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Everything posted by grendel

  1. this was the stuff that came out of the bottom of Water Rails filter, it oozed out as one lump and had filled the bottom half inch of the filter housing, this was restricting the flow and limiting me to about 2000 rpm.
  2. at least they are easier to see and more stable than the paddle boards.
  3. its there ready to gag vociferous forum owners on behalf of the moderators
  4. yes, just checked, publicly maintainable all the way to the end of the moorings. public highway is interesting as a highway can be in general use and still be a private road, its all down to who maintains it (its a topic I cover regularly at work a we are allowed to lat cables in publicly maintainable highway, but need to get legal rights over private roads with the land owner. the land can actually be owned by someone other than the council and still be public highway too, its all a question of who is responsible for maintaining it. if land owned by someone is public highway and the status is revoked, the land returns to its owner, who is then responsible for maintaining it if it remains in use.
  5. setting a minimum would be fraught with problems, for example I dropped below half a tank on my new (to me) volvo yesterday, I had done just over 200 miles, and was faced with another 150 mile round trip friday, I am uncomfortable starting a long trip with under half a tank, yet the fill up was only £35, so a £40 minimum is unrealistic, i dont have a small car yet it only has a 52 litre tank, smaller cars may well have smaller tanks.
  6. having completed a 150 mile round trip today for a meeting at work, I drove back into canterbury, past the motorway services which had a queue on the slip road, past asda which had about a 10 car queue, and on to the esso garage 100 yards further down the road, which had a sign diesel only, onto the forcourt straight to a pump, the sign said max £35, so I started filling up as my gauge was registering below half tank (this car only has a 52 litre tank as compared to the 70 litre one in the old volvo) filled up, the pump clicked off at £34.90 and i squeezed the extra 10p in. in to the shop, paid and on my way in under 5 minutes (still queues when I drove back past asda). I needed a top up as I have a similar journey Friday for work and dont like to start a long trip with under half a tank in a car I am not used to the fuel consumption yet. and the good part was that the esso garage was the same price as Asda - £1.379 per litre. Thats what I call a win.
  7. i have access to an app that can tell me if it is a public highway or private road, I will need to log into the one network website to do so which i can only do from my work machine.
  8. I have this smaller 33" version, of a similar kit, it's a sea something by aerokits I believe, this is in my to do pile.
  9. i looked at it, said thats a sea queen, then scrolled down, and sure enough..
  10. to be fair I only ever use the tide information to let me know if its high tide, or low tide, or somewhere between, no app or predictions will ever be able to give you exact figures for any particular spot at a given day or time (even the water gauge at Repps doesnt give live data, I have found the aweigh app to be full of flaws, from predicting the tides a whole hour wrong to just not being able to connect and get tide data at all, ok its better than nothing, but the good old fashioned mark 1 eyeball when you arrive gives far more accurate information.
  11. are the numbers quoted the maximum recorded high and minimum recorded low by any chance?
  12. I always struggle with aweigh, it takes seeminly forever to load the tide information for me
  13. I did this and posted it to the forum somewhere, would have been almost a year ago as I did it en route to lads week last year.
  14. To be fair its usually the wind that is more of a problem, unless its also wind over tide, which would make it quite fun.
  15. that only works if you have a driveway or your house fronts or backs onto the road, for me I am second house in on a terrace built at right angles to our road. with only a footpath out front.
  16. Alan, flawed it may be but its what the industry have used for design when calculating the number of properties able to be placed on a substation, it only really applies where gas is an available alternative, as quite rightly if its an all electric property then the design takes into account no diversity, and we use the developers load calculations for heating and cooking and other power requirements. we must remember that a substation can run for short periods at 150% of normal load
  17. depends where the chart datum is taken and how near to Ludham Bridge that is, if the chart datum is taken at great Yarmouth, then that rise and fall would be seen at great yarmouth, not ludham bridge.
  18. that is the crux of the matter, for normal household energy the supply companies work on average consumptions (called diversity in the trade), the average 3 bed house for example is rated at 2.5kW averaged through the day, but a car charger is either on or off, so you need to factor in the fact that they are all on together, whereas with houses where things are turned on and off through the day, the average works, thus if every house had a 10kw charger, that would push the average up to 12.5kw. if a house also has electric heating, another non diversifiable load, add another 5 kw for that. the government are not only pushing us towards all electric vehicles, but are slowly working to banish gas heating from new homes, the alternatives are electric, or some for of communal or district heating schemes. - easy to achieve in flats and such like, but not so easy in rural areas. (this can be achieved by using the the heat from generating electricity in some large developments with an energy centre.)
  19. i dont know, all you would need a switch to isolate you from the grid presumably fitted between the meter and the consumer unit, back during the hurricane in 87 we had 2 fatalities due to people running generators and plugging them into the house electrics without isolating from the mains supply, this is probably why they are so stringent today
  20. even the threat of a power cut, as then everyone would plug in to make sure they were charged, which would probably overload the whole system, beware the self fulfilling prophecy.
  21. fortunately I have enough (i think) to get me to the office twice this week for the meetings I have, but then I will need a fill up after that, I work in the utilitys industry (electricity supply) so cant really skip those meetings, currently doing my bit by working from home as much as I can.
  22. I will just borrow Griffs when I meet up with Broad Ambition.
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