanted to send him a letter. It was not that easy finding a writing pad.This reminded me that my Mother would often send letters to her Sister and Brother.I think most people just text,email etc.I know I am getting old back this made me think that a little bit of the past has perhaps gone,and yet I am sending this post on line. Ian
  3. Happy birthday greetings belated Mark Ian
  4. You can keep the same number,we changed our boats name
  5. Happy Birthday Iain best wishes Ian

  6. Yes it seems some of the greats of music,stage and film have passed this year.Dan Haggerty (Grizzly Adams) has also died,and it's only still the first month of the year .RIP to you all that have passed
  7. Best wishes Eric spending five days in hospital and still suffering from poor breathing I know how you feel.My Doctors didn't spot it thou, but the hospital were great.Get well soon. Ian
  8. Yes and no Both names are used Russell Marine and Marine Tech.We used them for our service on the outboard,when we had our shetland.They were very good. Ian
  9. Hi Gordon to the forum where are you moored.Our boat is sweet kingfisher we are moored at Brundall.We are a mixed bunch.but if you have a question for sure someone can help out Best wishes Ian
  10. And sadly they still wouldn't provide more bins
  11. RIP David I grew up like many with his music,not all of it I liked but a true great ahead of his time,also a Gentleman.I saw an advert for his new cd yesterday and thought he looked ill.Still a shock hearing the news this morning.My thoughts go to his family and friends
  12. As I have said it is a good idea but I don't think it would work at potter.Yes knock down the pub and start again.In the winner it has very few people running through it so you need a pub restaurant that would work.Yes I have worked and come across chefs who thought they were gods or Just on babies (toys out of the pram).I think you need to think very carefully where to go and your market ian
  13. As I said on Facebook brooms were fine with us,but for him to make a comment like that is not on most people look round boats and will not buy if I was you I would complain to Brooms.We have never brought from them but we get fuel gas pump outs etc and they have always been good to us
  14. We went today we also went to see Brooms boats,they were fine with us we joked that if we won the lotto tonight we would buy a brooms.He said for that money we would get a Bigger boat. Got ourself new ropes from English Braids not cheap,but the chap was very helpful.If you are going to the show and need new ropes give them a try.
  15. There is a very good coffee shop at Potter.I think your idea is good what's required is someone with the money and the will to make it happen.I think it could be successful Ian
  16. Not been to the Dukes for a long time yes white horse Loddon New Inns Horning and Rockland Coldham Hall to name but a few Alan we are not that bad some Chef I know are a nightmare
  17. Gracie not that kind of hire Alan often phones for advice on food Nicola does her own thing Ian
  18. Thankfully many of the pubs on the broads have improved there food this follows the market Many people myself included want good food and if you are in the business you have to provide good food at a fair price in other words people are more switched on now.Iain I available for hire at a price Ian
  19. Gracie likes saily thingies
  20. What I find is good everything is on offer for example fenders to very very big Gin palaces have fun pick people's brains you don't have to buy plus it gives you a fix boats boats and more boats in London in early January It's not and will never be Earls Court Have fun see you there Ian
  21. Earls Court sadly is just a pile of ribble now
  22. We have been every year since 2009.When we brought our first boat.The show went off the boil for a few years,last year was better.I agree best to use DLR.Food being members of RYA we eat there.If you don't take your own food there are a number of outlets.It will never be like Earls Court and I believe wrong to compare the two.Go with an open mind and enjoy the day
  23. All you need to do is say diner diner diner batman,and they will come running
  24. Being unwell this Christmas we only had a tree all be it a very nice real one it came down Sunday.Years ago we went to Canada in early January.The rep said they tend to keep there decorations up longer (we were there about the eighth for 10 days).Sure enough when we went to the falls the edges believe it or not were iced.Now that's what I call winter. Ian
  25. Only just seen this thread very sad we use the shop all the time being based at Brundall. My thoughts go to the family Ian
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