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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Glad you had a good trip Not sure it was SOB,went past it yesterday in the same place but it was Aqua Bell.Does that mean they now have two boats of a kind? Ian
  2. I am pleased thats things seem to be moving in the right direction ,most people would have kicked the cat and the boat and cashed in there chips,you both have stuck with it.Good luck to you and Deb,enjoy the boat and the river this year. PS Cant help with the DIY,however any tips on cooking and food I can help. Best wishes Ian
  3. Hi Steve Marina has a problem with fat what we do is get nu me 70per cent reduced fat fro Morrisons ,which is in fact the eye of the bacon I then cook with out fat in the oven Try fish cakes using the fish of your chose i.e. haddock smoked salmon prawns etc.I bake in the oven using just a little fat,chop fish add mash potatoes chopped chive,add finely diced chilli or chive.Flour,egg and crumb.Set in the fridge over night,fry in a little oil giving colour Finnish in the oven.
  4. Heading up to Brundall on the train thankfully first not cattle class.Weather looks good will meet Marina in Norwich dinner at Thai on the river back to the boat then a pint at the Yare out on the river tomorrow happy days
  5. Is it the hotel or the cafe that's where we moored last summer?
  6. Welcome to the forum another idea is to get to potter then hire a day boat.Saddly we have been unable to get under the bridge for many years.We intend to get a day boat this year and go through Ian
  7. Also did well in the footie and the 20/20 cricket boys and girls.
  8. No Iain if you kick the mushrooms they would be wild
  9. Try a veg pie,onions carrots,cauliflower and broccoil.Season with salt and pepper add a little veg or corn oil.Then roast in a hot oven.make a white sauce,if you like buy a ready made sauce.top with shop made puff pastry. Mushroom stroganoff:One large diced onion or shallot cook without colour until soft add sliced mushrooms(to give it a kick use wild mushrooms).fry off until brown,season add smoked paprika add a little veg stock one teaspoon of tomato puree,a little white wine.finnish with cream.Serve with rice. Veggie dishes don't have to be boring.Just have a go
  10. Us to for our first trip of the season,perhaps heading for Nor wich.Have a great time Best wishes ian
  11. Yes I agree with Mouldy.Its well worth going to Horsey,where the car park is there is a van selling tea coffee and snacks,thankfully that's all there is,on the beach watching the seals watching you.Stop off on the way back for a drink at the Nelson Ian
  12. As I said before to have a rating of only 1 ials very poor.You must have a rethink and improve in all areas.We have only eaten in there a few times,so years ago.Mainly just having a drink there.If they don't improve won't eat there anymore
  13. All looks good,can't make it for Easter,but will be up next weekend. Happy Easter and boating Ian
  14. We had take away for dinner,Marina Nicola and Alan.Presents opened.Nice egg sandwich from Hotel Chocolate rope Knife,shirts jumpers,flying and gliding flights from Nicola and Alan.Also sun glasses from Marina.On our hols last year,my pair went in the water,when I was helping people to moor at Neatishead. So if you want a pair of all be it muddy Ray bands go diving there.
  15. I am sure Clive can help if it was one of the family boats,why not sen him a PM Ian
  16. Many thanks everyone,I don't feel a day over sixty. Ian
  17. A good day for England,well done and winning the Grand slam after many years,great news
  18. This morning I went to see the Greatest (Muhammad Ali) at the 02.Really good show lots of film,pictures etc.I remember watching on tv many of his fights when I was growing up .For me one of the best boxers ever.Sad to see him now however he has truly earned his place in history Ian
  19. Hi Shirley and from me,as you can see if you need help with info on many things members have the answers.Do you still life in the area,have a boat etc. PS Jenny is in fact Peter. Look forward to hearing more about you Ian
  20. Will be on the boat for the start of the season,first week in April.Would be nice if the weather is like it is now,cold mornings and evenings,but nice and sunny during the day.What ever looking forward to being back on the river,may be see some of you along the way Ian
  21. We got our tolls the start of the week,intend to take and put on end of the month . Hopefully they will sort it out before we do so
  22. Someone told us the other week that they hope to carry on building boats not confirmed thou.As Alan said very sad,in the last few years we got to know Paul very well.Indeed our boat was in there moorings for a few months having some work done a few years ago.I wish them all well.
  23. Watching this now on ITV.A series about letter inforcers,they all look like copers. In fact its seems nearly every one looks like Police.Ticket inspectors look like police.They all do a important job,but I am not sure its a good idea that they look like the Police Ian
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