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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Sandpaper, or a scraper, a lot of recommendations for removing products will depend upon the paint type, if its an epoxy paint that has dried well, then finding a product that will remove the epoxy and not the gelcoat may not be so easy.
  2. I saw a report on my companies internal website yesterday regarding 2 test hydrogen homes that have been built, one was the introduction of hydrogen into the regular natural gas supply at levels up to 10%, this was only approved by the gas regulator (s a trial) less than a month ago, and the other was a 100% hydrogen home, this was supplied by a bank of 10 gas bottles (I can see a distribution issue arising here if they go down that route, but I guess it will be piped in along the gas pipes in regular use). hydrogen has issues when used in a heating appliance- eg cooker, the flame is not visible at low levels (despite the addition of sodium to give a nice orange flame) Hydrogen does not give out as much energy when it burns (requiring bigger jets thus burning a larger volume of gas) and the hydrogen flame is more concentrated (ie it does not spread as much and gives a more point source of heat from the jet. All of these are issues that will need to be resolved before it will ever be allowed to go into production, particularly the yellow flame, I would imagine that will generate a deal of mistrust that the appliance is burning correctly amongst users.
  3. I think the shortage is mainly 4.5kg bottles (3.9kg propane) I was lucky and picked up a 2/3 full bottle of butane at a boot fair for $15, but I did have to swap out the bottle on water rail during my last trip, fortunately I had bought a full butane from home with me, so my home reserves are down to a 1/3 propane bottle and a 2/3 butane bottle. As mentioned above the bottle shortage is all calors own making with their policy of not taking empties unless they replace with full, it seems now that all the racks are full of empties, yet they are saying there is a shortage of bottles, a few trips round to pick up the empties to refill would solve their problem in a moment.
  4. most of the hire yard will happily sell you diesel fuel. I was once asked whether a hirer or private as the price was different, but never did find out which was cheaper.
  5. I will tell that to the next one that bites me, I take a mosquito net with me as for some reason they seem to like eating me alive. it also keeps off the horse flies at night, the worst place i found was a wild mooring on candle dyke, at night everything came out and the decks were covered with swarming insects trying to find their way aboard to bite me.
  6. solicitors charge by the hour, and the shortest time they bill is 5 minutes for reading an email, during my divorce that was £15 an email, then another £15 when they sent a read receipt, so often, if you have a good solicitor they will try and condense as much as possible into the one email, thus the sellers solicitor my be waiting until they have all the answers before sending their response, ie they may be waiting on one answer that is delaying the other 18.
  7. we are quite lucky in Canterbury, just about any spitfire flight down this way has on its itinerary a low flyover of the spitfire memorial at the top of the cliffs at Capel (usually with a wing waggle in salute) and then if they are heading straight inland they pass over canterbury, if there is even another airshow at folkestone then that is the place to view from, the best, a sudden roar and one or two low flying spitfires rising over the cliff and across the memorial, just a few feet above your heads.
  8. OK, I have created a new section, and we have closed the old one to new topics, please use the new one in future, you will still be able to reply to posts already existing in the old section. Broads01, I have moved your post into the new area so you should be able to share it now.
  9. the only reservation we have about doing it - as moderators is the fact that someone may have posted in that section believing it to be in the members only area, and not wishing to be released to the general public, which as you can see leaves us in a bit of a dilemma. we are currently looking at different options so would ask you bear with us on this and we will see about working out a way forward.
  10. I think its just always been that way, back to the dawn of the forum, certainly not a deliberate policy by the current owners.
  11. the cam belt was done because I asked for it to be done, I asked when it was last done and it was just coming up to the 10 years when it would need to be done (10 years or 150,000 miles on that model), they found what they thought was the injectors was the turbo, because they tested it, the issue with volvos is that generic testers dont give the same detail as the volvo one does and volvo wont issue them to non volvo garages, you are correct when you say most dealers would not get involved in these types of thing, the fact that this dealerwont let a car go out until its 100% in my eyes is a bonus, not a red flag, they could as easily have sold me the car and not mentioned any of the faults they have, but they didnt.
