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Everything posted by grendel

  1. this can be where images or videos are imported from outside sources into the forum through a hyperlink. for what its worth my browser is still showing the site as secure. but if someone adds an image or video to a post or their signature from a hyperlink generated from the third party software some browsers detect this as an insecure link, and report the site insecure.
  2. Time for the few pictures I got using my tablet.
  3. the only issue i have with that video is that it tells people that if they cant wear a mask, then they should wear a mask, it neatly sidesteps the issue of those with exemptions, and then proceeds to reinforce the message that anyone not wearing a face covering is a selfish idiot. This is the part of the message that i take issue over, there are people out there (as we know more than just a few on this forum alone) that for medical reasons find they cannot wear a mask. these are the people the government has failed. by making no clear cut policy over what those who cannot wear masks must do, by allowing social media to take over and vilify any individual not wearing a mask, those who cannot wear them and are exempt are being mistreated by others. this video typifies that reaction. now i am not saying that the message to wear a mask is wrong, it clearly isnt, but dont make those who are exempt scapegoats, rather than those who are not wearing them purely because they dont feel they have to.
  4. having now caught up to this topic, I will just say Ian did not break the TOS by saying he had left the particular facebook group, and the reasons, no discussion was brought from there to here, just the fact they had been giving him a hard time over it and he had left. thus no discussion here was necessary following that announcement. meanwhile myself and the rest of the moderators will be watching this thread to see that you all behave.
  5. that doesnt mean i dont stop and catch up every few hours you know, so far i have had pretty good signal everywhere I have stopped.
  6. correct, its in place to stop arguments elsewhere from spilling over to here and disrupting the forum, we generally give a bit of leeway, but if things start getting hot under the collar it gives us a reason to step in and stop any nastiness.
  7. strangely enough, logged on via mifi dongle, and chrome I am experiencing no issues as yet
  8. if i had to put a title to this post it would be boat jam at how hill. this morning I was undecided whether to head for womak water or somewhere else, I started out late for me, but by just after 9 I was approaching the bure again, there was an end mooring spot free at st Benets, so I grabbed that and went for a little walk around the ruins. after getting back to the boat I decided to head on, just as i was untieing I was hailed by a passing boat, was i moving, yes i replied, so they dropped back and allowed me to depart, nabbing my spot. where to go, how about finding a wild mooring on the ant, good idea i thought and turned righ and headed up the ant, quite crowded at ludham bridge, boats queuing to get through both ways. though nothing to the sight that greeted me at how hill. I was following a cruiser up the river, when they slowed, ahead I could see a problem, someone had their stern in the reeds and the bow wedged between two moored craft, the cruiser in front started reversing, so I was forced to follow suit, which resulted in a slight bump between my stern quarter and the quay heading, oops.I quickly reached out and snagged a bollard with a front line to wait out the mess, though I never managed to get a stern line out as they managed to clear the jam and we all proceeded on our way, quite shortly after that I found my wild mooring and have moored up to watc h the fun that is the river ant.
  9. i have come to the realisation why fried tomato is an important ingredient in a full english fried breakfast. and that is because after you have made such a mess in the botton of the frying pan supplied with boats, its the only wayt you are ever going to get that burn on dark brown mess off the bottom of the frying pan, throw those tinned tomatoes into the frying pan, give the bottom a quick sweep with the spatula, and lo and behold, the bottom is now covered with tomato juice, once you stick this under the tap the pan is clean with no hard scrubbing. last night i fell asleep early, what with the wind blowing a hooligan outside, the rain ant the rhythmic slapping of the waves against the chine rail, it soon lulled me off to sleep, i awoke at just after 1am, and looked out to see the heavens, the cloud had cleared away, and although the comet was behind the trees, the heavens were spread across the sky in all their glory., i opened up the roof and stuck my head out and just gazed.. 10 minutes later the roof was shut and i was back snuggled in bed, until the growing daylight outside woke me at 5.30am
  10. no problem, the head shape is right, i didnt see the fangs
  11. yes looking at online pictures that could well have been one.
  12. there wasnt a lot of boat to fit a name or number.
  13. the other strange observation as i was coming down the dyke was a deer swimming across from one side to the other, it did not appear to be in distress or i might have tried rescuing it and it seemed to know where on the bank it was heading among the roots of a tree.so would have been difficult to get out from there anyway.
  14. this morning as usual up early with the lark, a leisurely morning, with breakfast done it was time to decide what I was doing today, so at about 8.30 headed back up through wroxham bridge and moored at the hoveton viaduct moorings (as close to the viaduct as i could get). waqlked into town and visited Roys, last year they had some nice shorts in my size, this year nothing. a quick visit to roys toy shop was more productive as i managed to pick up a educational construction kit (a crossbow- to go with the ping pong ball throwing catapult that sits on my desk in the office (well sat on my desk in the office, I suspect we wont be allowed such nice things on our desks anymore). it was nice to see everyone wearing masks without having to be asked. Anyway, by the time i got back to the boat it was raining, Jayne doesnt have wipers, so I spent most of my trip with one half of the windscreen out getting wet, not assisted by passing boats that tipped jayne just enough for a runnel of water to come pouring down off the roof, right onto me. Rain off and on all the way as I came through horning (no space at the staithe) past the turning to ranworth - just before which a cruiser desperately overtook me, I hoped he wasnt gointg to then cut right across in front of me to head to ranworth, fortunately he carried on, the wind also had got up a bit by now, I carried on past st Benets, then right down to South Walsham, there were spaces at the mooring along south walsham dyke, and a couple at the staithe, but I ignored those, I remembered a nice little sheltered wild mooring right by the narrow section leading to the inner broad, Now mooring is not allowed in the inner broad, but this is not technically in the inner broad, mudweighted at the front and a rear rope looped around a handy tree at the rear, this is a snug berth for a small boat, and she is pretty well hidden from the outer broad, I first used this self same mooring back in 2010 on my very first trip to the broads, and this is the first chance I have had to return here. its on the right as the outer broad enters the narrow section. the normal little bays along the north edge of the outer broad where others mudweight is right in the path of the wind across the broad, here it is sheltered. so apart from drying out today will be a day of building the crossbow (actually more technically its closer to a ballista)
  15. sorry I didnt spot a name or number.
  16. if it was a little aqua green speedboat with 3 young lads aboard, they went past me on the plane headed up to wroxham earlier in the day, and then again down stream they were giving it bursts of throttle to hop it onto the plane and down again as they went past heading for horning, I suspect the obvious cameras i had to hand put them off speeding past again..
  17. and indeed you did catch me, scared the life out of me thinking you wanted to double up on the mooring with that big beastie of yours, it would have squashed poor Jayne, but no, you had just stopped by to say hello and introduce yourself, good to see you.
  18. but as martham day boats they are named june
  19. correction, just looked her up on the database, she is a jaunty 20 from martham boats
  20. and I have just (while cooking my tea). seen my namsake sailing down the river, a martham june i think, private owned, named Grendel my tea tonight is a spaghetti bolognaise (half a jar of sauce, half the mince I bought at coltishall, and a packet of easy cook pasta.) i have had one boat ask if I was going tonight (not on your nelly) they then looked as though they were about to ask to double moor next to me, but they were in a boat twice the size of mine (in all directions) and had second thoughts.
  21. I have seen it all today, and just passed me a few seconds back people fishing from both sides of a cruiser as they went down the river. now I am not a fisherman, but I know this isnt allowed, No I didnt take a picture or see the boat name. and if I did TOS says I cant tell anyway.
  22. When it comes to boat names I just saw the best, star oars, a new rope
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