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Everything posted by grendel

  1. Day 15 Thursday. today will be interesting, as training is still allowed during furlough, my company is taking advantage of the fact, today I have a 1 hour skype training session, next week we have 2 6 hour training sessions lined up, it will be interesting to see how they will work that one, considering they want us to access our work PC's for parts of it, while still remaining on skype, I can do that, but it will mean I cant see the skype while I am accessing the work PC, i will have to point that out to the trainer, as most people will have the skype and work on the same screen as they have work laptops, for me once I log into work, that takes over my screen and I have to shut it down again to get back to my pc screen. well we are certainly experiencing that ancient chinese curse, and living in interesting times.
  2. well it wasnt my friend who does leatherworking for live role playing and re-enactors, as his is in green
  3. Why, it was a government requirement not to have unnecessary travel, so how is that the Authorities fault, are you getting a rebate on your road tax for not being able to use your car?
  4. today, both sides of the model have had a light dusting of paint, just to cover where I went through the white, i have found light dustings arent as prone to paint mismatch
  5. Today i was playing with tool steel grinding my own lathe tools to work with brass, this general tool seems to have come out quite good, here we start off taking a 0.025mm cut (approx 1/2 thousanths of an inch) and its producing a very nice shaving from the brass, second video going up to .15mm cuts. i also found that a steel die that has turned into a blob of rust, probably cant be recovered with evaporust, though you can see its a die now - to be fair, when i found this set 5 years back there was water in the case and probably had been for a few years
  6. I have seen all methods used Charlie, many years back when i worked for the local electricity board we had a warehouse full of copper cable broken into, the building was fully alarmed, yet when they drove a jcb through the back wall, no alarms were tripped.
  7. maybe someone who belongs to a re-enactment society.
  8. Tim, another favorite shed entry point is the windows, one time they will break in through the locks, the owner upgrades the locks, so they go in through the windows, the owner then puts bars on the windows so next time they bring a saw and create a new door in the wall or roof
  9. What we also have to consider is that the government has actually stepped in to support businesses and people. just over 100 years ago now there was the spanish flu epidemic, many more people died, governments struggled and would not admit there was a problem, businesses had to stand on their own feet and people had to suffer, there was no-one then to bail them out, having just come through the first world war, a lot of the resilience had already been eroded from businesses and people. Just consider how much worse this could have been if the government had not stepped in, the losses people and businesses are currently experiencing would be a great deal worse. businesses would be closing down, people would be going bankrupt.(presuming they survive the pandemic) the company I work for is an essential utility, yet 900 of 1200 staff are currently furloughed, this in reality brings response down to emergency only levels. are other companies going to be in much better a situation?
  10. Day 14 wednesday, well here we are at the two week mark already, yesterday was spent sorting under the work bench and through cupboards, some tools i had forgotten i had came to light, i found a set of taps and dies from way back that were covered in rust, they have gone into a bath of evaporust, for as long as it takes. todays tasks, no ideas yet, i did find an engraving tool that i am looking at for some of the stainless steel lettering on the side of the model, however it really needs to be cut out, that said i also found an old dremel set of tools that included my long lost dentist burrs, which are great for fine detail work on wood. i am about to head back into the workshop to see what needs doing, and apply some dustings of paint onto the newly sanded hull of the model, its still not as smooth as i would like as i was trying not to sand through the white paint layer, but it is a lot better.
  11. That are undoubtedly being considered by the government - hopefully for implementation once restrictions start lifting. Thus at the present time they are no excuse to flout the lockdown.
  12. here is the text from that post from the RYA Which basically says they are discussing the relaxation of the no visit rule with the government, not that they are saying its ok to visit your boat yet
  13. Apparently there is a post circulating on facebook stating that definitive guidance is being sought from key government ministers on the matter of owners being able to check their boats for safety and security, which is a country mile different to the statement quoted in the original post.
  14. Strangely enough i have just looked on the RYA website - https://www.rya.org.uk/newsevents/news/Pages/coronavirus-advice-and-information-for-recreational-boaters.aspx, and can find no such statement, they do say they are making representations to the government, but they dont say what you are saying they have, unless you have a link that quotes them as saying this - from their website
  15. probably busy translating it from Sanskrit.
  16. I reckoned it would take at least 4 days, if he doesnt get out by Friday we should consider sending in the search and rescue teams.
  17. Actually it was MM said that, i quoted it, but i will note it only says walking running and cycling, it doesnt go on to say anything else would be reasonably allowed. and while you might reasonably interpret it how you wished, mr plod might feel differently about it.
  18. sometimes the forum idiots speak more sense than the supposedly sensible people.
  19. who sets the limit though - 5 minutes walk, 20 minutes walk, 5 miles 10 miles, 50 miles, 100 miles . I think that when restrictions start to be lifted, the limits should be set fairly low, then slowly lifted to de restrict movement, unless the govenment set strict distances travel is allowed then you are going to get people who will stretch the boundaries past breaking point, this is one area i dont think should be left open to interpretation.
  20. more tidying of cupboards has progressed, next we need to tackle under the work bench
  21. my digital pictures have been transferred from old hard drive to my server storage as i have gone along, so i have almost everything from way back, there are more backed up on cd from for example y old work pc's personal pictures were saved, my server storage is in a raid format, so recoverable if one hard drive goes down, and a further backup is on another pc. When my ex wifes reat great uncle died, we took the photo albums and packs of negatives and scanned them all in, copies were made on cd or dvd and sent out to all the relatives concerned. also since he was a technician at hurstmonceux he had a whole bunch of photos showing the moving of the Isaac Newton telescope from hurstmonceux to la palma, I took a cd with all of those pictures to hurstmonceux and gave it to them for their records the pictures have also been posted to various other interested parties and webpages, as we didnt want these historic pictures being lost
  22. there are websites out there where you can upload pictures to their geo synchronous locations where they were taken, its on the tip of my brain, i keep thinking but geocaching keeps replacing what i have nearly grasped.
  23. the grinder is back together the sanding is done on the model, time to tidy inside cupboards and generally on lower shelves etc. the plugs came to light this morning when i moved my jigsaw to get a can of oil out, i had picked them up, reached in and got the oil when i looked down and saw what i had in my hand.
  24. the second side has been given a similar treatment, as well as the bottom both sides, though as that is underwater a bit more leeway is allowed there, plus it will be having additional coats of antifoul paint.
  25. Actually the tern heater comes from the shield shape, as a certain shape of shield was known as a heater, though it is thought that the name was taken from the flat iron and given to the shield type by the victorians (yes the same ones that gave vikings horned helmets). from wikipedia-
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