  12. we ended up making sure all obstacles were illuminated with low intensity red LED's eg tripod legs , batteries etc, so all trip hazards were clearly marked, that sufficed in the end.
  13. for me good customer service comes to the fore when there is a problem, and its the way they deal with the problem that distinguishes good customer service form ok customer service.
  14. well the story gets better, this morning i recieved a call from the garage again, still no sign of the injector, so they did the cam belt, and in preparation tested all the injectors and found them all good, instead the issue is with the Turbo- a lot more expensive to fix, but still the garage owner insists that when a car leaves them that it is right, so they will be fixing that now, all in the original cost, its not going to be ready until next week sometime as he has staffing issues to to one mechanic being on holiday, and another having tested positive for covid so in self isolation, so I will be patiently awaiting news of when it is ready, and the response I have had from this garage so far has instilled a trust in me that they are doing things right. ok I may have to wait a little longer, but for the right result, I am prepared to do that.
  15. from experience trying to organise public astronomy events at dark sky sites, we were requested by the insurers to make sure that all pathways were adequately lighted for people to use them, this adequate lighting required, means that the astronomers and public's eyes cannot get dark adapted to better see the wonders through the telescope, I am sure similar dark adaptation would be needed to best display any glow worms that did manage to stick it out until Autumn.
  16. I am due to pick up my new to me car tomorrow afternoon, around lunchtime I got a call from the garage, it was an apologetic pre warning that the car might not be quite ready, the fuel injector they were going to fit was ordered last friday, it still hasnt arrived - this is a part that is normally available next day, the garage owner called me as he had just got off the phone with his supplier, who had assured him it would arrive tomorrow, but because he hadnt been able to do the work yet and i was due to pick up tomorrow, he called me to warn me, he also promised as soon as he knew one way or another he would call me again tomorrow, Of course, I dont need to pick the car up tomorrow, it can wait if it has to, so I assured him of this fact, that I would rather have the car done and working properly beefore I pick it up, than otherwise and I was happy to wait should that be necessary, Needless to say though I have never used the company before, I am inclined to use them in the future now, all through the way they have dealt with this issue.
  17. there will always be a place for diesel in boats, after all when sailing across an ocean you cant just stop and plug into shore power to charge up, once fitted in a boat I would expect to be able to use the engine for the forseeable future, but maybe further engine changes may require a change over to electric or some other fuel, but that said the BMC will if well maintained, last your lifetime out.
  18. The only problem was that this meant tidying out the boot of my current car. oops, I have now sorted into 2 piles, essential tools and spares (4 1/2 X small 5 litre boxes) and non essential tools and spares, 3 x50 litre plastic totes,. the small boxes divide into spanners and sockets, other tools, spares, bulbs and nuts and bolts, these will need further sorting to reduce them down. Maybe I only need 1 of each size spanner.
  19. well, having got fed up of emulating a ww2 destroyer laying down a smoke screen, and needing several other expensive bits of work done to get the car through its MOT, I decided it was time to trade in for a new volvo (well newer, - new to me) as part of the deal, it will get a full service and MOT before it gets handed over to me. I did check when the timing belt was last done and that was 10 years ago, and 100,000 miles ago, ten years and 150,000 miles is the prescribed interval, so at my additional expense they are going to change the belt for me, that way I will be happy knowing it has been done.
  20. what to, 'not the old nipper- the new nipper'?
  21. lidls, i have one of those too (or maybe 2, but i cant find one)
  22. dont forget to take a Bosch cordless drill to threaten Charlie with.
  23. on water rail there is a bleed screw and priming pump on the top of the filter housing- make sure the washer on the bleed screw isnt cracked or it will let air in. also slacken the injectors one at a time as you are cranking until you get a good squirt of diesel out, then tighten, once you have got rid of all the air, it should start.
  24. I would like to ask on behalf of the moderator team that we refrain from discussing in detail the private business of a company (any company) even though it be in the public domain.
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