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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I too am pleased it has been made clear, as that should now seal the matter in all but the most pedantic eyes
  2. grendel


    perhaps he is trying to get in shape, round is a shape isnt it?
  3. most clear "You should not stay overnight away from home. Limited exemptions apply e.g. to stay with your support bubble."
  4. yes, i believe it was planned for autumn when they changed back again, that they would stay changed back after that.
  5. there are several more past bishops bridge, i have only been up there once, so i cant remember how many
  6. we are only advising follow government and Broads Authority instructions on the matter, which means 12th April, unless the government or Broads Authority say different
  7. once again I will remind folks that our stance on this is that until the government or BA advice says it is ok to stay overnight, we would not advise anyone to do different. There are many out there saying that the overnight stay part is not included in the new legislation, my advice there would be to read the thing yourself and cross reference all the notes and all 96 pages, and decide for yourself, rather than relying on the word of someone that may be wrong in their interpretation, the legislation may have omitted this as by 12th of April this advice will be repealed(or whenever the date is)but the government guidance is still clear.
  8. carrier ducks, as in aircraft carriers???
  9. also the decks are not really big enough to land the planes on
  10. I suppose the real question is whether carrying an identity card would obviate the need for two forms of identity when (for example) renewing a passport, or obtaining a driving licence, or at the bank when withdrawing large amounts, if an id card can be stolen or forged I would see the current practice of two forms of identity continuing, which effectively negates the purpose of the identity card.
  11. all she has in her name is a bus pass, everything else is in my fathers name, it has caused ID issues in the past
  12. that would be difficult for my mother to get to the post office, plus she has no formal means of identifying herself if she did get there.
  13. I have been accused several times of having a drug dealer phone, so had to look up what they meant, apparently it doesnt have enough technology installed to be trackable. it then leads me to question how the person that told me that knew it was a drug dealer phone?
  14. it is with my phone, and my mother doesnt even own a mobile, my dad has one, but i believe its an old nokia.
  15. Oh please dont, enough idiots out there already believe this without such a reputable site such as us repeating it - even in jest. i can just see the headlines, NBN site says chips in vaccine so it must be true. heaven forbid.
  16. I know its tricky with the subject in question, but we should try and avoid politics on this. I see good points and bad points, my mother for example, she is in her 90's, she doesnt have a driving licence, her passport expired years back, and her name isnt on the household bills, she struggles when asked to identify herself as all she has is a bus pass (not considered a valid form of ID, but it would need to be a card she can carry in her purse, as she has no idea how to use a mobile phone, let alone a smart phone.
  17. anyone that insists i use an app on my phone will be handed the phone and told, there you go, have a try installing it on this. I will not be buying a smart phone just to use an app that on a phone, I wont be able to read, wont be able to type on, and dont want or need otherwise. alternative methods must be provided or it wont be all inclusive.
  18. as long as they dont insist it be an app on your phone. quite often i dont take my phone with me everywhere i go (i know shock horror), normally when I went to bed it would stay downstairs (though it does come up now as i need it to log on for work) worse still as far as phones go i am a luddite with an old brick of a phone that only does calls and texts. they will have to understand that not everyone wants or needs smart phone, my parents certainly wouldnt know how to use one, they can barely use the non smart mobile they have, preferring the old BT phone when making calls.
  19. I think if you had the jab through your doctors, then it will depend as the various supplies come in, I know when I was in the post jab waiting area yesterday they were saying that the next batch in would be astra zennica, so depending on how many people they can get hold of in the right group for the vaccines available will depend when you get the call. It is my belief that as a university town Canterbury has a high population of younger people who dont qualify just yet, so the surgeries have a lower proportion of older patients, this means they have been able to sprint ahead of the field in getting their older patients vaccinated, as I guess they are getting the same number of doses based on patient numbers as other surgeries. Either way, i am not complaining that I have had my second dose.
  20. I just find it a sad state of affairs when people feel the need to forge the record of covid jabs, when they could as easily get the real thing by having the jab, the only real loser in this case is the person who hasnt had the jab, when they do catch covid, they may pass it to others, but if those others have had the jab they will have a greater degree of protection. for the cruise ship scenario, I would think those that are unable to have the jab for valid medical reason would be able to show a doctors letter stating such.
  21. to be fair IT doesnt have to be expensive, I probably have a better network setup than most small to medium compnies with over 13Tb of data storage, and it didnt cost me the earth, but then its all used equipment bought second hand which for most companies would be unacceptable, and I run the free versions of most software (IE Libre office rather than Microsoft office) software licensing for a hundred employees will be quite a large portion of the IT budget. I once had to argue that point when our IT department were trying to replace our CAD computers with cheap workstations that were not to a spec to run it by pointing out it was not worth skimping £100 on the machine that was running £9000 of CAD software, if the replacement they were proposing would not run that software properly, the graphics cards we needed were over £250 per machine, and those wouldnt even fit inside the proposed machine, they did a test, put one of the cards in their machine they were going to give us (even though they then couldnt close the case) plugged it in, turned it on, and promptly fried the power supply (our IT werent great thinkers, putting a 250W graphics card into a machine with a 200W power supply. we then got the high powered machines we had asked for, with the two spare machines of the lower spec with a marginal graphics card, but our main CAD operators had decent machines
  22. by certificate do they mean the card with the dates of your jabs recorded on it, as everyone who has had a jab will already have one of those.
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