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Everything posted by grendel

  1. i had that and knew it was a scam as i dont have netflix
  2. Would you need an MOT, or a BSS (or both)
  3. yes, the nurse also explained that the vaccine just protects the person vaccinated, it means that if they do catch the virus, the symptoms will be less severe and it should stop them ending up in a hospital bed or as a statistic. she emphasised that it doesnt stop you getting it or passing it to others. so care is still needed. she too had heard that the astra zennica version is giving more severe side effects to the younger recipients, and that the elderly are having less severe side effects from that version.
  4. well thats a bit of good news, I went for my regular blood check this morning as I am on blood thinning medication, and was informed that as far as they have seen the pfizers jab does not affect the medications effects, this has been a worry to me as previously just about anything new messes up the INR value and the medication doses. but the pharmacy nurse assured me that a lot of her patients she visits to do the test have had the vaccine and are not getting their dosing affected by it.
  5. you may well find that the vaccine deliveries are scheduled to give the staff a day off to recover from the hectic schedule. or indeed that monday is the day the delivery is due to arrive, so to prevent queues they dont schedule vaccines when they may only have a half day to administer them, depending upon the delivery time.
  6. yes my parents had to decline the pfizer jab as they couldnt travel to get it, they have been told that they will have to wait for supplies of the oxford vaccine to arrive as that can be taken to the patient, whereas the pfizer one has rather specific storage that stops them taking it to the patient.
  7. my day so far, a call to ask if i had a spare micro filter, as my daughters internet had stopped working and they wanted to test their internal bits, as if its their equipment they get charged £65, anyway a quick trip with the micro filter, some post and her christmas presents, and a doorstep exchange for my christmas present, and then back home. As i got near home the snow started, and there was a good layer overall by the time i parked up. now back snug indoors for the next 6 days.
  8. yes there is nothing new is there, just shows it was just as dangerous back then, good shoes and lifejackets.
  9. and bitterns and other endangered bird species throughout Norfolk.
  10. the photo concerned also contained the image of a person not associated with the crimes involved, thus the decision was made to remove the image, the combination of not the exact boat and the addition of the person not connected to the crimes involved made it unwise to retain the image, but we should not need to explain that to a legal expert such as yourself.
  11. if only every craftsman was as conscientious.
  12. we have removed the photograph as it only shows a similar boat, and the image is copyright to craigs site. thanks polly for spotting that one
  13. considering the push to get us all in electric vehicles surely their argument falls on the first hurdle, they would need to provide parking with electric charge points. add to that most people wont be able to get to a national park in an electric vehicle due to lack of range and the problem is solved in a heartbeat. as is their income for the next 30 years
  14. understandable, all those at risk from flu will have been protected by others wearing masks and by not going out as often, less visitors under better controlled conditions, all must be helping lower the flu incidence.
  15. a lot of things can stand in the way of new development, for example the eurolink high speed train link was moved to avoid a substation the planners had decided to build through, this was a primary substation supplying half of kent, and the 4 transformers were on a 12 year build program, in the end the rail link went to one side, passing under the A2 at that point, despite this they had to divert the feeders that passed under the A2 in a cable tunnel, digging them even deeper, i believe the cost of just the cable to do this exceeded 6 million, and that was the cheap option.
  16. maybe even a pygmy shrew or two, when they were building a road nearby my uncles home a rare pygmy shrew was found in the hedgerow, this moved the new road 50m further from his property.
  17. i think round here they will have to put traffic lights in the sky to mend all the leaks that seem to be up there.
  18. no prosecutions can happen if they dont have witnesses, whether it be for thefts, or just speeding boats, if you dont step forward willing to be the witness and stand up in court, they often cannot proceed with a prosecution, even then you will only be called for if the person tries to plead not guilty. lynch mobs are never the answer, because in that case the police can much easier locate you than they generally can the criminal, so they will soon be knocking on your door.
  19. but that doesnt follow, since the vaccine wont stop you catching it, then you can still be spreading it, whilst feeling well and on top of the world, thus it follows that those in the highest risk brackets such as the elderly are given the vaccine first, then those in the nhs, to keep them working, and then those who care for the old and vulnerable, reduce the risk of complications for the vulnerable first. vaccines are to give your body a taster of he virus to work on and start producing the antibodies to fight the virus, so that when you do catch it your body has a better chance to combat it, a vaccine doesnt stop you spreading it.
  20. my daughters boyfriend had the vaccine last week as a care home worker, i had the TB vaccine at age 3 months, so that i could be introduced to my grandad before he died from TB, this of course raised a positive test when we had the vaccination later at school.
  21. immune is probably the wrong word, as the jab wont prevent you catching the virus, it will (like the flu vaccine ) help your body fight the worst of the symptoms and effects, so you may still die from the virus, but you stand a better chance on not dieing, or dieing less severely. in future years it may well be added to the current flu vaccine as an extra strain protected against. the main reason for the vaccine is to reduce the burden on the NHS, personally I wont be doing things differently once I have had the vaccine, I dont see it as the thing that will end this pandemic, just make it more controllable.
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