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Everything posted by grendel

  1. well here i am nicely relaxed after 1 hour of yoga (our yoga teacher who came into work one lunchtime a week (and paid for by work) has started doing 3 online classes a week, there were about 20 attendees this morning. its £5 a head, or free if you work for the NHS, but it does keep mind and body healthy, she is doing a free half hour meditation session tomorrow lunch time.
  2. Ditto with Ray, hair clippers, no3 and done mostly by feel (and yes i occasionally miss a bit at the back), but my daughter normally tells me, i have been doing my own for the past 15 years at least and have worn out several sets of clippers in that time.
  3. Day 5, Sunday had a nice lie in today, so up at 5.45am, spent some time browsing the internet, then coffee. I have yoga later this morning so i will be getting the workshop ready for that (just means moving a few bits around to get space) inspection of the paint on the model too, sanding down may need to be done, then it will be normal sunday morning jobs, bins, cat litter dishwasher (actually in the opposite order).
  4. I like to keep busy, did i mention i also usually manage to catch a few youtube videos every day too. I think this is why i get so much done at work, i do a job in the most efficient manner i can find (this is due to my inherent laziness) then have a break, check the forum, then on to the next job.
  5. today has been a lazy day, i decided to watch the dvd i got while shopping (Knives Out), but i did do a small amount of work on the model of Broad Ambition.
  6. So Having cut out the rubbing strakes two have now been sanded down and the outer edges rounded off slightly, meanwhile the cabin roofs have received a first coat of white and the hull has been given a preliminary rubbing down.
  7. besides, i am pretending i am afloat, and the house is the boat, if i think i am mud weighted in the middle of a broad, then lockdown doesnt seem so bad. and with the rain last night it doesnt seem far off the mark. after shopping when i went out to the conservatory, there was a puddle, searching found a section of the rubber seal that wasnt quite touching the roofing sheet, so a bead of silicon was shot in there, i knew there had been a leak somewhere, and its only in really heavy rain like last night and this morning that causes issues.
  8. So as i was asking whether to attach the rubbing stakes before or after painting and was advised that after would be best, i needed to convert some timber to enable them to be cut, so my big block of teak was brought out and some 5mm thick planks were cut out of the large piece, and last night run through the thicknesser to plane the surfaces, so today I thought i would show you how larger pieces of timber are made down to the sizes needed for the model.
  9. my parents got some from a local mill, a neighbour was headed out there and got them some, normally the mill sells 16 kg bags, but because of hoarding they had split them down to 1kg bags and were selling individually.
  10. I have still yet to see any bread flour in the shops, a small amount of plain flour yes, but no bread flour, yet the shop shelves are overflowing with bread.
  11. I am getting into practice for lads week, i am not very good at it yet so will require plenty of practice. besides i have some bottles of rum that need using up. (before some other bu**er drinks them - if my dad spots them they will disappear in a blink)
  12. Day 4 Saturday, After checking the conservatory for leaks, (rain was splashing through the opening roof panel and dripping in it was that hard) roof panels shut and then it was time to go shopping, i didnt fancy having to queue in the rain, as it turned out a lot of people had thought the same so queues werent too bad. still that took all morning, so i have just sat down to have a coffee (with rum) and catch up to the forum.
  13. No disagreement from me here, just that worrying about that is for when this is all over, for those of us that come through this unscathed and healthy, then we can worry about this, at the moment our main aim should be just that, coming through this unscathed and healthy.
  14. my number 6/7 experience was caused by the lack of clutch on a seagull, the result was a submarine experience, and the realisation, I think i am going to need a bigger boat - I did stay in the boat though.
  15. The BA (and every other body) is passing on the Governments message - Do Not Travel Unnecessarily The Government Message is Plain and Clear.
  16. the good bit was watching the film, while on the Arthur Ransome facebook group, Sophie Neville (who played Titty) was interacting and making comments with others who were watching the film at the same time.
  17. just tidying a few odds and ends up after an enjoyable 90 minutes watching the film, here is the vice bolted to the bench, and the model has been brought indoors to carry on curing prior to sanding back tomorrow.
  18. did you bury it for future archaeologists to puzzle over?
  19. at our local allotment someone has been having a go at the allotmenteers and reporting them to the police, even down to harassing them, he lives in a posh new house overlooking them that has no garden, i think he may be jealous.
  20. so an hour spent setting oup the printer across 3 pc's and a tablet, now settling down to watch the 1971 version of swallows and amazons on bbc2
  21. typically since i got a cheap printer last weekend to tide me over, my new colour laserjet has arrived, i ordered it on next day delivery and its taken 3 weeks plus 1 day to arrive.
  22. i saw the range locally was also open the other day.
  23. a quick surface wipe with a domestos wipe should suffice, making sure not to squeeze the wipe to release excess liquid while wiping, but one thing pops up, the only people touching your lightswich should be family members, so surely if one of those has it everything is going to be a problem touching anyway.
  24. I had tried something similar, we have one of those loo roll holders thats like a plastic tube with a round plastic base that holds the spare rolls, that was having none of it, despite plunger action that eventually separated the bottom from the stalk.
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