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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Marina said yesterday, when we were at Hemsby. Its odd being at the seaside,and not going back home.
  2. They've been there for about 18 months. I asked where the Chef was from ,because there was a good selection of Spanish food . He's local she said.The only down side the car park is very small.Not a problem if your moored at Potter though.
  3. Often if I go over to the loo or shower.Im away for about 20 minutes.Thats not spent in the loo for that long,Get side tracked along the way, by other boaters, having a chat and a catch up. Ian
  4. David at Cove phoned us this morning.At last the sale completed.So theres new owners.Horning pleasure craft.Am pleased its Clive.
  5. Very very good.We booked a table for 6.00 pm.We considered steak and chips,but both had,chicken and bacon burger.Really nicely cooked..Chicken was tender .For dessert, lemon tart I had cream, Marina had icecream with hers. Well worth a visit.May well be our local.
  6. Went to Yarmouth this afternoon. Brought lampshades, bulbs light and garden. Loo seat.Then called into Hemsby, saw my old friends who helped me out last year when I had a argument with Ludham bridge. I may do so Voluntary work for them. Photo of there new boat.
  7. Most of that is good,apart from eat.We will be eating out for a time.Reson being no cooker.New one coming 1 November. Tonight eating at the Falgate.
  8. We're in at last.Wow what a day.The removal company got to our house at 8.30 am. Very helpful, we supplied them with tea,coffee biscuits .They made off before us.We completed at home(Belvedere) fairly quickly.,Just before we made off.Only had confirmation about 14.30 this afternoon re Martham. Alan thankfully picked up the keys from Howard's. Place still in a mess. Still we're here.Fish seemed to be okay.Tomorrow Sky fitted Thursday some furniture coming up.Friday pick the cats up.Odd thing when we got here a chap was hovering around. He said this is odd.Up here there's not that many of us.It appears a letter addressed to us went to him.The reason being he's name Is Hathaway. Snap same as us .So We're trying to relax. Some pics before and after. Not much between the two.
  9. Think it was spring,yesterday plus lots of rain recently. So hopefully levels will drop a bit.
  10. There's not doubt many books from the past can, still hold there own now.Rember well stamps, green and pink.Still happens today last Saturday thanks to points on my Morleys card.I got a toaster for 94p!
  11. I know in the past,he tended to close over winter. May be able to let people know soon once we get up to Norfolk.
  12. My books are the Australian edition! Only yolking.my green book(upside down photo).Is my college Practical cookery.And yes my mums Good housekeeping. Helen what have you done to your book? Think it's been well used.
  13. Always this time of the year,I do some pickling.Most of the time onions.I buy 5 kg onions. This makes about 4 or 5 half lt jars. I Often add a few chilli's or garlic depends what I have in mind each time .Then I give away to family .I always use a new seal each time not reusing old ones.That way you get better results. So after a very busy Olympics.Life settled down for a time.Towards the end of 2012.I received a letter from RBS.It appeared they had made a big mistake on my Nat west pension.More to the point the money they owed me was considerable.What was funny they gave me the option of reinvesting it back in a pension with them or take the cash.So I paid off our mortgage, swapped Little Kingfisher for Sweetkingfisher. I treated Marina to a trip to Geneva. She to her slight annoyance only know where we was going when we arrived at London City Airport. We had a lovely time in Switzerland. Did some more bits and pieces with the money. More good luck followed in 2014.More of that later. Cookery books.Ive got lots,Some of which going back to my training days.Even to this day,I enjoy learning new things.I am encouraged by Chefs who truly enjoy there work.Some of my favourites are Raymond Blanc,Tom Kerridge,Paul Answorth.Just a few that I very much respect. A few photos of my books 📚.
  14. Yes Jean,we've made a list,checking it twice,Santa's coming to town.Sorry got side tracked,yes we've got a list,done lots of phoning to change addresses ,lots more to do.Today we arranged delivery of some furniture we've paid for.Then brought a new toaster (94p),Thanks due to our points at Morleys.Also arranged for sky too.So now until we move lots to do.No complaints .
  15. No side affects, apart from a sore arm.But still got a nice bruise.
  16. Yesterday afternoon I met up with some workmates, for a farewell drink.Just as I got there my phone rang.It was from our Solicitor, to tell me compilation on our house and our house in Martham had completed. So we move Tuesday 26 October. We've already started making lots of call changing addresses etc. So after what in reality a short time,six months, it's been stressful.
  17. Looks very good,and you did the work with a broken foot.Well done.
  18. Last Saturday I had the flu jab no problems. Today I had my Covid booster so far so good.Still no stickers.
  19. Could try Cove Brundall. Not sure if any available, but give David a call.
  20. I think if you have it in writing, from the NHS,that's accepted.You can phone 119,they can confirm if that correct.
  21. Most TVs I know, sadly will have Emmerdale on them
  22. We had a survey on our boat,would strongly advise that you do.Im lucky with have a very good engineer. If or when we get another boat I would ask him to give his opinion on the engine.
  23. Yes agree we are so lucky to be in perhaps a great part of Norfolk. We've travelled most parts of the broads and will visit many parts again.We are in no rush, we want what's right for house and boat.
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