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Everything posted by grendel

  1. if many of the plastics were able to be cleaned and recycled into a 3d printer filament or pellets for remoulding into new plastics, then that I believe would be a good solution
  2. well its been a busy day yesaterday, plenty of people wandering past, interested in the boats and model. Thte model was put on the water a couple of times yesterday, once for Charlies approval, and again when some children wheedled until I put her on the water and put her through her paces. other than that I didnt manage to take any pictures, or get a lot done, the heat was exhausting, and I got through another 3 litres of water.
  3. personally i take a live and let live approach, and slow down so I create minimal wash when I pass them, as i do for other craft, swimmers, canoists and sailing boats (unless actively trying to pass a tacking yacht). it helps that any craft I am in is usually a very low wash type. but when I see craft like the speedboat at horning thread, creating huge wash it does worry me that a SUP might not be able to ride out the wash created.
  4. Ian, I have emailed you a new password. sorry for the delay, but I am in the middle of the broads.
  5. I wasnt there either, my laptop battery died at 8.25, so it had to be put on charge, it doesnt charge from my 12v charger unless its switched off.
  6. after a busy day socialising, i suppose i should write up yesterdays events. we were at oulton broad for the morning getting bunting on boats, preparing for the event. generally wandering round and having socially distanced chats amongst ourselves, now the only observation there is that socially distanced group chats where there is limited shade tend to hog that shade and create huge areas blocking the quayside, not as bad an issue at beccles as there is more grassy areas behind the boats, but i am getting ahead of myself here. 12.00 with military precision (ish) boats start firing up engines and departing, they then start circling in front of OBYS and the wherry, as more boats come out and join the wagon train, then suddenly someone makes a break for freedom and we are off, a double line of boats heading across Oulton Broad. as we reach the entrance we narrow down to single file and the cruise is under way, along Oulton dyke then a left turn onto the Waveney, past the Waveney River centre, crews of passing boats enquiring what was afoot. thus strung out we headed upstream to Beccles where military precision took over and boats were moored at the centre of the moorings and sent to alternate ends as they arrived to stern moor, giving each boat time to get moored up before the space next to them was required. All those manoeuvres completed it was time to get down to the serious business of relaxing, shopping trips organised (the new Lidls is now the closest grocery shop, but somehow when I went to get milk and bacon, I also managed to come back with welding wire. All this time it was hot, very hot, people were congregated in the shade under the trees, cooking tea was postponed as long as possible until it had started cooling down. eventually it got dark, a few clouds had appeared, and eventually I went to bed, lulled to sleep by the gentle hum of conversation, someone was playing some sort of musical instrument, and despite it still being warm, I dropped off into the land of dreams. just a point of note, when I went shopping I had to purchase more bottled water, as i had get through nearly 4 litres in 24 hours just keeping hydrated in the heat. Water Rail is a really sweet little boat, the bunks are plenty long enough and she handles like a dream, the only incident of note on the way to beccles was that after crossing through the wake of a boat headed the other way I did hear a crash from the rear cabin, looking back I spotted the coffee jar on the floor, then a double take and it was check steering, and a dive into the back cabin to rescue the bottle of rum that was near the edge of the work surface, well we couldnt have that tipping off could we.
  7. yes being on blood thinners makes you easy prey, after recommendation I too have started using the avon stuff, and after being eaten to death last holiday (daughter came good with next day on amazon so I had some for this holiday, used a quick spray just before retiring and not been plagued so far.
  8. woke late (6am) to a wonderful day, looked out to see a gnome fishing off the bow of his boat. Canopy down, coffee made (with rum naturally) and model back out on the steering hatch cover on display. not a cloud in sight. time for breakfast.
  9. well once i looked i opened some windows for ventilation, one window in the front cabin on the port side would not slide, but a liberal application of washing up liquid did the trick, so there is full cross ventilation in the fore cabin now (it may just have been the heat caused it to swell slightly.) next job is tea
  10. Well Thursday is here at last, my 3 days work between holidays is over, and after a 3 1/2 hour drive I arrived, 11.30 on the dot. car unpacked aboard water rail and moved to its parking spot for the week, it was time to set off, after familiarising myself with the controls, I started up and headed off from my starting point in Oulton Broad, once around the broad and then to a mooring at the oulton broad yacht station, boy has it been warm. anyway, bags unpacked into cupboards and ice cream consumed, the model of Broad Ambition proudly displayed on the steering hatch at the rear, and now sat catching up on the forum. Only one little incident so far, and that was when everyone came aboard down the port side to assist another boat mooring and managed to tip the just boiled kettle off the cooker, not an issue, the water headed away between the floor boards and into the bilges. next to get some food cooked and have some tea now its cooled down enough to think of cooking. pictures when I have taken some, probably tomorrow.
  11. watch out for the wooden boats on your way back from Beccles, we are all moored up at Oulton Broad tonight, and at 12 tomorrow we will be heading for Beccles, I will be somewhere in that bunch on Water Rail
  12. well I picked up Water rail and went for a trip around oulton broad, when I approached the yacht station I was waved into a nice mooring spot, and since it would be a shame to refuse, I decided to moor up and spend the rest of the afternoon sorting out places to put everything.
  13. Griff, worst case I have a roll of bitumastic sos tape in my box of bits travelling up with me (and a pot of Brass screws)
  14. you have to remember most of the broads is within half an hours drive for the engineers.
  15. I will be leaving home to head aboard tomorrow morning at 8AM, expecting to arrive around midday, but then my boat is already at oulton broad. might come out for a cruise to find you though.
  16. regardless of all the above factors, the splash will still get you.
  17. sounds just like our lads week, normally 24 of us 4 boats, in october, sailing from pub to pub, sadly reduced numbers this year due to some shielding.
  18. I use the folding crates to transport stores and some other bits, they can then be flattened down after you have stocked the cupboards, squashable bags for clothes, or unpack the clothes before you leave and put the bags in the car, and odd bits in standard carrier bags, which also fold down flat (or can be used for rubbish bags).
  19. question, do you moor outside of any marked channel, (if there is such a thing -thats one spot I have not yet visited but may well try this coming week)
  20. make a point of regularly altering your passwords, many of us (myself included) tend to stick to using the same passwords year in and year out. my only problem now is remembering which of my password protocols I am using for any particular site. if you can set up multi factor authentication, yes its a pain in the bum having to answer the phone every time you log in somewhere, but its better than the alternative. all my microsoft logins (personal and several different ones for work), have this set up for a phonecall then press hashtag.
  21. Not being able to find masks that fit properly, I decided to see if I could get a printable file for one, and yes, the instructions said I might need to scale it up or down by 5% - 10% to get a good fit, I printed it scaled up 25% and while it is tight in 2 areas, otherwise it fits, no wonder none of the commercial available masks fit. I have been experimenting with filter material, I dissected a filter from an industrial ppe mask, and this contains 5 different layers, two are just the covering, but of the 3 filter layers, I can manage to breathe using the thinnest of these filter layers. Where there is a will there is a way. Now all I need is some knicker elastic for the straps.
  22. its taken 2 days to upload 1 days worth of video, without trying to edit the footage and add commentary, plus i really dont have the equipment to record a commentary as i go.
  23. I had a suspicious one from microsoft too- starting with a huge link for each of the hyperlinked words, starting mman.microsoft.com - but I was still suspicious as I could not fit the entire link highlighted into the visible space, so couldnt tell if there was a redirect in the link.
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