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Everything posted by grendel

  1. its an issue i have been following for years, back when it used to be called global warming, i was discussing it with a friend, and we were saying then, that it should really be global climate change, because some places might actually get colder (eg the uk if we lose the warming of the gulf stream, we are actually at the same latitude as canada and siberia.)
  2. looking back through history, I wonder why the climate change proponents that show graphs of global warming always start their data in the 1950's (have you noticed that) well historically (https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/whats-hottest-earths-ever-been) well thats because the 1950,s was the end of a spell where the temperature dropped and it started rising again. between the 1900's and the 1950's the temperature dropped about 0.75 degree F, so by only starting at the point where it started rising again in the 1950's the climate people are showing a false perspective as at that point they are starting 0.75 deg F below the base line, and while - yes the graph does show an alarming rise at the end, it also shows that the earth is still rising from what is termed the little ice age, but longer term, 50 million years ago, it was nearly 15 deg F hotter than now, and that was temperatures since the last great extinction, so that rise in temperature wasnt a source of mass extinction. Do I totally understand the science - not really, but if I can see these flaws in the climate change arguments, then so can others, if you want to get universal backing you need the scientific proof to show you are not just blowing smoke rings, not just the charts that only show the data that backs your argument. I have a great deal of trouble agreeing with a cause if the scientific data used to present their case is incomplete or flawed.
  3. if the number of adverts I see to come and visit Norway, Germany, etc etc are to be believed, it seems that these countries are desperate to attract the holiday makers, the issue as I see it is not visiting the countries, - its the travel to get there, here we are discussing COP26 and all countries agreeing to reduce their carbon impact, yet on the flip side they are encouraging travel to get there, and for some of these countries it will be predominantly air travel.
  4. well, I dont know about the other extinction events, but the dinosaur one was caused by an outside influence, a meteor strike of massive proportions, and not by any conditions present on earth at the time, who can say about the other extinction events, thus the much simplified poster below could be seen as more alarmist than factual. I seem to recall one of the previous events was due to a supervolcano eruption blanketing the earth with dust and causing an ice age. so really not a predictable event, thus their paragraph 6 is not based upon any scientific premise, at least 2 of the previous event that we know of were not preceded by high extinction rates, making their postulation scientifically invalid. Much the same with alot of the climate protests, they dont seem to be based upon provable scientific fact. science shows that at times in the past the earth has been a lot hotter than now by many degrees (and not just the odd tenth of a degree, which could be attributed to normal variations in the climate). I wont say that mankind does not affect the climate, but to me it is sheer arrogance to believe that we can control nature, I note also that we are overdue another ice age, and that in general ice ages are proceeded by a rise in temperature, is mankind arrogent enough to think we could stop an ice age if one came? my belief is that if this happened the last thing we would be worrying about is the extinction of other animals and species, we would be fighting to survive ourselves. Do your best to have minimal impact on your surroundings and the planet, meanwhile get on and live your life. I see no need for me to holiday abroad, and spend as much holiday as I can on the broads.
  5. with no electric hookup, it makes it slightly more tricky, i would suggest emptying the water tank and leaving taps open, and some form of antifreeze in the engine cooling circuit, there is another recent thread on this with a lot of helpful advice too.
  6. well Tim, thank you for all your time up to date, and I know you will be there for any questions that may arise, I always thought you were a bit tall to be a hobbit, maybe a brandybuck? as with Bilbo, leaving with a shower of fireworks (I do wonder about that magic ring though). still I wish you well with your projects. I well remember that day of mild panic when you stepped up to the mark, with me as moderator and technical representative, we have had some fun times since. I would like to allay any concerns over my post as chief moderator, I will be continuing in this role for the time being, and we have an excellent team of moderators whom i can call upon and rely upon to keep the members following the guidelines set down by Timbo and Ian, we are in a good position to continue and to avoid falling foul of any up and coming legislation thanks to Tim and Ians sterling efforts to ensure the forum and facebook were ahead of the game in these respects. many thanks for that Tim and Ian.
  7. i did notice in one thread that the sea was in places closing the car parks for him. (well washing them away anyway)
  8. a good quiz with an even spread of points until Jean stormed away in the last round with her knowledge of walt disney films and won with 12 points, Jean will be next weeks quizmistress
  9. Wow, thats a perfect checklist for any private owners too.
  10. they would probably go back to the yard, get charged and drop tested before scrapping, any that passed the test would be put into the stores ready for taking out to the next boat experiencing battery issues, any that failed would be scrapped. the boat yards dont throw away money.
  11. and finally my quiz comes together, subjects are Cryptic American Cities Mystery tools Music from the 70's Break Films Zodiac Walt Disney We will start at 8.30ish in the chatroom Enter Username - no password required; https://www.nbnplus.co.uk/chat/ All welcome.
  12. if you own a wooden boat, learning how to do your own repairs is a very useful skill to acquire
  13. for just moorings the staffing levels are a lot lower and running costs will just be to maintain the quay headings and facilities, no expensive boats to buy and maintain, probably a lower profit margin, but the income is consistent.
  14. for such small creatures they always leave such a gaping hole in our hearts when their time comes to leave. I recently lost one of my boys, and although I still have 3 others, it seems there are times when the house seems empty without him. still, I am sure him and Nyx will have a good time playing while they await us at the rainbow bridge.
  15. grendel

    Old Woodies

    this one is still my favourite
  16. grendel

    Scamming Page

    the forum has been on and offline a few times today (according to our uptime monitor), its nothing we are doing so must be someone playing silly beggars at the server end of things. to be honest I dont know what we can do to stop it, we could raise a ticket, but that may not actually make it go away, just let the service provider know we have noticed they are doing something.
  17. dirty water conducts electricity, basically you need impurities in the water to make it conductive, of course naturally water contains the impurities necessary or it to be conductive. I would imagine the earth rods to connect to the water would require regular replacement, as connected one way they will erode into the water, and connected the other they would gather impurities to the rods. Interesting problem.
  18. the silliest one we saw this year was people swimming along the chet, i mean thats narrow enough and tricky at best of times, but trying to safely pass swimmers and you are within a few metres at best when squeezed gainst the opposite bank.
  19. just buzzed the airport, that sudden change of direction looks like an immelman turn (half loop and roll over heading back the way you came
  20. and it looks like he gets a good sunset flight too
  21. just had word that they are Running late and Griff has only just taken off
  22. grendel

    Scamming Page

    Invision 4 is the software platform we run on, so dont worry on that score, we had a couple of outages overnight, so I suspect that the service providers have been playing with their servers overnight, I would suggest reloading the page or clearing your cache if it happens.
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