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Everything posted by grendel

  1. as soon as my 5v usb boards arrive i will be able to build my own power banks
  2. thats funny i have a similar recipe for lockdown coffee, maybe not so much rum, but it helps not to have to be driving anywhere
  3. maybe due to staff shortages they can only man the place during those hours and have to lock up when the last person goes home.
  4. the problem as I see it is that over winter the cabin fever is slow to set in, fewer people are out and about and as january comes round the topics start the slow digress away from the broads, until about march when suddenly there is an influx of new posts and pictures as people get back to the boats and out on the brads again. well we all know what happened in march, lockdown and suddenly the winter off season has extended by 3 months with no input from holiday tales or news from those out and about, so the normal winter subject divergance has continued, and now centres on the only news coming in to most households, and a depressing lot of news that is too. so please anyone who is able to get out there and do day trips, we need lots of pictures and plenty of holiday tales, no matter how boring so we can get our fix of the broads and normality can stand a chance of returning.
  5. was he a Bussard Ramjet? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bussard_ramjet
  6. please though, not in the grecian style
  7. well i am not overly happy with the symbolism of all those arrows focused inward.......
  8. MM I dont think that reflects tempests views (he may correct me if I am wrong) i think he just posted it for information. having reviewed some of the statues near me the excuses seem tenuous at best - for example one at broadstairs dedicated to a leader of a black and white minstrels group for bringing joy and cheer to everyone, purely because he appeared in blackface -that was an entertainment thing of the time, maybe a reason to allow the council to retire the statue somewhere, but surely not a reason enough to topple it by force. It does beg the question what councils will do with all of these monuments they will be removing, retired to a museum, what if they dont have suitable museum space.
  9. I think my daughter has summed it up quite succinctly, she said , because it is only by listening to them that we can find out what they want, not our interpretation of what they need, what they want. and I think that looking back at this thread, a lot of the comment has fallen into that category (my own included) of forming our own interpretation of what they need, not that of listening to what they are asking for.
  10. if it were possible I would suggest that the two of you got together, shared a pint and chatted to each other, things come across much better face to face.
  11. I have an open mind, i am looking forward to getting back into my office where i can chat with people from a large number of cultures and countries and hear what their opinions are. I am much better at gauging reactions and feelings when chatting face to face.
  12. i would rather see 100 independent voices supporting the same cause than 100 from the same page carefully chosen to support the views upheld on that page. for preference they should be from my own searches so i can be certain of the provenance.
  13. except people carrying bricks and ropes
  14. I have just read a post elsewhere that two of the protestors tried to stop the rioters and were beaten up and given verbal abuse with racist connotations by the thugs. and that the violence was being used to discredit the protest.
  15. well this might be that this should be in the model thread, but lets put it here for now, having recieved the rechargeable lithium cells, and some other purchases it was time to test spot welding the nickle strip to the batteries.
  16. my first memory of buying petrol would have been late 1970's when i could fill up my 1 gallon tank on my moped for less than £1 (about 75p i believe)
  17. Marthams have announced they are starting day boat hire from tomorrow, as a small yard the numbers of boats are manageable as far as cleaning goes I suppose.
  18. unfortunately rent a mob are causing their voice to go unheard, we would listen if we could, but not if we are going to be showered with bricks from rent a mob - they do more harm for the cause than good. the media cover the violent activities and give rent a mob their fame and glory and 5 seconds of gratification, meanwhile any cause is relegated to nowhere due to the violence. how are we to hear the voice if the bricks stop us getting close enough to hear. I think there are plenty willing to listen, and even act, but cant.
  19. maybe this will change at the next relaxation announced as 4th july
  20. for those hiring this is the iimportant passage
  21. even syndicate or shared boats are easier, as there is a limit to the number of users, but it does beg the question if a syndicate member tests positive, then the person who uses the boat after them may need to self isolate for 14 days.
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