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Everything posted by grendel

  1. 20th August, Totem mooring to Geldeston, I think it rather presumptious of the swans to erect a no mooring notice, old Nyx was spotted
  2. 16th August Geldeston to Lodden (just a few of the sunrise)
  3. 14th August, Beccles, a busy day, not many pictures taken
  4. August 13th Oulton Broad to Beccles, remember I was running 3 seperats cameras, so imagesmay be out of order as they were downloaded
  5. i would not say often as now with only one accidental swim, the pre-planned swims vastly outnumber the accidental one.
  6. nowadays easier to have and fit the correct rating of circuit breaker, nothing worse than having a fuse blow and not be able to find the correct replacement (which is when a bigger size will be used.)
  7. which is why Water Rail will be getting a rewire in the not too distant future, the wiring is all over the place, the switch for the fridge is at the helm, the switch for the inverter is by the fridge, only half of the wiring is labelled, we have lamps and fittings and switches that no longer do anything, and as dave said, the stupid battery isolator that potentially allows you to flatten all the batteries at the same time,
  8. As an example, if I go for a swim around the boat, she gets a thorough waterline inspection, and gets the underwater planking given a thorough feel for any issues that may be developing, which means plenty of warning before it comes time to haul her out for maintenance
  9. a boat that is not being used is just a collection of timber floating in the water, if they are used then at least you are aware of any issues and can keep on top of them as they arise, running maintenance is always done while in use, i feel sorry for boats that sit idle for a year or more.
  10. 3d file for a golden retriever found, and resized to scale(ish) and this is the result, added bonus is that as it's 3d printed it contains air, so shouldn't sink.
  11. it wasnt even a canadian canoe, just one of those plastic ones with the cockpit sunk into the top surface, he was using a 2 1/2" socket as a mudweight.
  12. i was about to say that has the lines of the likes of broad ambition
  13. update on the electrics, 3 hours cruising isnt enough to get the batteries to the point of keeping the fridge going all night and starting the engine next morning, so the mystery of the battery still isnt solved.
  14. well i am home, I have been mugged by the cats, and found the dishwasher full of dirty crockery as I obviously forgot to switch it on with the breakfast things in it before I left. to continue my story, this morning, not long after I had left my overnight mooring, I was just coming up to a couple of paddle boards on my port, and a fisherman in a canoe on my starboard, as I approached there was a splash from the direction of the fisherman, I took a guess he had just released a monster fish, as I came level it was obvious that the canoe had flipped depositing said fisherman in the drink, I asked if he needed assistance to which he responded in the affirmative, ok now how to approach without using the spinning mincing item under the boat, I turned wel away and aimed the nose of the boat in between two bushes alongside the fisherman, this allowed him to grab the side of the boat and use the chine and side rails for leverage get himself into Water Rail, from here we could then right the capsized canoe, he then got back into the canoe and we tied a forward mooring rope to his canoe, and then headed off in a slow reverse upriver to retrieve the seat and paddle from his canoe, once these were retrieved he was happy to carry on under his own steam, while he hunted for his rods and tackle that were nowhere to be seen, I had performed my good deed for the day and rescued the poor chap, apparently he had reached for something without thinking, overreached and overbalanced the craft, he was furious at himself, I do hope he found his missing tackle and rods
  15. Normally that would be the end of the tale barring the photos when I get home, but en route from mymooring to Beccles, there is a tale of rescue to be told, unfortunately that too will have to wait until I get home.
  16. Last morning on the boat, out was up early to start packing, coffee to start with, which was when I found the milk was on the turn, clothes all packed, vacuum bagged into the carry all, then it was time to find all the bits and pieces dotted around the boat and pack them into the folding crates, Breakfast comes next, what needs using up in the fridge, so 4 rashers of bacon, 4 eggs and bread, scrambled egg and bacon on toast then, with a slice of cheese thrown in for good measure. next it's cleaning through, cleaning the bacon spatter off the cooker and surroundings, washing up, and then I can think about heading back to oulton, pack the car and head for home until my next trip.
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