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Everything posted by grendel

  1. a change of route today, i needed to pick up a prescription, so walked it there and back, at just under 2 miles, a lot flatter than my normal route, but still good exercise. Only just over a week now before I will be headed for the broads for a week. I was due to be on Water Rail, but the injection pump is in for refurbishment having leaked diesel into the sump, and we are not sure when it will be ready, but we do have a backup plan in hand, so I am not certain which boat until the day.
  2. it may not be in decline just yet, but there is such a thing as killing the goose that lays the golden egg, i am quite happy for people tp choose their own hobbies and pastimes, but it seems to me that we had a first division, then a premier division, now a proposed super league, each more expensive to access than the previous, as state that cant go on indefinitely, at what point does it price itself out of the general market, super league, ultra league, ultimate lead, or when?
  3. football is only worth big money if people are willing to pay through the nose to watch it, if all the fans suddenly said, I'm not paying to watch that on TV, then things would have to get back to realistic figures, where the pay was limited by the number of fans who paid to get through the gate and could watch the game live, even I as a non football supporter can see that. we have seen that with formula 1, as tv stations decided they wanted exclusive rights, they slowly drive the fans away with the additional costs to watch, all of a sudden they find the sport in decline and not worth the charges they are asking.
  4. tricky when its a 50 mile journey if i want to use the motorways, and would then take me an hour. it does strike me that councils are all over smog and exhaust pollution, yet they change the speed limits to slow traffic to speeds where the emissions are worse.
  5. there might be issues for some seals in things like fuel pumps and similar seals with some of the bio diesels, I know there have been issues with some cars. that said my diesel volvo gets dosed up with regular top ups of 5 litres of vegtable oil mixed into a tank (when the price is below £5 for 5 litres in asda) it can actually clean up the emissions slightly as the original diesel engines were designed to run on peanut oil. but be warned, most modern cars wont like straight vegetable oil, as their systems are so finely tuned and their emissions controls and fuel pumps may not like it, so research is needed
  6. its going to be interesting to see what the final verdict of the investigations reveal as the cause of the problem, thats for sure.
  7. thats been happening for years, 20 years ago I could get to my parents house from home under the speed limit in 20 minutes (15 miles) now i am lucky if i can do it in 30, the main A road seems to slow to 40 or 30 past every single house (even for houses set way back from the road itself, wheres it use d to be a 60mph road almost the whole stretch, now there are two sections left (about 2 miles total) at national limit (60) and you are under 50mph for the first 5 miles out of each town.
  8. at least they are investigating, hopefully a failed part that can be replaced relatively eaily, I am presuming you bought from Richardsons, so with less than 20 hours on since you bought they should feel somewhat responsible.
  9. if you forget to tighten one, then you can as easily have forgotten to tighten the locknuts at all.
  10. yes its a possibility that if the rocker adjustors had not been properly tightened they could work loose under the engine vibration, I had an old v4 transit that one valve would loosen up on its own (even with the locknut) but could adjust it with a quick pull over to the side and about 2 minutes work, with the engine still running. looking at the manual - http://www.calcuttboats.com/pdfs/Workshop Manual 1.8.pdf i see it does indeed have inserts in the head for the valve seats.
  11. i didnt think the bmc was an inteferance engine, so that shouldnt be possible, maybe if the seats have hardened inserts, they can wedge a valve open, or simply the rocker shaft has come loose and opened the gap, the fact it was working the day before implies somethings loosened and moved.
  12. probably why its called Irstead shoals, and has I recall a depth gauge on the approach.
  13. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/water-depths
  14. I am much the same as ES2 in my regard to football, to me its a non thing that happens elsewhere, and I am happy that some find pleasure in it, now me, if you give me an old piece of metal or woodworking machinery (or even a new piece) I will happily spend hours playing with it and producing something at the end (even if it is just a mass of metal chips. I fully understand that some people will not understand my love of this, but that (and boats) is what makes me happy, so if football is what makes others happy (and I cant understand why, as it seems to make them unhappy when their team loses) then fair does.just dont expect me to do more than politely listen and nod at appropriate points when you start talking football, or I am just as likely to start talking machining back.
  15. I am thinking possibly worst case would be diesel bug (thinking how long boats have sat idle over the past few seasons (but yes blocked fuel filter or water in the tank)
  16. as its football i have no opinion one way or another.
  17. is it any less fair than adding £150 to the price and saying no charge for the amount of diesel used. one way or another you will end up paying
  18. how about BG, short for beegees, - stayin alive
  19. or that it just makes everything simple when the client returns, if the same fuel deposit is made then the hire company dont have to look up the amount that was paid, just pay back any remainder depending on fuel usage, after all the boat starts with a full tank every time, so if they know that £150 has been paid, its easy to calculate the refund.
  20. well back to the sandals today and i managed 2 miles as usual with no issues, so there is definitely something needs doing with the boots. I have to say the sandals I have are probably 3 years old or more now, but considering they had a years respite due to lockdowns, i still think they have lasted well.
  21. I believe they have made enquiries in the past and their stairs are unsuitable for a stair lift, I will suggest it again to my father, but the stairs turn a right angle at the top and I believe the issue was that at the top somewhere would be needed to park the stairlift, and that would be right in front of the bathroom door.
  22. worse still she cannot stay with myself or sister during the recovery as i dont have the space downstairs, and my sister currently has builders in cwith a ground floor extension that once finished would have been ideal for mums convalescence, with a downstairs room and toilet/shower.
  23. my mum is currently in a care home, she had a pacemaker fitted after her third visit to hospital in a week, she isnt allowed to use her arm for any heavy lifting for a few weeks following the operation, and as she relies on hauling herself up the stairs by mostly her arms cold not come home until she can manage the stairs,so has gone to a temporary care home for a few weeks to regain her strength. dad is distraught, as he hasnt seen her for two weeks, and now the prospect of not seeing her for another two weeks due to covid quarantine in the care home, he has managed to deliver some clean clothes to reception, and a mobile phone so they can chat. he is complaining about having to have the same meal 2 days running as everything has been brought with the two of them in mind. still the good news is really that she is out of hospital on the path to recovery. something that cannot be taken for granted with a 91 year old
  24. strangely enough the boots i was wearing were Karrimor mid 8 weathertites. The comfortable sandals I wear are the karrimor K2 ones, and I have several pairs of the shoes, I think though that these boots may just be too new and need wearing in, I do have the exact ones you show in a shoe, even a brand new pair still in the box (bought during the sales some 5 years ago, I spent a few hundred and came out with about 6 pairs of shoes and boots as its rare they have them in my size. in the meantime I have 2 new pairs of the sandals on order, as the sandals are my daily shoes. In the past I have had several pairs of the boots and they are generally very comfortable, as I said, this pair may just be too new and stiff at the moment.
  25. todays was a quick walk, a short 2 mile one, I was trying out some newer walking boots that i have, as the walking sandals I have been using do let thorns come through the soles, so a newer pair of boots was tried, this was not a great success, I came home with aching feet, and a limp, something wasnt keeping my feet happy, maybe the soles dont flex enough on the rough ground, who knows, so its back to testing a different pair of shoes again tomorrow. anyway I got my exercise in for the day, which is what counts.
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