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Everything posted by ChrisB

  1. Bank spikes and rhond anchors always benefit from the business end of a club hammer. Always in the essentials wherever we have hired.
  2. Winchester Supreme 3", 53gms, No4. That should do it for anyone with farrowing sows outside or lambing. Or •222 Remington for longer range.
  3. There is No Northern Bypass.! It is a relief road that stops near Taverham. If it ran from A47 to A47 over the North of Norwich it would be a Bypass. Known locally as the road to nowhere to we locals.
  4. I have just been looking at the December rainfall stats for Blencathra, Capel Curig and Kielder. All have had 3X the average and not far off 2X the previous record.
  5. Now, that's a sobering thought!
  6. I am afraid that is true of not only the pub trade. Some years ago I worked as a mentor/consultant in new start ups. It was really worrying seeing so many who thought working for yourself was an easy option and who didn't want someone telling them what to do. When I said that "you will be working twice the hours and working to satisfy the bank is worse than any boss" they thought I was mad. I have seen not only broken dreams but the nightmares of divorce, repossessed homes, cars and the knock of the Bailiffs. You really need to be honest about your strengths and weakness before jumping in.
  7. How I wish you could get a sandwich of good quality in a pub. When we travel we mostly buy ready made M&S or Waitrose and picnic. Why? Because we don't want half a metre of bagette and a bucket of chips half way through ourjourney, just a round of beef or ham, something like that.
  8. Being "Historical" Changes perceptions. If tobacco and alcohol were to be invented next week they would most likely be Class A drugs given their cost to health and well being.
  9. We have just received a Christmas card with the following warning on the back: CAUTION Glitter content Do Not Rub Eyes!
  10. The world is a much nicer place with the ban. Hire cars, hotel bedrooms, hire boats, railway waiting rooms etc absolutley stank. They dont now. I was a 10 Villiger cigar a day man plus a few cigs when I ran out. Been clean for twenty years.
  11. But West Norfolk and The Fens have Kimmeridge shale and Clay. This is named after Kimmeridge Bay in Dorset, here the shale is exposed. The shale on the beach if given a high heat source in the form of a bunsen burner will then burn and support its own combustion. Kimmeridge was home to the first uk oil well and there was a nodding donkey there from the thirties I think.
  12. In serious in depth reporting I agree. However on the TV News it was all about D. Cameron discussing it with the Chairman of China when he popped over to do a bit of PR.
  13. In all seriousness, if other energy alternatives are an indicator, the consumer usually pays for research, development and implementation and fortunes are made. But jobs and industry rely on a stable energy market. When big users fail as has recently happened in Steel, unfair competition, collapse of world markets is blamed. We never hear what part our domestic energy played in their demise.
  14. If looking for the devious, then my attention will be focused on the Stock Market. The energy sector has been in the doldrums for a long time driven down by the oil price. Now this is likely to produce a short term shot in the arm. A covering of strategic purchases in the "Frack Attack" sector could be a good bet. *****CONSPIRACY THEORY***** But, have the savvy traders sewn up the market with options over the last few days and weeks because they have already been slipped the SP by Whitehall grey suits.
  15. I received a comms from Norman Lamb, our MP, yesterday which I copy here. I think given the amount of water in East Anglia this is serious situation. Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service is looking at the way it provides services across the County. Like so many other services, it needs to do this because of planned cuts to its funding. They are asking for views from the public and you can find detailed information online online by clicking on this link. I am particularly keen to encourage people to have a say about how the fire service deals with flooding risk. On page 36 of the consultation document, the fire service says this: Currently a key part of our emergency response is the ability to respond to major incidents, such as transport accidents, wide area flooding, environmental contamination and collapsed buildings. After the floods of 2007 we received grant funding from Government to help us respond to flooding - this was in addition to a grant allocated by the County Council. This allowed us to set up a specialist water rescue and flooding service. In return for this grant, we were expected to attend incidents outside Norfolk, providing specialist expertise across the country. However, this national funding is coming to an end in 2017. By law we do not need to provide a specialist water rescue and flooding service so we could end the specialist service. If, however, we want to keep providing a flood response for Norfolk after 2017, we would have to save money from elsewhere in order to fund it.To help us with our plans for the future we are interested in your views on this. North Norfolk residents need to make their voice heard if they have views on how the emergency services prioritise response to flooding. You can respond to the consultation in the following ways: You can respond online at www.norfolk.gov.uk/reimagining You can email your response to: haveyoursay@norfolk.gov.uk By phone on 0344 800 8020 on Twitter using #norfolkbudget The consultation closes in mid-January. I would be interested to hear your views too. Norman Lambhttp://www.normanlamb.org.uk/
  16. Let us all for once step outside the square and look in. Forget the mooring bit and take the helicopter big view! Of the BA. Tolls still very good value for money. Conservation of area very good NP rebrand welcomed by hire industry and general tourism if it brings in more heads and cash Services considering the cuts still good and those lost outside BA control. Has there been wholesale redundancies No Is there a vast staff turnover? Not at the sharp end. Dredging going ahead well. Like it or not, given the difficulties of pleasing umteen sectors they are doing a very good job in difficult circumstances. And on top of that poor old JP can't even control his own budget as half the income can only be spent on certain things. Running a "Not for Profit" cost centre is no easy task. You only have to look at what is happening in Social Services, Police, Fire and the National Health. I don't know if the BA staff read the various forums but it must be a bit depressing for them to have a large section of their customers moaning ad infinitum. I know I started this thread and loss of moorings is a major concern but I feel if the use of hire yards mid week for when people need to shop in say Stalham, Wroxham, Potter and Brundall were more widely made known to the hiring puplic on holiday then in the short term things could be eased. Merry Christmas All.
  17. ChrisB

