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Everything posted by grendel

  1. usually they take one look at me, white beard, glasses fat belly....... and cast me as a reindeer.
  2. I have messaged Arthur to let him know
  3. sounds like the certificate has expired, if you can use advanced and there should be a go there anyway button
  4. if the forum is down we normally post a notification over on the facebook page.
  5. we were doing a software update, it just took a little longer than usual, we keep to the latest version of the software to ensure security of the forum from hackers etc
  6. just recieved an email purporting to be from eon, saying I have overpaid and have a refund of £85, except eon isnt my energy supplier. there is of course a button advising i can view this online, anotherone that will be reported to the government.
  7. there was me thinking it was done through the diesel injectors
  8. it wouldnt have been so bad but I was expecting 3 parcels that day (one from dpd, one from yodel and one from royal mail) the problem is that even if you were in when the failed delivery took place, you could quite believe it with hermes drivers.
  9. I had one purportedly from hermes, click here to arrange redelivery, I went to the hermes tracker page via a google search, and put in the item number to which it replied not a valid code. I reported it to report@phishing.gov.uk the email address was very close to hermes own (@myhermes-uk.uk) instead of the real (@myhermes.co.uk)
  10. according to a pfizer vaccine covid 19 data sheet, a needle of 21 gauge or narrower should be used, this means the inner diameter of the needle should be 0.5mm - or smaller. for a warfarin user the needle is about half that size (25 gauge) 0.26mm inner diameter, and could actually be inserted into the above needle as its outside diameter is the same as the internal diameter of the standard needle a similar search provides data that says the smallest implantable microchips are only 0.1mm - but they contain no power source, and have to be powered by an ultrasound detector, ultrasound can only be transmitted by direct contact through the body. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/health/a36503099/worlds-smallest-implantable-chip/
  11. the main source for all the rubbish out there, all the conspiracy theories etc is the internet, you could publish that cows are blue and someone would become a staunch believer in that as a fact. hence the new legislation pending that we are trying to get one step ahead of, where such idiotic nonsense will no longer be allowed on social media platforms etc. so all of the fake facts about covid 19 will have to be removed from the internet, (which will probably be seen as proof of a conspiracy by those who love to delude themselves by such things.) anti vaxxers that say you are having a microchip implanted, have they seen the size of the needles, these mythical microchips would have to be microscopically small to be able to pass down those needles, as someone who is on warfarin, they actually use an even smaller needle to minimise the risk of bleeding afterwards. 5 seconds actual thought and they would see how stupid their theories really are, if the microchips are for tracking, and are really that tiny, then answer this, how are they powered, and what is the likely range of these miniscule devices. bearing in mind that to transmit you need an antenna of a size commensurate with the frequency you want to transmit on. just thinking through the problems involved and necessary solutions blows the majority of conspiracy theories out of the water.
  12. can we please limit the discussion to the topic, ie Covid, as someone who is overweight, I struggle to lose weight due to breathing difficulties as soon as i speed up past a slow walk, which does mean I could claim exemption from wearing a face covering, but I dont claim that, I do however wear a more porous face covering that is not as effective, but show willing. this means I could take exception to some of the above comments on some grounds - I choose not to take offence, but do realise that some comments could be offensive to some people. vaccines are the preferred solution, of course. and yes it is selfish of those who have chosen to not vaccinate to take up the hospital beds, but the decision to accept them as patients is not ours to make, that is down to the doctors and nurses who have taken the medical oath to help the sick. its all too easy to say what should be happening, but do remember that some of the options that some have proposed might well bring about civil disobediance and protests, the government may not be willing to risk that at this time.
  13. well due to the latest government guidelines, our office christmas meal has been cancelled, and they are seriously considering whether some in person training will go ahead next wednesday too, i had already proactively declined the training as soon as the announcement was made, as a clinically extremely vulnerable person, and my boss agreed fully with that decision.
  14. well this afternoon I have caught up, flu jab administered.
  15. the hotel complex where we held our christmas party had electric charging points, there were 3 hotels on site as well as spa, golf activities and watersports, in the car park of one of the hotels was a line of about 12 tesla charging points, in the car parks of the other two were other charging points, about 12 at each hotel, each hotel had accomodation for about 200 guests, so 36 charging points for 600 guests, and I have to say, that was an unusually high percentage of charging points, so assuming that some guests travelled together, there was provision for approximately 1 in 10 vehicles to be charged overnight. which was good, as many hotels dont even have 1 charging point yet. on this basis there is a long way to go before the infrastructure is in place on our roads, generally waterways lag behind the highways by some 20-40 years on new innovation. solar power, well recently on a narrow boat youtube i watched they did a trial of electric narrow boats, and the purely electric boat with solar charging, after a full day cruising required 3 days good solar to recharge the battery, and its 60 foot length had the entire roof covered with solar panels, about twice what you could fit on a modern broads cruiser. with most broads moorings being 24 hour, this would severely limit your cruising range if you were required to move each day and could not get an electrical hookup, trips north to south and vice versa would be a week long planning logistical nightmare hoping for a free electrical hookup at the end of each days cruise. then you would have people overstaying on the mooring with the excuse that they were not able to get charged, which would then knock on to the next boat requiring a hookup.
  16. for those that follow ship happens, they fitted a wind turbine recently in one of their videos, from memory it was a 2m turbine, and in light wind was barely keeping up output wise with the solar panels, in november, that said wind turbines work day and night, so effectively complement the solar.
  17. it turns out that there were 3 hotels on site, we had people in two of those, the one the event was in and one other, apparently the other christmas party was accommodated in the third hotel, it sounds even more like the companies covid precautions were very well arranged, the only common point was the reception area at the venue, and that had automatic doors, then as soon as you got through the inner reception, each party was directed to separate wings of the hotel, someone had put a great deal of thought into the organisation of the two events.
  18. I was most pleased that my colleague who i work with managed to win the unsung hero award at our awards ceremony, I taught her everything she knows, including how to win awards it seems, and the two of us working together as a team are an awesome combination, a few weeks back we had a 2 week backlog of work arrive in 2 days, and working as a team we cleared it in a week (there were 18 most urgent jobs in that list, and lots of people chasing for them).
  19. oh wow, just finished watching the whole thing, just one question Charlie, have you stopped grinning yet? I dont think I will ever get to do that, I saw how tight the cockpit was with charlie in it, i just dont think I would fit, and if i did, i think i wouldnt be able to get out after. another question that occurs, you said the controls were sensitive, did you find that your experience riding motorbikes helped with that at all? but overall - just wow, chuffed to bits you had such fun
  20. the one near st Neots we were at wyboston lakes resort, they had 2 christmas parties, (carefully segregated from each other, and had closed the venue at 3pm to all other activities to keep everyone safe.
  21. well I made it home, my passenger once she found that we were only 400 yards from the hotel chocolate factory with its factory outlet insisted upon a visit, so I have some nice chocolates to enjoy for a while.
  22. Well that was a good night, I have probably met more people last night than in the previous year and a half, the staff were excellent, and were all wearing masks, every one of my colleagues I spoke to had taken their 2 lateral flow tests, and a good night was had, 7.45 am and the breakfast restaurant is empty ( the staff did report some stragglers arriving back from the party that finished at 1am, after they had started their shift at 6.30, and admitted to finding 2 people asleep in the corridors, I managed to stick it out until midnight, then took a slow walk back to my hotel (on the same complex, but 10 minutes easy walk away) and the cold was refreshing. Unusually I slept in, not awaking until just before 7 am, just in time for breakfast, of which I had 2 hearty plates full from the self service counter. ( So far)
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