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Everything posted by grendel

  1. well today saw a nice day outside, one of the first essentials of painting, so model #2 was moved to the new workshop area, masking up and removing things that did not require paint was the order of the day, Once everything was masked up the first light coat of white was applied, this will show up any imperfections in the resin and fibreglass coat that went on before. then it was the turn of the cabin roofs, everything had to be either removed or masked up, fortunately the hinged windscreen parts come off easily by removing the hinge pin. Handrails were removed and labelled so they can o back in the same way they came out. roof parts recieved a first coat of filling primer, they will later get another and when thoroughly dry a sanding. The hull has then had a second thin coat of white, i can already see there are some areas that will need attention.
  2. next task today was getting the model ready for paint, i will cover that more over on the model thread, but i have also found time to finish the reassembly of the vice
  3. Day 3 What a lovely start to the day, first job clear the blockage of the upstairs wc, all i can say about this is that a 5 foot snake thingy isnt the best tool to clear a blockage thats only a foot or so round the bend as it just wants to twist into a knot, but after a couple of minutes just trying to push it further round the bend a quick test flush did the job and its now clear again. on a better note the vice parts are all now wire brushed and have a layer of paint, a couple of small squirts of paint to touch up the bits where they had been sitting and later today reassembly will be possible.
  4. if your local asda sells paint you should be able to purchase it whilst doing your essentials shopping (of course the colour choice will be limited)
  5. the only place i can thing broads wise is the little marina at the end of the new cut, there are power lines there.
  6. so spurred on by my exploits it was back to the vice as the second batch of bits came out from derusting, some quick work with the wire brush tidied them back to bare metal, then i got to thinking the clamp on the vice needed a plate to clamp against, so some time was spent fabricating one on the lathe. the liquid in the tank is looking right orrible now, but i have the last few bits in . last is the brass bit i have made for the clamp plate, it does still need the hole enlarging, but its nearly done.
  7. i always pay as a lump sum for the year so that one wouldnt get me.
  8. I do have to think about what to do next on the model, painting the hull has to be pretty high up on the list, but do i paint it before adding rubbing strakes or after, hmm.
  9. my daughter has tried that, every time she went back in they took things they no longer had in stock out of her order
  10. So continuing the tidying, this corner was piled high, so much i didnt really know what was there, so i went through this morning, finding umpteen multipacks of screws, hooks, rivets fixings, o rings washers etc, they have been put into storage in a cupboard, whats left is a lot tidier, this is a very compact workshop considering there is an L shaped bench, and several large machines, a bandsaw, a pillar drill, a table saw, a thicknesser and a bench drill, we also have a multitude of vices (no the ones for holding things in). anyway once things are tidy, then model work can progress
  11. I can just about see that sport could restart for a televised audience, but not as a gathering for supporters, similarly music concerts. I am sure we will be hearing more about how the lockdown will be slowly reversed over the coming weeks.
  12. I justt dont get Trumps attitude though, it seems he wants to get factories back into production and shops open - great, but then he says he wants to restart sporting events - large gatherings - as they are important, i cannot help but feel that would be an unwise move. my thoughts would be reopen shops, keep the 2m restrictions for now, reopen factories, but some thought may be needed to retain social distancing. reopen workplaces but keep as many working from home as possible, pubs etc might follow later, but its going to be gradual, and large gatherings such as sports should be one of the last things.
  13. so after a quick wire brushing the part is back to proper bare metal, then its time for paint, its a dark grey rust preventative paint from lidls, it was sitting in my paint store cupboard (when they have spray paint i tend to buy a selection.)
  14. Marthams have already moved my may week and we agreed to the last week in july, i have my fingers crossed for that week.
  15. no this process should replace the rust converter stage as thats what it is doing, the rust migrates to the other piece of metal in the tank, next will be a cursory wire brushing and then a coat of hammerite or similar, i think i have a couple of spray cans of lidls best metal protective paint, i am trying to achieve this without having to go shopping, i had thought of using linseed oil, which would dry out like paint would, but we will see, well i will see what i have in the cupboard.
  16. Day 2, And it's time to see how the electrolytic rust removal went, so first thing I looked in the bucket Urgh I hear you say, that doesn't look pretty but what about the part? Well that looks different, a sort of before and after, the top rusty one is the half not done yet.
  17. its the phosphoric acid does the trick with coca cola, and i ave used it in the past for removing rust, however this was something i have always wanted to try.
  18. Actually i thought it was about fishing?
  19. well this is a good sign, rust coloured water migrating to the positive electrode, the part being the negative one, we will leave it overnight and see what occurs.
  20. now to try something i have never tried before, electrolytic rust removal, quick hunt round the house, do i have everything i need, nope, they recommend washing soda, but nope i dont have that, I just need to make the water conduct better, salt would do that, but one of the gasses given off is chlorine, but i did have some epsom salts - bath salts, so lets give that a try, google told me that it is possible with epsom salts so lets give it a try. power from an old battery charger (after i had rewired the plug).
  21. to continue, after i had lunch, it was back into the workshop, i got my wet grinder out and sharpened a few lathe tools, then continued on to do the same for a few chisels i had found just lying about on my bench That done i looked around for another job and spotted this rusty old vice which was promptly disassembled. next job will be to clean the rust off.
  22. no, thats why its in the broadscot lounge - a place to chat about non broads related subjects
  23. Vaughan, as you say, it is social media, everyone has opinions, and as with the rest of social media, it is a very few that express those opinions in an adverse manner, and this spoils things for the vast majority when those with interesting stories to tell shy off because of the criticism of those few. I am sure that there are folks out there who have had bad experiences, and also folks with good experiences, both tend to colour future attitudes towards that experience.
  24. okay so onwards, batteries on charge back out to the workshop to carry on out there, what else do we need - lighting, i had a selection of bulkhead lights, settling in the end for the two 6W led ones, these were just wired in to a plug each and tested, before mounting them above the table and lathe. yes they are different heights one had the wire from the toaster that died at the weekend, and that was as far as it reached. Then attention turned to the lathe, i had taken advantage of an offer for a quick change toolpost and 8 tool holders, this arrived this morning, so has been fitted to the lathe This is useful as the original toolholder would only take 1/4" tools, and this has wider jaws (and adjustable height) enablin tooling up to 1/2" to be held, useful as i got a whole lot of 3/8" with the jewelers lathe.
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