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Everything posted by grendel

  1. sorry I wont be able to make it tonight, nearly out of battery
  2. and me with my wet swimming trunks hanging out to dry too
  3. There is a gate by the pumphouse that says no public access on the far side, yet the grass is freshly mown all the way round, in the other direction the path goes a few hundred yards then turns inland
  4. I don't believe it's a problem unless the calves are very small, I was talking to some people today who said they have been kicked off when the calves are young and the cows are in protective mode.
  5. Tried again and it gives me clip.sandbags.emails
  6. Just goes to show how good the aweigh app is
  7. Well apart from all the other boats stopping at this in official mooring, and all the canoes and paddle boards, I popped around the corner and had a swim, other than that it was a bacon butty for lunch, and generally just relaxing. The battery issue seems to have resolved to a power hungry 12v to 19.5v laptop power adaptor, still eating power when plugged in but not being used, the easy answer is only to plug it in when in use, or when under way.
  8. What 3 words Dermatologists.discusses.unroll
  9. That's the place, I have been told that 7 large willows were removed here
  10. ,it's a 3 cylinder Nanni 390, 21 hp, I believe direct drive. Today was a slow cruise upriver, taki g in the sights, 2 kingfishers sighted, both of which departed too quickly to get a picture. Up to the locks where there was a lovely wherry moored up, also the .moorings were full of smaller dailies, round togeldeston staithe, once again my favourite mooring was occupied, old NYX was spotted here too then back downstream to the quay heading by the logs to moor up for the day. Battery checked after 3 hours gentle.cruising, 13V on a 3 hour trip.n
  11. This morning I had a quick swim around the boat ( I use a safety line when swimming in the tidal areas) breakfast will be under way, I have cooked my cheese and bacon turnovers, and wish to use the tide to get me up to geldeston later. So need to get going soon.
  12. Overnight I did a battery check, now I left the fridge running and just unplugged the laptop power supply from the 12v, and following on from that I have to conclude the laptop charger is the culprit, under the fridge alone the battery this morning is at 12.46v which equates to 80% charge, it may have helped that before I started out yesterday I tightened the alternator belt, as when I arrived at rockland Wednesday the battery was at 12.7v, when I arrived here yesterday it was at 13.1v, either way the laptop isn't helping, so the plan is to only charge via the inverter on its normal charger, and only while underway today, and see how that affects the battery levels.
  13. Wooden boats are generally warmer than fibreglass inside
  14. As will water rail once I get her going straight, after that I can steer, it's usually preceded with 100 yards going every which way, but once straight she is pretty good.
  15. If you haven't already arrived, give me a toot when you go past, I am just upstream of the WRC.
  16. Today I have cruised around from Rockland to the totem pole wild mooring above the WRC, battery check just after stop 13.17v, I am trying an experiment, laptop not plugged in, so today I will use my tablet for everything and see if that makes a difference. The good news is the trip round was uneventful, and after entering the new cut, I was at 2200 rpm all the way.
  17. This morning was awake relatively early after a quick pint and natter with Griff in the pub last night, this morning I tested the battery voltage, 11.08, not good as I had only been running the fridge and laptop, luckily the socket was now available so I plugged in to get some charge back in the house bank. I had checked out the video voltage after arriving yesterday, and it had been 12.7, so not too bad, as I had been on shore power at Norwich I borrowed Griff's battery tester to check the batteries, and this showed under 12v on the drop test, but not in the 'weak' area, so while not great, still supposedly ok.
  18. it was determined that leaving the fuel turned on might have contributed to an issue with the engine where the sump filled with diesel a while back, so we take the precaution of shutting it off nowadays
  19. it was around £1.32, but like you I only needed a small amount to fill water rail
  20. I have found internet at Rockland becomes patchy at low tide, i now have the mifi dongle mounted on a roof support on a power pack, and thats getting me signal
  21. what a day, first I set off for New Mills, and forgot to turn on the fuel, this became apparent just after the bridge, and I just caught it, however something was amiss, revs were dropping and rising in a manner suggesting air in the system, or a fuel blockage, I suspected either, but re-purged the fuel filter, having stopped and deployed one of the small mudweights, this helped for a few minutes, but as I turned in new mills basin the engine cut out, I managed a couple of bridges on the restart, then deployed the mudweight again, unfortunately as I was doing this the engine cut again, leaving me moving forward, Bump into the bridge side, fortunately only with the tip of the prow. anyway after getting air out of the filter I proceeded to get rid of any air in the injectors. this got me through bishops bridge and onto a yacht station mooring where i repeated the purge procedure.. once again this got me going and I made it to postwick wharf, where I stopped and tied up for a more thorough look at the fuel system, this time removing the filter once again, this was clear but I did find a problem, the washer on the bleed screw was cracked no problem, I had a small o ring in the filter kit we hadnt used, this fit the bleed screw perfectly, so that was put back with the washer on, and although not perfect, got me to Rockland Staithe OK, where 5 boats departed as I arrived, leaving me plenty of space. I must Thank Griff for the wash he left me when he passed just an arm lengths away in the opposite direction. on the way past Brooms I dropped in and got fuel, 25 litres, I came in with the fuel filler on the correct side, but soon realised that the tide wasnt going to make this easy, so with the nose of water rail just 2 foot off the quay, I gently allowed her to pivot round and come to a perfect side on mooring on the starboard side, coming to rest parallel to the quay heading and 6" away, this of course meant getting the hose across the opposite side, which was accomplished fairly easily. once under way I remembered the bottle of diesel fuel system cleaner in the locker, so added that into the fuel in the hopes of helping clear it.
  22. since I was in Norwich, I decided to go out on the town last night - well why not, everyone needs to spoil themselves occasionally, and last night it was my turn, got in late so slept in until 6.45 this morning, and now definitely needing a coffee to wake me up and clear my head. Plans for today, still dont know really, do some exploring maybe, up to new mills probably to start with, depending upon the weather as that is a top down trip. when I woke the sun was shining, but its turned grey again now, lets hope its not as wet as yesterday.
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