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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Marthams make it work with a fleet of Wooden boats, so I see no reason it wont work for you too Clive.
  2. my quick calculations estimate that the 1.5mm cable will drop 18 volts over 40m, whereas a 2.5mm one will only drop 11.5V, this will put the 1.5mm cable out of range of the standard allowed 5% volt drop, in fact the 2.5mm cable is borderline at just 0.5V over the minimum.
  3. I darent get a dog, the cats would pick on it.
  4. I have to say, that while I still get out of breath getting up the hill to the woods, and still slightly breathless while walking around, once I get home my recovery time is a lot less now, so some benefit being seen. I suppose if the weather were really bad I could use the treadmill, but there really is no motivation when just trudging on the treadmill. yesterday I spotted some paths i have not yet explored, they are nearer my departure point so I would need to explore on the route out or back, so that is the next target, you see its being out and seeing a side path that provides the impetus to go the next day and explore where that side path leads, once I have learned the paths there is enough variety to keep me engaged for ages to come, plus I have still to explore the further regions past the pond, there is the same area again past that to explore, and that links to footpaths leading to the next village etc etc. my knees will be the limiting factor I think as they are not in best of shape, thus the gentle walks, I wont be pushing too hard or taking up jogging though. but distance, that is possible at a gentle pace.
  5. If you include @BroadsAuthorityin your post it will flag up to Tom that someone is seeking his attention.
  6. we do both south and North in one week in october on lads week, so I dont see that there is a problem, sometimes tides and daylight can be an issue, but we always manage.
  7. slightly extended walk today, I reversed a route from a few days back and took the high road round the back of the pond, still a bit chilly out there, but tackled the longer distance no problem.
  8. Andy, you have missed all those quiet out of the way places, Geldeston staithe, mud weighting out of the way on surlingham broad, wild mooring on the chet to mention just a few, ok wild moorings are less prevalent on the southern rivers, but they are there if you want to find them.
  9. oops missed the new interconnector with belgium, currently importing 0.8Gw
  10. MM we are interconnected with France Holland and Ireland, Electricity can flow both ways, as of 6 minutes ago we were importing nearly 3Gw from france, none from Holland and exporting about 0.5 Gw to ireland. https://www.gridwatch.templar.co.uk/ of the rest 17% wind, 10% solar, 7% biomass, 12% nuclear and 41% combined cycle gas turbines, imports are 7% and a few other sundry sources
  11. days 8 and 9 not missed a day yet, today was a bit cold, so I actually wore a fleece with my shorts and tee shirt, Glad I did because today there were a couple of short snow flurries while I was out, so today I clocked up 18 miles in total since I started exercising.
  12. Thanks, I will just have to be careful when moored up in a secluded bay on bridge broad when i come out of the shower then. actually I cant think of a better place to cycle one of those around than bridge broad.
  13. you just need to reverse everywhere.
  14. its when you are fourth in the queue and know you have a 2 hour wait, and that there are more after you.
  15. maybe adding their phone numbers to the list would help.
  16. Day 7 and in two minds whether to go for a walk as I had spent all morning moving large lumps of iron around as I fitted the legs to a lathe bed, I had to use the engine hoist to lift the lathe bed high enough, as it was slightly more than I could lift, 5 foot of cast iron 10" wide and 8" deep, good and solid, 1919 engineering. Anyway I took the plunge and did a 2 mile walk as well, so I have been well and truly exercised today
  17. Jay, its quite common that at 8.30 on the dot, there is nobody there, 8.30 is when everyone starts coming in, and we usually allow about 10 minutes for stragglers before starting the quiz.
  18. well I never hurry a cyclist, I will always slow down and wait for an appropriate place to pass them, the cars behind me - well some are not so patient. But this venture, as with paddle boarding and canoeist, the participants deserve to enjoy their variation of being on the water, canoeist and paddle boarders i will slow down and either ghost past in neutral, or on a very low tickover so as to create no wash to upset them, similarly if I encounter these i will do my best to pass without causing them an issue. last year I had to wait behind an oblivious canoeist sitting right in front of bishops bridge, doing something on his phone and not paying attention, he had headphones on so could not hear me and was quite startled to turn and see me patiently waiting behind him not 6 foot away, after all we are not in a rush are we, we are on holiday, and the pace of life on the broads is leisurely. Live and let live is my motto - to each his own.
  19. actually I have nothing against the bikes or their riders, as I am happy to slow down and travel at an appropriate pace along the stretch above wroxham, gliding along making barely a ripple, and making the most of the river at tickover, quite a lot of that is 3mph anyway.just keep them away from the bridge is all I ask, I expect that if i approach the bridge and sound my horn that I wont be called upon to try and perform evasive manouvers while transiting the bridge.
  20. i am more worried about finding a nice quiet spot to moor up on bridge broad for the night then suddenly being surrounded by a gaggle of water cyclists, it was bad enough last year coming out of the shower when moored up at the end of deep dyke moorings at hickling wearing just a towel to find myself surrounded by paddle boarders, I am not certain who had the worse shock.
  21. day 6 and today exercise is shopping, plus a walk into town to visit the bank to pay in a couple of cheques, thats a couple of miles, but mostly on the flat. later more shopping when I take my father shopping.
  22. i wouldnt want to suddenly find one coming the other way through wroxham bridge
  23. not sure why the ducks were out of focus, I remember having the focus boxes appearing, ho hum, its only an old camera.
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