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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Iain yes that's to confuse one and all.Yes it is lovely and well worth a look if you are down in Kent at any time. Ian
  2. Thanks to Nicola we did segway today at Leeds Castle.We were lucky with the weather. It was very good and fun going up and down hills seeing the sights along the way.After we went to the castle .If you get a chance try and visit its well worth it
  3. Welcome Jules,I am sure you will enjoy your time on the river.Alans right don't plan to far in advance.my only tip is if you can its worth booking mooring,many pubs will take bookings over the phone.that way to know you have some where to say for food and drink.Yes the northern rivers are busy this time of year and if you get a chance go south.Back to pubs the broads has many good watering holes.Try the New Inn at horning.The food and drink are great and the village is lovely. Don't wear a captains hat,people will think you are new to the broads.Have a great time. Ian
  4. We were never that posh,we only had two.Yes Alan I did have a Periscope and a home made go cart,which we dragged up hill the speed down hill scattering every one along the way.On the news today everyone is playing Pokey man.I bet they don't have as much fun as us old folks. Ian
  5. I remember my first mobile it was two tins and a piece of string, in fact one of my mates is upgrading his mobile to that
  6. For the coastguard yes 999 non emergency 101 or if you have vhf chanel 16.Not sure about BA why not phone them I am sure they will tell you about out of hours contact Ian
  7. If you open a pub restaurant shop etc you must reach certain standards it is not just put out there for the state of it,it is for your safety. SO IF you are only serving meat you must have red chopping broads for raw meat yellow for cooked .I could gone on.To get 5 is not hard.For example where I am working currently we have 5 how much my company myself included aim higher
  8. I have feared for some time,that there as you have pointed out Peter.that indeed the number of yards will decrease. I feel that it will be a great lose if to many yards close
  9. Gracie theres mooring then theres crushing
  10. Agree with others always enjoyed going up there,Once seeing a Barn owl when we was in the pub.All of a sudden it disappeared,followed by a down pour.Sadly Sweet kingfisher is to high to under the bridge.Enjoy your trip up there. Ian
  11. The same thoughts from me also a sad loss to our family and friends who it seems was well liked by the people she represented.A bad week where a man man walked into a club in America killing and harming many.Then in France another mad man stabs and kills a police man and his wife.No words to describe such hate
  12. Its good that we won,true to form we had to do it the hard way.I just hope theres no more trouble .I think Wales can do it.Also good to see that Northern Ireland won there game .The problem is Gracie Football will always mix up feelings. Ian
  13. Welcome Mike,as I have said before theres no cure for the boating bug you need to take as many trips as you can.I agree with Alan(ranworthbreeze).Silverline and Muffetts are very good we hired from Silverline many times before we started to own boats,Muffetts now onlyhave two wooden boats but well looked after,Graham looks after servicing and repairs to our boat and he does a very good job.If and when you can also give the northern rivers a try.What ever happens happy boating ian
  14. I have been lucky to have seen the Red Arrows a number of times,they never disappoint.It would be great for the area to have a air show
  15. Me to don't do ladders,however I have been up a few mills/wind pumps.Pleased that they intend to restore Stacey wind pump
  16. Like many people always unsure about mooring there,however we do when we can.Very pleased that they have put in new timbers,we will free better mooring there.Well done ferry house Ian
  17. Yes Iain have seen it down here,taking the mick out of us English.Still it is a good advert
  18. Sorry here I go again as a caterer it is not to hard to get a good mark.Its based on a number of points.For example as I said ,food stored safe and apart in date cooked to the correct temp.One restaurant well used be stars refused to cook there burgers above 70c ie served rare therefore there mark was 3.Some outlets don't have hand washing areas in kitchens.Its 2016 not 1916.It really is not hard to get 4 plus.Most of it is good house keeping .If outlets are prepared to make an effort Then fair play to them.Some however don't seem to make an effort
  19. Sorry to go on but the rules concerning ratings is clear and are based on a number of reasons how food is kept ie correctly stored prepared cooked etc how clean the building is maintained etc .That is FOR SAFETY is not a matter of 8fvthe inspectors like you or not.My company works to the same rules ,and then working to higher standards.Still if you wish to eat is places that have poor standards feel free,but as a caterer we should aim high.
  20. I to feel ratings should be displayed be law,To active a good rating, must work to good standards,if you manage stock and cleaning well you are half way there.There is a clear set of rules that apply to catering outlets if they are passed your business will get a high mark.`If however your stock control,cleaning prep etc YOU WILL get a poor mark.As I have said any outlet with a mark of 3 and below will not get my custom. Ian
  21. Peter is right anything less then 3 is unacceptable as a chef with many years in the trade it is not to hard to get at least 4.I would not go near any pub restaurant or shop that had 1 to 3. Ian
  22. I think there is a place for both,it makes the forum friendly and is I feel makes us interesting.Members do pass on lots of info etc.Yes please let's have stories of the broads pictures and so on,but the odd joke here and there is fine
  23. Neil as Alan said it's best to set up an account That's what Marina does,as we go up to the boat at least once a month.Marina tops it up every so often. I agree there's always talk as to why we are still paying,but like many things in life once you start to pay for something the powers to be will keep on charging Ian
  24. Now is the glass half full or half empty?
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