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Everything posted by grendel

  1. aww, cute, wants kittenness. No I mustnt, I already have 4 boisterous cats, they would stand no chance against a lion cub.
  2. its better than having to pay the full cost I guess, maybe talk to them and see if you can get a discount due to the fact it was the repair man made it worse, though i guess they have a clause somewhere that will let them out, its always worth asking. you never know, they may knock some off as a goodwill gesture.
  3. standard box making, glue it all up, then run it through the table saw to create the lid with matching grain.
  4. Gentlemen (and ladies) May i remind you that there is a reason that we dont discuss party politics (or any politics that doesnt directly relate to the broads) and that is because tempers get hot and frayed and people start arguing. As Vaughan so rightly points out this thread is for the impact of the virus on the broads, we have another thread that is for discussions of the virus and advice on how to stay safe. While we have allowed a fair degree of tolerance over the direction of both threads we would rather see them sticking to topic and not straying into arguments. if you want to argue those points there are probably much better places to argue them than here. So please can we try and confine our comments to these aspects of the topics, if you really want to argue politics and whether the right ppe was available, then i am sure there are places to do this, here we would just prefer to see how to remain safe, and how its going to affect the rivers, businesses and broads we all love.
  5. Griff thats pretty similar (the after) to the crack i had in my screen, i had to pay the first £50 upfront, but everything after was on the insurance.
  6. it does strike me that if the quality f the ppe had been suitable it would have been used in the country of manufacture, i was always wondering how such a large quantity of ppe was available.
  7. Well lets continue this thread with thins done on non working days, Saturday, shopping day, with a bit extra, my mother in law has sent a list of shopping as well as my own, so this mornings shop took longer (it was more expensive too as i spent a small fortune on tools in lidls, a couple of digital solder stations (i need multiple soldering irons and i had managed to kill one, so i got two, i also picked up a cordless planer plus batteries and charger. Anyway shopping done, it was then time to deliver the shopping to my mother in law, after that a care package of bread flour and porridge oats was delivered to my parents, enough to keep them going for at least another month, i've just got home, so its been a busy morning so far, and the car has had a long enough run to fully charge the battery properly. next to unpackage my new tools and try them out.
  8. so a quite easy day today, i just finished painting the antifoul, and then went on to the boot topping, after doing one side it wasnt too bad, but i went on and used some masking tape from lidls that seemed pretty good for the border with the white, i still have some tidying up between the red and the blue, but the line between the blue and white is fine.
  9. things such as the pyramids, the Parthenon, the Colosseum, and the leaning tower of Pisa you mean, plus many others.
  10. my parents were both still children during the war, living in deal kent, they were within range of the german big guns in france, they were also subjected to bombings, my dad was at school when the germans bombed it, my gran was called in to see if they could identify their children, when called over to a child wearing spectacles as my dad wore them, she was only able to say it wasnt him as the child was wearing the wrong style of shoe, my dad meanwhile had been taken into the smugglers tunnels that ran the length of the town, and was being lead to safety. My mother was walking down the street with a school friend, when a fighter strafed the road they were walking down, and her friend was killed. After these events both were evacuated, my dad only 5 miles further inland. After the war my uncle was among those at christmas island for the atom bomb tests, he got throat cancer and was sent to america for radiation treatment, fortunately this seems to have worked, as he has had no reoccurance, but he still has to get checked up every year.
  11. As is the fact I am starting work at 6am (when I would normally be leaving home for work) and finishing at 3pm, giving me half the afternoon and all evening, normally I wouldnt get home until 6.30-7pm, so I am gaining 3-4 hours a day.
  12. we dont do cheat, besides i have the authentic paint here, from the same tins as the real thing.
  13. basically they are all saying they dont know until Boris announces something.
  14. te last time i got anything that stuck nicely the paint underneath came off with the tape.
  15. Nigel, i seem to have even less luck getting a good line using masking tape, the paint will either run under the tape, or when i lift the tape it leaves a hard edge to the line like a step. i tried using tape on model #1 and wasnt entirely happy, but i have figured how to get a steady rest or straight edge thats not in the way at paint level, so i will give that a try.
  16. last night i made a start on the antifoul, i really do need to practice following lines, its not too bad, but could be better, i have an idea how to improve for when i do the boot topping as really you need a ruler, but of course you cant use a ruler with a paintbrush, but i have worked out a method, you can see here that one half of the hull got a coat of paint last night, so this afternoon after work, the other side was painted and the first half got its second coat, which gives a far better coverage over the white.
  17. I am sure there would be quite a few of us interested. mind you I have a preference for shaft drive on motorcycles, BMW's or even a cx500 (courier bike) (had both of those on the past) I even had the cb400 superdream (that is until some overtaking idiot saw me coming and put his van sideways across the road leaving me nowhere to go and I took up flying.
  18. but surely if less of our own population are flying anywhere, they will be holidaying at home, thus offsetting the loss of tourist income from abroad, similarly those foreign tourists, will be visiting the tourist destinations in their own countries, you surely cant be inferring that more holidaymakers come to england than currently british holidaymakers going abroad?
  19. well boats can drift, so why not forums (see how neatly I dragged the topic back to boats at least)
  20. I think you will find that a corner would contravene the social distancing rules, so it had better be a whole room, better still a field.
  21. well the blocks did the trick, so after work this afternoon i fitted the stern rubbing strip.
  22. Tim, i was unfortunate enough to learn both imperial and metric, up until the age of 11 i worked everything imperial, then we had decimalisation while i was still young enough to learn it, then after school i started working as a draughtsman, we were still at the stage where half of the stuff was still imperial, and half was new metric, so i soon learned to do approximate conversions on the fly in my head. to this day i use the most convenient system, for very small stuff its millimetres, then when it gets bigger i fall into inches, then bigger still feet, but then i will drop easily to metres, and bigger still miles. As you say timber never comes in whole sizes, its always 2" minus a saw cut and planing or a near decimal equivalent. so my trick is to ignore the size it is supposed to be and go with what it measures, if the drawing is in inches i build it in inches etc. but i know 4 foot is 1248mm, 1 foot is 304.8mm, without having to consider anything. a lot of carpentry tools ignore measurements, you set up a marking gauge from both sides to get it centred.
  23. having looked at those more carefully, the majority were where i hadnt fully removed the masking tape.
  24. the answer to both of those is my sister lives just round the corner and is but a phone call away (plus I think she pops by and shouts at them through the porch) so I am happy they can get help if they need to. i wouldnt be able to live with myself if things went wrong, but neither would I if I passed the virus to them trying to help. i am keeping in touch with my sister regularly too, so she will inform me if I am needed, the wish to check on them is really just that a wish and not a necessity as such, I am here if any help is required.
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