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Everything posted by grendel

  1. well I dont know what everyone else has noticed, but since Covid I have found it easier to get doctors appointments that before, this last year I have had probably more actual visits to the surgery than in the previous 10 years, most to see the nurse for blood tests or just health checks, I have had a few telephone consultations too. the streamlining of the system and the avoidance of people calling in to the doctor has seemingly freed up a lot of the system to a point where you can get an appointment, ok you may need a telephone consultation first.
  2. well the advice doesnt seem that much different to before, except they have removed the graphic chart that was obviously causing confusion.
  3. well I am halfway there with the topics and questions for friday, once I have frmed things up a bit I will let you know what the topics are going to be.
  4. circle = 2 inside and outside cars wheels, too many, 4 + spare, plus steering wheel, flywheel, then the wheels for the belt tensioners, probably every different make of car is different.
  5. neither t or ac are recognized in scrabble as they are not in the dictionary
  6. who would ever think of hiding a secret nuclear bunker in Norfolk, mind you I suppose even if the locals had talked about it, nobody would have understood a word.
  7. ours are linked to inflation from around november ish, so i think it was 0.3% this year, enough for a pint when the pubs finally open, maybe even pie n chips.
  8. I used to fill the car twice a week, now its about once every two or three months, I have done about 30,000 miles less in the last year. I have saved the dartford crossing toll twice a day, but am using more electricity and running my printer much more, to the tune of about 4 sets of cartridges a year (about £180 a set). so swings and roundabouts
  9. that will teach me for knowing which word gets shorter when you add 2 letters
  10. my wifi was downright diabolical at first, so I went for a fully wired in network, this involved purchasing a network to usb adaptor for the work laptop, but I have had no issues on wired network, my wifi is still diabolical, I think the neighbours have the new BT in every room system and it drowns out my wireless signal.
  11. the problem is that to some the vaccine is the magic cure, the thing that means they can go back to how things were before the virus, my personal thought is that we will never get back to the freedom of those halcyon days, that there will be a new normal, where wearing face coverings will be a standard thing, a new normal so to speak. It has certainly tipped the world of going to work upside down, from going into the office every day, I see people wanting the extra freedom that working from home brought, and will want to retain that, t least a few days of the week, companies will have seen they can operate with smaller offices so can make savings in expansion by utilising their current office space more economically, or move to smaller premisis. Nothing is ever going to be quite the same as it used to be.
  12. wait another 12 before crowing too much Griff, I had the pfizer and it was 24 hours before I noticed, then persisted for another 24 hours, still it shows the vaccine was getting to work doing what it should, I was lucky as for me the side effect was just feeling not quite right, a bit meh so to speak, it didnt stop me doing anything, but just meant i had to put a bit more effort into doing things to keep focused.
  13. my parents got the astra zenica today, delivered at home, thats a weight off my mind at least
  14. I am sure it must say differently in the paperwork they give you with the jab (no i've not read mine either). How little some people understand the vaccination process, the vaccine doesnt stop you catching the virus, it just gives your body the tools necessary to defeat it quickly in the early stages. everyone who has had the jab still needs to wear masks, observe social distancing and wash their hands, just s before.
  15. if you are alone you are exercising and as such can use your boat, as it doesnt matter whether indoor or out, it only matters when you have family along. they are talking of the easing of restrictions, so anything that was allowed during lockdown will still be allowed, the rules havent changed yet
  16. with those two its more likely 'pint in the Yare'
  17. where does it say you cant use your motorboat from the 29th, just says to follow government guidance regarding travel doesnt sound like its saying you cant use your motorboat, just that you cant travel any distance to it, or use it overnight, at least read what they are saying, rather than listen to others interpretations.
  18. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19?fbclid=IwAR141QC3O2EBaF5PU6K9rqghLOX2rO3-p2xLOWwitw1yw1-RzWCODwch9bY There is new guidance up on the Broads Authority website regarding the lifting of lockdown and its impact on boating.
  19. I would think the question should be is, does a pair of stockings count as a face covering?
  20. I mentioned that when I had to go into the bank the other month, they laughed and said that previously where they would have been asking customers to remove face coverings at the door, they are actively asking them to put them on now, I believe you are only allowed to enter the bank without a face mask now, if you are robbing it.
  21. and lucky enough not to qualify from any of the medical conditions that qualify you for the vaccine.
  22. This term is considered to be derogatory by the moderation team, so should not be used here to describe the Broads Authority, so as Marshman states above tread with great care if you use that term, better still dont use it here.
  23. As I understand it there was no reduction, just a revision of the dates that their toll payments became due to allow them more time to pay, any hire boat that was put on hire would have had to pay full toll for the year, but they were given longer to pay the toll until the boats were in use and earning.
  24. grendel


    probably arrived trying to find Biggles- oops sorry thats Algy
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