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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I have a standing invite to my sisters Boxing day, for a family get together, considering there will be a fair few school age kids in the gathering, I think I may well give it a miss this year, not wanting to immerse myself into a possible contagion hotspot. they are saying that once again it seems to be schoolkids that are potentially spreading this far and wide, I think that maybe we ought to take a more drastic step and maybe just tie a plastic bag on all childrens heads with an airtight seal around the neck. or is that maybe a step too far?
  2. I found this an interesting and accurate summation of the new COVID strain https://youtu.be/kF79-XprdfU
  3. thats as good as our IT department - we have emailed your new user his password and login details..... doh at least copy his manager in so he can pass on the information
  4. Griff, first you need a robber pin, this is placed adjacent to the mop head, then you blow a whistle and shout, I have been robbed, throwing the robber nail away from you, ata this point the copper nail will extract itself from the handle, chasing the robber nail.
  5. Another test of the process in progress
  6. Trying some new tricks today, lightly engraving onto aluminium, then washing over with printing ink, and wiping off the excess.
  7. my late departed grandmother had the habit of when guests where there, going into the garden and digging until she found a buried tin box, whereupon she would unearth said box and remove a tin can, usually of some meat variety, maybe bully beef or similar, that had been purchased many years before (rumour had it that some was pre-war) and buried for Ron - later Ron. mind you that was back in the days where tinned food didnt have use by dates on the label (well most of these didnt have labels either) if a tin was puffed up and distended, it was usually lobbed to the bottom of the garden to see if it would explode. suffice to say we managed to avoid food poisoning somehow. when tidying her house after she died, we did find a mummified marrow behind the cooker, placed there to dry out, and forgotten.
  8. yes it was when I was taking her to the wooden boat show Vaughan, the staff did have a days warning of the issues as I handed the list to the Marthams chap when he piloted me under PH bridge the day before handover, I did ask if they wanted me to drop in at the boatyard in passing, but they said they would handle it at changeover. sure enough I wasnt off the boat more than a minute or two and the engineers had moved on, that was when I heard one say whoops we didnt connect that shower pump, a new nut on the alternator and tighten the injector were matters of a few moments, the injector wasnt leaking as such, it was just damp surrounding it, and probably just loosened off lightly with repeated useage cycles. and in my opinion, no, these were not worthy of a yard callout as the systems were working well enough to get by
  9. that reminds me of my first trip on Jayne 2, I arrived at 11 am (about an hour early, I had had a good run up to norfolk, only to find that they had only put her in the water at 9am, work was still ongoing, the front windows were being fitted along with window catches, I distinctly remember them taking a toilet roll holder aboard and fitting it. by 2pm though, they had finished, I went aboard as one of the ladies finished taking the photos for the new folder and the publicity shots (I went out with the Jayne 1 folder that first time a few things were in different places) I then proceeded to head straight south for a breydon crossing next day, mooring up at the stracey arms mill. yes the bilge pump was still working overtime, but they had fitted a good big pump, that was powerful enough to push the boat off the quay heading. by the end of my week aboard the pump had settled down, but this hull had been out of the water for 10 years and she had had a complete rebuild from the deck up. I came back with a snagging list of minor details (shower drain pump not working - they had forgotten to connect it up, weeping injector - just needed snugging down, alternator bolt nut fell off (that dropped under the engine where I couldnt reach, so a cable tie was put on the bolt to stop it working its way off) all very minor stuff really, none enough to warrant a callout to the boat to fix, the shower tray did drain after about 1/2 hour so that wasnt a big issue.
  10. i just use my tablet, this also has an external plug in usb antenna and with this I currently have 35 satellites in view, using 17 for positional fix and a positional accuracy of +- 4m, this is able to navigate me across breydon in the fog if necessary as I can easily keep within the posts (which are accurately plotted on the os map of the broads that I have as an offline map on the tablet) I generally use the two apps split screened on the tablet, so I can see where I am and use the speed part to see how fast I am going.