    Tunis Cake

    Sounds wonderful, a coronary in every slice! Still plenty of time in January and February to worry about cholesterol. Save a slice for me.
  18. I was just pointing out he has the type of background that is looked for in the head of an organisation like the BA. Why has he stayed? Most likely because he likes the job and is happy to live in Norfolk. It is cheap and on a CEO salary I wager he lives very well.
  19. ChrisB

    Tunis Cake

    Mcfarlane merged with McVitie to form United Biscuits, They were then made under the McVitie brand for about 30 years.
  20. ChrisB

    Tunis Cake

    £7.49 @ Waitrose. Eaton or North Walsham. Personally I prefer a good whisky Dundee Cake to Madeira.
  21. I was told by a Landowner in Sussex that Dr Packman is held in very high esteem in that part of the world. He is credited there for being very instrumental in turning round Brighton from it's decline into the vibrant town it is today. (pity he can't help Great Yarmouth do the same) His CV is impressive. "Dr John Packman BA, PhD, Dip TP, MBA, MIED, MRTPI FRGS John was appointed as Chief Executive to the Broads Authority on 20 March 2001. He has previously worked as a town planner for Norfolk County Council, as a researcher at the University of East Anglia and in Wellington, New Zealand for the Ministry of Works and Development. Prior to taking up his present role he was Head of Economic Development and Regeneration for Brighton and Hove City Council. He is currently working with the Authority’s members and staff on significant changes to the organisation to cope with a large projected reduction in National Park Grant following the Spending Review."
  22. I already do believe in flying pigs! And so would you if you saw the mess on my canopy when I visited to check my boat this morning.
  23. I think you have a point Peter. Because how far can you get in a weekend if you arrive late Friday and go home Sunday afternoon. However some moorings in the season are very much the preserve of the hire fleets, at Ludham Bridge and Potter Heigham private boats are very thin on the ground for example. If you take the loss of 24 hour moorings and add the wild ones lost like Fleet Dyke everyone is fighting for fewer overnight spots. Soon as a boat makes it's 10.00 am move people will be grabbing that spot for the night as I have witnessed on many occasions at Ranworth.
  24. I am also not sure if I like the sound of "Cockshoot" does it mean the after all the work that the BA have done, that too could go? it says renegotiate, fine but they are all owned by the same estate who has shut the boardwalk and given notice to terminate the other aforementioned two moorings.
  25. Thanks, made a bit of a mess of that.
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