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Everything posted by grendel

  1. its at this point i must make an apology, and touch on a design issue with Jayne. Jayne has an outside privvy, you exit into the rear well, then re-enter the wc and shower from there. this is necessitate by the engine position, the shower is the other side of the engine to the galley. with the canopy up its not so bad, its sort of inside, but the canopy has big clear panels, luckily when using the shower they steam up a bit, but if i can still just about see out, i am sure the reverse is true. thus i leve my shower until after sunset, once all good hire cruisers are moored up. imagine therefore the scene, as i emerge from the shower wearing just a towel (that only just goes round my waist, just as a late night group of paddleboarders appears around the corner, do i stay in the steamed up canopy, or do i high tail it into the cabin, unfortunately, i had drawn the curtains on the shoreside windows, but not the water side, so the cabin (where the windows had not steamed up, wasnt really an option. the shower was still emptying (there is a sort of bilge pump on it that runs fro a few seconds, then waits while some catch container refills then pumps again, so retreating back into the shower wasnt an option, so my apologies to anyone reading this who was in that paddle boarding session for my appearance wearing just a towel, it really wasnt deliberate.
  2. well its been a great day moored up, but I think I have found mosquito central at this location, I think they have eaten me alive last night, all can remember from last night is the high pitched whine and slapping myself in the face several times, and I have woken up with several new bites. still the view is glorious, and peaceful.
  3. the only reason i didnt head south during the past 10 days aboard, is that in a weeks time I will be back aboard Water Rail, on the southern rivers for a week, thus will get my southern cruising done then. the trip between the two can be boring, its a long slog down the bure to get to Breydon, with not a lot of scenery to see from a low helm position, but you need to do it if you want to get to the other end, if you are not lucky like me to have a boat based south.
  4. the real issue is not the batteries, its the power hungry appliances, if they are every to have a true solution to full electric boats, they are going to need more efficient cookers, and fridges, ok there are decent fridges out there - for a price, I have never had a battery issue with a Marthams boat, but then they have at least 3 110Ah leisure batteries, and apart from lights, the only electric is the fridge, but a cooker, these would tend to be 3kW - 13A at 240V (260A at 12V), so you can see a boat with 330Ah of battery, will run a 3kW cooker for approximately an hour and a bit (without even looking into how much useable power you can take from different types of battery), thus for a boat you would need a much lower consumption option for cooking.
  5. the camera was in the centre of the roof and is about 4" tall,
  6. its been an interesting afternoon, where i am positioned I seem to be at the end of the firsh short tack after leaving the expanse of Hickling broad, yet nobody has complained, I have chatted to many of the sailors, one I had a good 10 minute chat with as he had run out of wind just next to me, I had my camera out with the big lens getting wildfowl photographs (no, i am not silly enough to say I have been photographing birds), mostly swans, I had Janet 3 moor up just in front of me (they take her back in the morning, at least i have another day in this haven above the bridge) did anyone see me go through the bridge this morning,( i did try and post a half hour warning), they took me through at about 5'10" and there were still inches to spare it seemed to me.
  7. after being on jayne for 10 days, I know how to keep ducked.
  8. Rush hour on hickling broad VID_20200730_125348.mp4
  9. in the yard, or on pyes mill if there is a space
  10. its very quiet, here above PH bridge, mind you 5'10" clearance at the bridge may account for that.
  11. sometimes we wish more people would reconsider what they post
  12. well I am through, and now have moored up at the hickling broad end of deep dyke moorings, right where i can watch all the boats coming down hickling broad, and those headed up to hickling, its rather warm today, and i have had to put the sunblock on already
  13. well I have cruised round from womak and am currently moored up at Potter Heigham, only just over about 5'10" showing on the boards, I am just about to phone up the yard for a bridge passage, hopefully sometime in the next half hour. this should be interesting, I am pretty certain we will get through., but i am not sure many others will
  14. Sadly no, I only bought 3 rashers, and they all went in my buttie
  15. well for the first time this morning i managed to set off the smoke detector, while i was cooking my bacon (i bought 3 rashers for my breakfast from the butchers), the stupid part about it was that i had the boat well ventilated, every window and hatch open, rear door open and canopy off. it was a very nice bacon sandwich I have to say. next round toast and marmalade.
  16. Currently a wonderful morning, strange though on such a good day, here I am sat in shorts, and no top having been warm all night, yet the cruiser next to me feels the need to fire up their heating, I guess I don't feel the cold.
  17. no, on the left as you enter the narrow section there is a tiny boat sized bay there, be careful though as there are some large roots underwater, i mudweighted the front and tied loosely to a tree at the stern.
  18. we have our lads week in october every year, and we always manage to cross Breydon, sometimes its cross and moor up at great Yarmouth, or reedham if going the other way, but generally its light enough at one end of the day or other to get across, it looks like we might be going the opposite direction to you as our lads week starts on the 9th and we generally head south. somerleyton is a swing bridge, and as its not mid summer stands a good chance of being able to open, im not sure what its height is, but it should be passable at lowish tide no matter what. this year it seems reasonable at 11 am ish for low slack, which might be a bit of a push for us heading south from potter heigham. you can pass at other than low slack, but one way or another you will then be fighting the tide, (or carried with it down the bure) best bet is to phone the yacht station and ask what the height is under the bridges to see if it has the clearance you need, I believe the most clearance isnt at low slack, but earlier. worst case get under the bridge and moor up at yarmouth until the flood begins and then continue up on the flood.
  19. i have seen the rangers heading back to base heading in toward wroxham, at 8pm, so they are not always home for their tea.
  20. there is, if you go to the home page its there under guidelines.
  21. whats the water level like, is it high at the moment?, maybe boats are not getting through.
  22. i am sure someone will be along with a link soon, i am currently on the slowest internet connection i have found so far at womack staithe, its about as quick as the water point here.
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