  11. I believe the UK equivalent would be ibuprofen and paracetamol, Tylenol is a USA Brand name, so would be like saying neurofen and paracetomol.
  12. I am sure when I originally applied for my letter, you could just get one that stated you had had the vaccines that didnt expire after so many days, like these ones for events seem to.
  13. well I for one wont be watching (mind you I havent been watching for at least 15 years) as for actually paying to watch, well... I fear I feel some yorkshire ancestry rising in me.
  14. i still find it impossible to know what to think, that suitable electric vehicles are being sold in their thousands, yet are still technically illegal to use unless you are hiring them in trial areas, by that I mean electric scooters, considering the governments push to go electric, it does seem a silly situation, legalise them, require insurance for them and some standard of safety test, and let people use them, for short trips (under 5 miles) they are a great way to move one person from A to B, we have a trial running in canterbury, but 2 out of every 3 scooters I see are not hire ones, thus technically illegal to use. at least 95% I see in use are being ridden responsibly and with consideration for pedestrians.
  15. there are quite a few walk in centres, where you dont need to book, I had a text message saying where mine was and went the same day, no fuss no bother.
  16. well, be assured that the moderation team are paying close attention to this thread to ensure it does not stray outside of the TOS. it is in the broadscot lounge so can be outside of the broads area. That said as has been noted above, when things get to the point several people agree to disagree, we do feel that some time to calm down may be needed, thus we will temporarily lock the thread to replies for 24 hours to give everyone time to reassess their viewpoint.
  17. and this for my parents for christmas, using the inbuilt clipart
  18. I have continued to explore what this fine machine can do, so far I have managed to create this from a photo
  19. unfortunately for me its in my nature to ask whether any fact quoted is verifiable and correct, as soon as I see numbers and figures quoted, I want to know where they came from, I suppose I am a natural sceptic. its been proven to me time and time again that newspapers are no longer a reliable source of information, or any news media, for me news media have become a farce, they are pushing stories out, without fact checks and with only a regard for selling their product, even the BBC cannot be said to be blameless in this any more, they all have their own agenda and push stories out to the masses to make them believe what they want you to believe. posts on facebook and similar are even worse, people post incorrect data, and it is passed back and forth gaining trust as more people are deluded into believing the false data. to some extent people believe, because that is what the media want us to believe, they spread discord and mistrust, and that suits their agenda. I just wish more people would do even rudimentary fact checking before passing things on as proven fact.
  20. while I can understand your views Griff, how certain are you that the facts you quote are actually facts, there are a lot of provably incorrect facts being posted on the internet, for example if I wanted to know immigrant / migrant numbers, I would ask my colleague that works in uk customs at dover, who is far more likely to have access to the correct numbers than some internet page that had a reason for wanting to post the numbers that they do, whether that would be to mislead, or because they themselves had been misled by a different site posting incorrect data. as i have said elsewhere the data posted on the internet fails far short of the accuracy and proof. if it is posted by a news outlet, then you can almost guarantee the data is skewed in some way to present their story, and story it is, not fact, i have yet to see a verifialble fully factually correct news report from any news media- oh the story may be based upon a grain of truth, but it sure doesnt reflect the true fact anymore. for example your £ 30,000 figure, where does that come from, a search by me indicates that true refugees can only claim the same as a uk resident which is capped at £13,400 the above is based upon a fact check done by reuters on the costs of illegal immegrants and their verdict was the claim that the costs were £29,900 was false. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-immigrant-benefits-uk-idUSKBN22J30G Thus my reason for asking where these figures came from. As the figure of £30,000 is plainly incorrect.
  21. and this very point was brought up at our astronomy meeting tonight, yes as of tomorrow sunset times will get no earlier, then the solstice is on dec 21st (with a day length of 7h 49m 41s), after which sunrise will still get later for a short while (now I wish i had made a note of all the dates, but until somewhere around the 29th december). sunset today in london is officially 15.51, with sunrise in london officially 7.57am tomorrow.
  22. i hesitate to point out that that i believe there are naval patrols too, who would also be duty bound to render assistance.
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