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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Vaughan, I would have thought that some of the positives I quoted at the beginning of the thread would have made you happier, - as in fixed term board appointments and allocation of the chairman by the secretary of state- thus accountable to the secretary of state.
  2. I am rapidly running out of wall space for this type of storage, yes I already have a whole bunch of these. and the work bench, small though it is, I dont think i have the room to put it.
  3. at least under their proposals the broads is one of those areas. its all carefully worded in political speak, its not meant to be easy to understand i guess.
  4. OK, you can buy single switch dip switches, but at 3.5x7.6mm in size, they are still too big, if you can find working switches 1.5mm x 3.5mm case size, then I would consider fitting them.
  5. Okay, so I cheated this one, getting the stainless steel to the right shape wasnt going to work, so I went with plan B, the liquid chrome markers, lamps fixed to backing plates, chrome added and chromed switch added to the plate (these ones wont work.)
  6. note to any fellow modelers, if you have your tiny part mounted to a big lump of brass rod, its a lot easier to accurately hold it against a sander for shaping.
  7. so today, after 2 unsuccessful attempts at making the backing plates, it got serious, a fixture was needed to hold the wood firmly, yet still allow accurate alignment to the sander, some brass was drilled and countersunk for a 2BA brass bolt, then the 4 backing plates were mounted to this. with the brass bar as a reference the end was squared to the brass, then the sides brought in square, a 20 degree angle was then sanded across two sides at that end, the wood parts were then rotated through 180 degrees to present the other end to the sander., this end was squared off too. and then a 10 degree angle was cut on the sides at that end, to meet the point the 20 degree angle came to, leaving the backing plate shape. a bit like a coffin, this then gave the basic shape of the mounting plate, room for the light 'glass' with space under for a switch. the fitting now finished with the individual light backing plates were removed next, can I cut the chromed mount from this thick stainless steel foil, or do I find another way to represent the chrome surround and light switch?
  8. shock horror, no new tools on offer, seems they havent got them yet
  9. I do wonder if this could be used to regain access to some of the broads that have been shut off by landowners from access? the local governance section contains some interesting revelations too, for example requiring fixed term appointments and performance reviews. does this mean that the broads authority will be accountable unlike the present situation, that might be seen as a welcome step by some. as will
  10. well at least they have highlighted the other priority for the broads authority, which I suppose is a comfort that they recognise the fact
  11. technical are indeed on the case and we have now banned the spammer and reported him to spam listings worldwide, this should have deleted any content he posted. thank you for the members that reported this and those that messaged us. my apologies that this one got through our net, and that I wasnt online when this topi was first posted, (2.30-3pm fridays is when I am busy with work, getting things tidied up for the weekend and writing reports to my boss for any outstanding work left at the end of the week.
  12. I havent been in store yet, saturday mornings is my lidls trip.
  13. its also possible there was a row of cottages right next to the pub
  14. the area I mentioned to seems to be ashtree farm
  15. lots of pictures here - http://www.berneyarms.co.uk/
  16. apparently there were also a row of cottages at the station which were demolished in 1969
  17. maybe just north of the mill between the mill and pub - 1904 map
  18. the cottages are the other side of the mill from the pub. near the upstream end of the moorings
  19. some of the chalets come with a day boat as standard, so well worth considering.
  20. I was sorely tempted, so a set of drills is on its way - 1mm to 6mm jobber drills in 0.1mm steps- in a metal case.
  21. well a further 2 deck lights added to the two already made up and wired, the other 4 will have to wait until I get the new LED's in, I cant join these to the thicker wire as the wires will need to be fed through the cabin sides before I do that, and the remaining wiring will be done inside the model. so unless I can think of more wiring that can be done now, It is a case of waiting for a delivery.
  22. along with all the gopros on the cruisers maybe?
  23. the only problem I ever had with paddle boarders was moored up at deep dyke above potter, about 7pm when most respecting craft were moored up for the night, and I was on Jayne, from Marthams, it was my last night and I was having a shower. Now at this point I must point out that Jayne has an outdoor toilet, you go into the well deck and re-enter the toilet. so 7pm, I step out of the shower wearing a towel, and find myself face to face with 20 paddle boarders out for a early evening paddle, I dont know who was more embarrased, me or them.
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