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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I would also think that viewing numbers on the stern of the boat would be impossible as the stern is generally below the quay heading, I could see the point that numbers on the cabin sides might be obscured by the boats moored alongside as viewed from either side of the wet shed, so it could be said that the ranger could not see any of the numbers, either due to the adjacent boats, or because the whole of the transom would not be visible. Sort of makes it a bit pointless to check the boats while they are in the wet shed doesnt it. unless of course they had a target list of boats already in mind.
  2. I think that photo of Ivy Lady also highlights the problem of putting the numbers at that location, ie at the point on the bow with the greatest sheer, at this position and as indicated in the photo they are clear - when viewed from about water level at a distance of about 15 foot, even at this angle the numbers are distorted by perspective and the angle of the sheer. from a position higher up (from the bank or another boat) the angle of the sheer will just make this number less easy to read - a direct contravention of the part in the guidelines that says or the bylaw that requires it to be conspicuously displayed. in similar cases with the transoms of sailing boats the guidelines allow for some degree of re positioning to make the number conspicuous, which is arguably the reason Broad Ambition has them on the cabin side.
  3. Also they say it is to prevent confusion due to boat names being repeated, just how many Broad Ambitions are there?, I suppose it must be because Griff has disguised her by changing the mast. I too disagree with the fact they are only enforcing the rules for some, and that they must enforce them for everyone or not at all.
  4. not to mention the fender line is partially obscuring the number
  5. I cannot help but think that a lot of hire boats also display their reg number on the cabin at the stern, plus pictures I have seen of at least some day boats show their reg numbers on the cabin sides amidships. I will have to have a rough count when I am on the water next week
  6. we get signs down this way saying heavy plant crossing - i waited all day, but apart from a few diggers, no trees went across.
  7. as islander mentioned above, they do issue receipts, he has the receipt for all 4 of his boats on one sheet, since a receipt has been issued, surely that means he should display it.
  8. I agree with you there, must be my bad wording of things again, but I do stand by the fact that by not issuing toll plaques the broads Authority is contravening bylaw 22 on every boat on the broads. (the plaque being the recognised form of the tolls receipt). surely then if the penalty for non display is £1000, then the Authority owes a fair amount to itself for that non display.
  9. you dont have tractor paths - we do down here in kent, running along next to the main road. (there are also colliery cycle paths as wide as the roads down here too.)
  10. I think the thing that stands out to me from this, is that compliance would have been far easier if the Rangers had chosen a better method of handling the issue, rather than just whacking an impersonal contravention notice on the boat, for the owner to find however long down the line, seems to be the wrong way to go about this. I am sure if people had been approached differently the same message could have been passed across in a much better manner, with less aggravation. I do note that the signature on Griffs letter is that of one of the new rangers announced in the minutes linked above by Paladin, so maybe being new to the post they did not realise that just about anyone would recognise Broad Ambition anywhere. I am sure if Griff had been sent a letter explaining in a nice manner, things would have been dealt with accordingly. that and the fact that the guidance leaflets that the broadcaster said would be issued with the toll reciepts dont seem to have been, would i think leave them on a sticky wicket legally, as if you have not received the guidance pamphlet, and been specifically informed before they issue a contravention notice, how were you supposed to know?
  11. I tend to agree with MM on one point here, by targeting the highly visible boats, they get cannot then be accused of favouritism, but on the flip side, the boat has been fine for 53 years with the numbers displayed as they are, guidelines are just guidelines, the bylaws are enforceable, the question is does the positioning of the numbers on the cabin side comply with the near the bow part of the bylaws. then again are not the Broads Authority themselves committing an offence against the bylaws, by no longer issuing a toll plaque, they are ensuring nobody is in compliance with bylaw 22, can they in all honesty prosecute someone for contravention of the bylaws when a registration number has been clearly displayed, but they have not issued a toll plaque which should also be clearly displayed under the same bylaws.
  12. MM we are talking about a Yorkshireman here you know.
  13. Add a bow sprit and put the numbers on that - 2m from the front end (nb you might need waterproof glue)
  14. I know I have the scarred knees to prove it too. (thats how I know when its time to trim their claws.)
  15. I nearly had a collision with the sports car in front when a tractor coming the other way did this in front of us turned left and the back 20 foot of trailer swung across blocking the whole road, we both locked the brakes up, and I could have sworn I touched his bumper with mine, but we could find no evidence of the fact after.
  16. I always struggle to find a pair of casual long trousers, as I mostly wear shorts through the whole year (I do have an uncle that was a postman after all).
  17. it may be nice where you are but here we have horrendous rain.
  18. I submit that a lot of the day boats have the numbers on the superstructure of the boat, and a lot of hire boats have the numbers on the bow, further back than the 2m guidance, just to get the numbers away from the bow sheer and readable.
  19. I would suggest that positioning within the guidelines stated on a vessel with a pronounced sheer at the bow, such as Broad Ambition has, would make them less visible that they are at present I suggest that the above quote is just based upon their interpretation of the bylaws, and that a court of law might have a different opinion (on a case by case basis).
  20. the February broadsheet did indeed have a section on registration numbers - this also infers that guidelines have been sent out to toll payers, once again (as I dont own a boat, I would not know if this was actually done) I would suggest if this is not the case they cant enforce it.
  21. this paragraph seems to indicate that a document expressing the correct positioning and usage of the registration numbers has been issued to all toll payers, I suggest if this is not so, that any action they take could be challenged.
  22. I see that they have recently produced a document on this (January this year) http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/1446355/Display-of-Registration-Marks-nc170119.pdf I do wonder if they have issued notice to all owners regarding this new interpretation of the regulations. (and whether it would be upheld in court considering the actual wording they have quoted in the initial paragraph, also they have stated their 'interpretation' of that wording, which to my mind is not the only interpretation that could be made). bylaw 16 which they quote is worded -
  23. well that was what I was wondering, with Broad Ambition, would the number be clearer where it is, or on the angle of the hull next to the name? I suggest it is perfectly clear where it is, against a contrasting colour, on the angle it would be less visible from the side - see below, you can clearly read the number from the side, whereas the name on the angle isnt as easy to read.
  24. der - what else? maybe Charlie should paint the numbers on similar to MTB 102 so they can read them (but I guess they would still be in the wrong place).
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