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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Griff, does your upholstery lady have any offcuts that could be pressed into service for the model?, they dont need to be big pieces.
  2. well at least that will make colour / pattern matching for the model a lot easier, you have no idea how difficult it is to find scale versions of upholstery patterns.
  3. shut out of my workshop at present as there is no way I am going out there with it at 3 degrees as it was yesterday, it may well be even colder today as I havent checked yet, I do have heating out there, but that would take several hours to get into double figures, so indoors jobs it is today.
  4. I have been lucky so far, that all the shops I visit seem to be taking things seriously, both our local asda and sainsburys still have someone at the door with a click counter, and as a general rule 99% of people in store everywhere are allowing others room, i quite often am thanked when I wait and allow someone through the opposite direction when I can clearly barge through space wise, but dont, I have thanked others for showing the same courtesy. mask wearing seems to have been accepted, with the few I have seen not wearing them clearly being in the exempt categorys. I think its all down to the individual stores, in our sainsburys people queue to be allocated to a till, with very few trying to jump the queues. As for the cancellation of a delivery, I can understand that this might be necessary should the weather determine it, but what if the household were isolating, a cancellation might be more than an inconvenience, and could force them to break isolation for food supplies. at the very least the store should be offering to redeliver at the earliest convenience as arranging a new slot might take people beyond their available supplies.
  5. the op has access to post in that section as part of the events team, as has the respondee. i will look to see if there is another suitable section to move it to.
  6. the fact still remains that the jab only protects the person immunised by preventing the severe symptoms, there is no proof that those vaccinated cant catch the virus and pass it on, far too many people seem to be under the misapprehension that the virus will enable them to ignore the restrictions and go back to a normal lifestyle, all the vaccination is doing is reducing the severity and allowing the NHS to cope.
  7. car write offs are categorised, there is beyond economical repair and there is structurally damaged, I once had a less than 5mph shunt with a post office van that turned right from behind a bus straight across in front of me not 10 foot from me when he appeared, the insurance company wrote it off as structural damage when it should have been beyond economical repair, but I bought it back, still got more than i had paid for it, and for £40 got a second hand bonnet, in the correct colour, another £20 for the new number plate, and when I took it to the dvla inspection centre, they too questioned why it had been classed as structurally damaged, after all a dented bonnet and broken number plate and front grill are not really structural, the replacement bonnet had the grill in it already, yes to replace the panel with a new one and paint it would have cost more than the car was worth, but to mis categorise the damage was inexcusable, I think insurance companies just want to get the older cars off the roads. just to explain a car that has been classes structurally damaged has to be recertified to be able to tax it again. I took in photos of the damage when i took it to the test. I have previously bought cars that have been written off, i mean a small dent in the rear wing doesnt stop a car being a good car, its just not as pretty, and you had to look pretty hard to find that dent too.
  8. I do hope my GP doesnt send a text with a link, as I generally cant extract the link from the text message to open it. my phone not being a smart phone does impose certain limitations, not being able to open links from text is sometimes an advantage, sometimes not.
  9. by lunch time the 2" of snow we had overnight had cleared, even off our back road, the footpaths cleared shortly after, it seems our bin men use any excuse not to work. as this will be the second time the bins were not emptied this year, and they have already collected 1 day late once too.
  10. i think we already have, several times.
  11. well we would bin the off topic contents of the thread, but as the bins are full and havent been emptied, it will have to wait.
  12. round here i looked at the website ans the only information was - they dont even say if they will be collected sometime or what to do with additional rubbish when they do collect, with fortnightly collections this could mean an extra bins worth in two weeks.
  13. I would think they would still be responsible for removing the hazards to navigation caused by sunken and wrecked boats
  14. i have not booked any holiday yet, but work expect me to take a weeks holiday before april that was carried forward from last year. so looks like a week as normal at home then, doing nothing rather than filling my time usefully working.
  15. ours has a page on the website where you can report a missed bin, or a whole street full of missed bins.
  16. ours were a day late last week - and that was before it snowed
  17. someone at work has two kids and last winter I spotted these on wish, she is also a big fan of plastic ducks, so when I spotted these on wish on an impulse I bought a pair of them, she only wanted one, so I was left with a spare, the penguin was also cheap and I thought it was the same as the duck maker, like a pair of tongs, but when it arrived it was bigger. as they were only a few quid i kept the penguin and one duck maker, and figured they would make for some fun when it next snowed, and yes they are great fun, plus if I make just one person smile as they walk past my house in these grim times, they will be worth the cost 100 times over.
  18. in fact just google snow duck maker and they are all over the place
  19. i think i got them from wish https://www.wish.com/search/snow duck maker/product/5de4e65e63c07fcc654076bd?source=search&position=0&share=web could take some time to arrive
  20. I had some fun playing in the snow during my lunch break.
  21. its all down this end of the country, well several inches of it are
  22. oh dear, now we have JM asking us to view his etchings.
  23. there is a campsite opposite the staithe at geldeston
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