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Everything posted by grendel

  1. i do like the commentary over the decking piece, thats the most sense i have heard for ages.
  2. as an occasional skipper of a delight class, i too am intrigued now.
  3. yes the naughty word filter is automatic and comes with the forum software, some of the substitutions can be hilarious too (now please stop trying to get in trouble by testing it)
  4. for those interested at the end of todays acorn to arabella episode they talk about the use of fibreglass and epoxy in wooden boats, do also note where one of the people from total boats emphasises the fact that the epoxy must wick into the timber before you apply the fibreglass to the wood, so the wood doesnt weaken the fibreglass by wicking the epoxy away from it.
  5. I am in agreement with you here, the few things I purchase have either arrived next day (when the free 3 day delivery option has been ticked, or some from overseas have taken a few days (but these were not offered as next day even with prime. I dont spend enough to save by using prime, using prime would actually cost more than not, but they do make the buy without prime option difficult to find, its usually in a hidden link the same colour as the normal text, where the buy with prime is in a different colour in text 5 times the size. with a buy now button
  6. as someone who has used epoxy for the hull and seams of my model boats i can testify to its efficiency, but - and its a big but, as expilot testifies above, the wood must be dry, it must be in very good condition, and the epoxy must be correctly applied, it should wick into the wood. apply epoxy to even slightly damp wood, and it will rot out, its not a cure for problems, if used correctly at an early enough stage, it can and does work wonders, used as a repair when there is already a problem, and it will make the problem worse.
  7. just to let you know that one place I worked we nearly had a ban on sellotape dispensers after someone manager to cut themselves on the serrated edge, we mitigated the problem by printing a label saying beware sharp edge, so we were allowed to keep using them.
  8. I dont know, what with not square squares, and now the wrong pencils (surely he is only allowed crayons? )
  9. its really simple, if amazon stop accepting my payment method, i will just stop buying stuff through them, I am not affected at the moment, but I dont buy that much through amazon anyway, its often a lot cheaper to buy direct from the seller (even if it does still arrive in an amazon box)
  10. lets face it you were suckered, when the advert said 2% off, you thought it meant it was cheaper, when it really meant 2% less accurate.
  11. from memory I think she was sailed in, but may have had the superstructure removed to get under the bridge.
  12. some of the squares have screws holding the two parts together and an be adjusted to be square, failing that, just ensure you only use the square in one orientation throughout.
  13. if anyone on the forum knows it will be @Vaughan
  14. my gp offered it, but i was unable to attend, being on lads week, and then I got a text saying the local centre (2 miles away) was doing walk ins, so popped down and got it done- no fuss. on a side note my neighbours (who followed none of the guidance all through, have told me they all had it recently and felt awful, luckily they had all had the jabs, so didnt need hospitalisation. so far I have followed sensible precautions, and managed to avoid catching it, and had my booster a couple of weeks back
  15. I hope he has better luck than i did with a dinghy, book me for a ticket.
  16. also check the washer on the bleed screw on the filter housing, that was what gave me problems with water rail over the summer
  17. yes, I can see holidays being priced out of the realms of the average man again, much as they were in the past, where only the rich could afford to holiday in style, and a luxury tax being applied. If only we could be certain that any measures applied under the COP26 agreement went towards the action against climate change and not just straight into the coffers of the already rich. I work in the industry, and i have a distrust over the use smart meters could be put to, so I understand why there is a low takeup, also down to the fact that each electricity provider has a different brand of smart meter and has to install their brand to be capable of reading it, thus limiting your ability to go with the best deal out there, unless you have a south facing roof solar is at best marginal in this country in winter, mine faces east south east, so at best I get half a day of solar, or I need to fit twice the panels to catch the solar in the afternoons on the other face of the roof.
  18. I think thats why they relabelled it climate change, because that way whichever direction the temperature changes, they cant be wrong.
  19. I found this nicely balanced article on the subject of warm temperatures https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn11647-climate-myths-its-been-far-warmer-in-the-past-whats-the-big-deal/ at least it covers the topic scientifically, with some explanations.
  20. right I think thats it, apologies if any posts have moved that should have stayed.
  21. excuse please while I scream and pull my hair out.
  22. I seem to recall that when they wanted us to upgrade to windows 10, we were told it was the last upgrade we would even need to do, as all future upgrades would be part of windows 10, yet here we are not more than a few years down the line and they have bought out windows 11, what about all the hardware out there that can barely support windows 10, let alone whatever will be needed for windows 11.
  23. most of my computer equipment is old and worn out, the first upgrade that gets done however is to an ssd hard drive, i have one old laptop, its about 15 years old now, and I upgraded it to SSD and a Linux operating system, it boots up and I am usually downloading emails, before my ultra fast works laptop has managed to get to the security question prior to boot up.
  24. dont get me wrong, i think we should be acting to make our stay on this planet as sustainable and impact free as we can, but my gripe is with the misuse of statistics and data when used to support the cause, and unfortunately both the governments and the activists are equally to blame when it comes to this. the problem comes when someone can refute their figures, then their whole argument fails. and thats when they get ignored and nothing is the net result. similarly one catastrophic event such as a super volcano or meteor strike, could reverse the current trend massively and precipitate us into an ice age.
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