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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I didn't get to see hardly cross as we passed, due to the fact I was galley slave for the day and prepping for our Sunday roast aboard jewel 2
  2. Well, the Beachamp arms was open, looking great inside, jewel 3 crew had a meal, but generally each crew member cooks an evening meal once during the week, then on day 7 we dine out
  3. You needed to be at the Beachamp arms for a great Sunday roast, cooked by yours truly on board Jewel 2 last night, we had apple crumble with custard, all freshly prepared by myself for afters too.
  4. Broad ambition repairs completed, complete system rewired back to the bus bars. Jewel 3 reports repairs completed and heading for our next destination.departure from lodden immenant
  5. Currently jewel 2 and broad ambition moored at lodden, BA had a slight electrical wiring issue this morning, so has had the fuseboard replaced and the shower pump rewired. jewel 3 had issues crossing breydon and was limped into reedham with an escort, she is currently still at reedham as the HW engineers replace the gearbox, engine mounts and universal joint. We have heard the gearbox has been replaced, and the rest of the work is ongoing, several of her crew continued with us to lodden, and are happily fishing or visiting the pub. Jewel 2 and I am anticipating the skippers orders, eg I heard him asking for the fenders to be deployed and the dinghy brought up front when I was 2/3 of the way around the boat deploying the fenders and heading towards the dinghy.
  6. When picking up the sailing dinghy at Herbert woods I used the boathook to catch the ropes as the staff pushed it from shore to save us doing a full stop to collect it.
  7. It's mainly things that most don't think to check, deflated fences (6 between 2 boats, 1 missing fender, kettle that didn't whistle, stern rope with a bunch of knots, mudweight rope unravelled, little things in themselves, but it's difficult to coil a rope property with knots, so we make sure it's right before we leave, otherwise there is no point complaining laterin return they get a snagging list when we return of items that need sorting out on the winter maintenance.
  8. And there is a stain on the aluminium that looked at wrong can give the impression that the tank is nearly full, when in reality you are low.
  9. i like those gaps, at 26 foot they are quite often perfect for Water Rail. I cant remember about the pub moorings, but I know last time we moored there we ended up triple moored side on to the concrete at the end of the BA moorings, sort of diagonal stern moored too, shuffling of fenders was required to keep the boats safe on that corner bit, but we managed it. we have also found that mooring across the front of stern moored boats is allowed (with permission from all of those you block in) at the staithe at ludham (womak), on lads week we have a tendency to get creative to fit 4 boats into a mooring, we have managed horning staithe with 4 boats paired up double moored.
  10. you were fine, its just from experience we know we have to draw a line somewhere, older members should remember we have done so in the past, but for the newer members a reminder now and then brings them up to speed, and reminds everyone where we set the boundaries.
  11. if you are interested this is one of the shorter threads
  12. oh no not that old chestnut again, Can we just say that most of us agree with you and leave that discussion on the old threads where it consumed hundreds of pages of posts.
  13. I had the 2.0 litre petrol version of those parcel vans, it outpulled a much more modern diesel transit up the hill out of rye once, and I was the one towing 1 ton of trailer. mind you it only did 20 mpg whatever you did.
  14. depends upon the rating of the heater,but it can be up to a litre per hour I would imagine, the one I had on my VW variant (very first car) I believe used a pint of petrol per hour.
  15. yes I and the rest of the moderation team will be keeping a close eye on this discussion to ensure things dont get out of hand.
  16. For me i think of Yorkshire as the far North
  17. I was unlucky, at my school you couldnt do woodwork, metalwork and technical drawing at o level together, you could do any 2 of the 3, so I ended up with an o level in woodwork and one in technical drawing (along with the rest of the subjects - we were expected to sit at least 10 o levels, some did 12. my best choice was misbehaving in the woodwork class for which I was punished by staying in the woodwork room at lunch times sharpening the chisel I had blunted trying to cut the bench, this showed me that lunch times could profitably be spent in the woodwork shop, and I was hooked, I was there every hour I could manage, and learned far more than I might otherwise have. the technical drawing, well I just seemed to have the knack for that and its been my career ever since.
  18. I think that if we start discussing the pros and cons of Brexit we will be very quickly straying into the realms of politics (well further than we have at present, which as we all know people hold varied and diverging beliefs and tend to strongly argue their case, which often leads to disagreement and then people forget themselves and start attacking each other, the above reason is why the topic of politics is deemed unacceptable - except where said politics directly affects the Norfolk Broads and is a vital discussion point. So remembering this Can I ask on behalf of the moderation team that we drop the political discussion of Brexit in this thread, except perhaps where it directly bears upon the fuel Duty mentioned in the heading. Thanks
  19. nope send in the big diesel charging truck and its generator.
  20. while there are still some of the old hands available to train the youngsters
  21. Oh for those days, look at all those lovely woodies cruising around
  22. some of our best employees are the ones that did a university placement with us,went back finished their degree and than came back to work for us, we have 3 that I trained as placement students that work in my office now, and they are better than the ones who have had no experience (and I guess it says something about the company that they want to come back and work for us.
  23. I skipped the whole university thing and went to work on the drawing boards, it never did me any harm and I have achieved the top spot in my profession as a drawing office manager, now very much taken a back seat and coasting to retirement (and still more productive than the university kids we get (though they do know all the theory)
  24. If installed before the rest of the build a communal ground source heating system would be a lot cheaper, my company also have the facilities to provide district heating for new estates, we believe we are the only company in the world capable of delivering 7 utilities as a combined package (at the moment)- but only to new estates.
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